Fluval Vicenza 180

yeah easily. look nice too, always in a tight school and if you dont like them, you can post to me :D
Lol. I love them, just wouldn't have thought that 15 would have been do-able! I was worried about adding 2 more harlequins! Lol.
Are all the juvi bristlenoses staying? I think that's where you'd fall down...if you're only keeping one or two, then I think you could up the cory numbers and the harlequins numbers, if you're keeping all of them, then I'd leave the harlequins as they are and up the cories to 6.
No, will be chucking a couple in the 125 that i am setting back up :blush:

So Cories to 6 and harlequins to 12? :/
He's fully grown Caz. 6" He isn't a big 'un.

Bare in mind i have just removed 3 Juvenile BN's, 2 adult Angel Fish, 2 adult Thomasi, 3 adult Platies and about 5 snails.

The Bronze Cory are growing on so will get added probably around January.
What other fish do you like?

Rummy noses are wonderful fish, I really miss mine :sad:

You could do 2 shoals of 12 to start and then add to them if you felt able. It's much easier to add to shoals than to remove from them lol.
Unsure. I think the tank has alot of the same kind of colour, so thinking of another shoal of something. Tizer also suggested Rummynoses... :hey:

Just feeling the need for blue, but i know neons or cardinals will end up dying off within a week. :(
Yeah that's why I said it! :lol:

What about something like midnight emperor tetras. Black with blue eyes. Very striking in a shoal. Didn't you have cardinals in here before? I can't remember!
Not in this one no.

Was considering Purple Emperor's? Maybe 4-6? That would keep the stocking down too as i believe they don't need to be in a massive shoal as they're not particularly good at schooling anyway?!

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