I've seen some setup as pico reefs and they look great.
I'll see how they look when they've finished melting and have got a decent amount of new growth but I'm thinking I might replace the larger crypts at the back with some taller Java fern maybe needle or narrow leaf? so I've got something more upright at the back.
I'll see how they look when they've finished melting and have got a decent amount of new growth but I'm thinking I might replace the larger crypts at the back with some taller Java fern maybe needle or narrow leaf? so I've got something more upright at the back.
Haven't you got some Java Fern on a rock to the left.Why not try that back where it was to start with? i kinda liked it there in the first place.Needle leaf would look good to.Just a thought.
New moss can do this, i wouldn't worry to much about it. The lighting is a little to much as well, i'd drop that to 8-10 hrs. Are you using any liquid carbon??
Also, have you thought about some Crypt Balansae at the back?? They do get long but will look nice at the back.