What you should know about discus

discus are ace fish and not as tricky as people make out but some can occasionally test your patience with an unwillingness to eat no matter what

I currently have about 12 I think in my set up with altums and plecs. They feed on pellet food as well as beefheart from Chens discus which is the best food I have ever fed them and which has got them eating and growing like weeds
Yea mine don't even like beefheart or turkeyheart; the real issue is getting them off of blackworms. I constantly worry they are eating too many black worms.
I finally got mine to eat flakes. The only flakes mine likes are Tetra Color Select Tropical Flakes. It took me almost two months before I could get him to finally eat it. He was only eating frozen bloodworms before that.
I finally got mine to eat flakes. The only flakes mine likes are Tetra Color Select Tropical Flakes. It took me almost two months before I could get him to finally eat it. He was only eating frozen bloodworms before that.
Yea i'll get more aggressive switching them to better foods in a few months - right now they are a little thin - one died i think from starvation but i'm not sure. As mine are wc it could have been something else (I had it 6 months before it died); the others are doing much better since i've trippled their worm feeding and are showing better bodies (I also dosed them for worm with expel but i'm not 100% sure it did a lot). Anyway till at least late october i'll feed them their tripple dose of worms and then try to ween them to more algae based foods.
Yea i'll get more aggressive switching them to better foods in a few months - right now they are a little thin - one died i think from starvation but i'm not sure. As mine are wc it could have been something else (I had it 6 months before it died); the others are doing much better since i've trippled their worm feeding and are showing better bodies (I also dosed them for worm with expel but i'm not 100% sure it did a lot). Anyway till at least late october i'll feed them their tripple dose of worms and then try to ween them to more algae based foods.
I use Seachem GarlicGuard mixed in the food whenever I want to stimulate their appetites. I used that to get them to start eating the flakes. Eventually I got my finicky eaters to eat the flakes.

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