Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
Ive heard of people actually taking the food out of there gills if they choke. But that would stress it out. Plus just like Ski said "Its rare"
Hahahahaha, That was funny..loland you'll have a fish with bad breath
sorry couldn't resist
Ahhh I see, thanks Ski, the smartie I hope that will work, since my clown is sooo picky icky.Ok, stop trying to feed him other foods. When you feed brine shrimp, start soaking it in a little garlic extract from the supermarket before feeding. Start slow and then increase the amount of garlic you soak it in gradually. This will get the fish used to the taste of garlic. Then, after a couple weeks of eating garlic brineshrimp, try throwing some other foods in there along with the brineshrimp (and of course garlic). Sometimes the fish gets so used to eating garlic that he'll just munch on anything that tastes like it
1) What do I need to check, so that I can have corals? I checked nitrite, nitrate, ph, ammonia, sg, and temp all is good. But what else do I need to check? (thats the big noob questions, please help)
2) Is adding a sixline, a coral, and 4 snails too much to add at one time?
Thanks Mr. Miagi
1) How bout a xenia or a bubble tip?
2) So alkalinity and calcium are all I need to check for and that's it?
3) Also what are good params for nitrate and ph levels for corals?