From The Bay To The Reef

Looks nice rock - how much did you get?

Make sure it is far enough away from the glass that you can get your magnet cleaner down there :good:

I like rock that is higher up, but that is just my taste, others like it lower - main point is do you like it :rolleyes:

Seffie x

ps turn your spray bar round a bit more so that is creating more turbulance :good:
At the mo there's 12kg, not including the rubble in the filter. Think it probably needs an extra 4-5.

It's hard to see but I tried to give space for the livestock to go through the stones, whilst still retaining plently of flat space for corals.

I might get some egg crate to raise it all up a notch or too.

Might have a re-arrange tomorrow - there's some really good right-angled pieces I've laid flat.
I had 17 in mine and it was just right :good:

Bet you change the scape at least another x 2 :lol:

Seffie x
Sweet! Looking good! I like your style. I changed my rocks around like 100 times!

You going live sand or regular? I went live sand personally but many people say it's a waist of cash. Totally your call.
Might have to upgrade it, might help with the clarity of the water.

I've got something to admit - I've been re-arranging my rock.

Sand - hmmm, dunno. Might go LS, after all in the grand scheme of things it's not much of an additional cost.

Does anyone know what the power is at the stock return pump?

I up graded to the eheim 1000, its loads better but not the major upgrade I was hoping! If I could do it again I would def go with the maxi jet 1200. I've had a look on the stock pump and it looks like it is 750lph, but cant be sure.
It seems to really struggle getting the water circulating. There seems to a dead zone at the top of chamber 4.

Has anyone else noticed this?
yeah man the stock pump is buckaroo! I would def change you have a powerhead like a koralia in there? when I installed mine I found the water cleared up faster. But I had put in my live sand also and it was really murky! for about 24 hours
err, yes.


Hey, hey - me another 5 keys of rock!

Run out of epoxy - any other ideas for attaching?
I tested evry 48 hours but I know lots of people test every day.

More rock, thats great. cant wait to see the photos :good:

I didn't use anything to stick my rocks together

Seffie x

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