Fishheaded's Nano Tank

Ewww Arizona?! You must be a lizard. I can't stand the heat over there. Even Texas' weather sucks ass. Its stickkyy. You can break your L.R in small pieces and send em' to me.
yeah ok so us UK people have better LR :D . It rains 360 days a year here the other 5 are divided as 2 of some sort of dribble that is allegedly called snow but is more like well mush :X and 3 of what is meant to be something called sunshine.Its quite odd actually these 3 days a year all the grey in the sky seems to be rubbed out and replaced with a blue haze and what appears to be a big ball of fire that forign people tell me is actually the sun but seeing as we never see it no one knows what its sorry its far to early for me to be up but needs must lol off to work an all, but seeing as i now work in a LFS that unfortunately only deals in fresh water :-( but hey its nice work lol. :blush:
Ok, I know BTA's wouldn't be suitable for a 10g, but I think BTAs and Bubble coarls are different correct? I want a bubble coral, would it be okay in a 10? And here is a pic of it off of liveaquaria:
maybe ive always heard they are a bit of a pain and grow very fast and can soon overwhelm your tank not quite sure though. but yer if all that i just said is tosh then dont see why not if lighting is good enough

You posted the same question on NR lol. I like to stalk. As they said on NR there both diffrent corals.
LOL, I know I just like to get replies quick. And plus I always like to hear what Ski has to say, cause I know he knows what he is talking about. :good:
You posted the same question on NR lol. I like to stalk. As they said on NR there both diffrent corals.
LOL, I know I just like to get replies quick. And plus I always like to hear what Ski has to say, cause I know he knows what he is talking about. :good:

Yeah he's too smart. But he is old so I guess that gives him a reason to be -_- But Lynden is smart and hes only 15 :blink: . Not Fair :(
Hehe, thanks guys. I'm a big fan of bubble corals, especially toothy bubbles. They generally grow slowly and pale in comparison to mushrooms or palythoas for growth rates. They can be aggressive, but their reach is not very far from their flesh. If you have decent lighting (PCs or greater) they're hardy as far as corals go. Dont need special feedings or anything fancy other than proper water parameters.
Hehe, thanks guys. I'm a big fan of bubble corals, especially toothy bubbles. They generally grow slowly and pale in comparison to mushrooms or palythoas for growth rates. They can be aggressive, but their reach is not very far from their flesh. If you have decent lighting (PCs or greater) they're hardy as far as corals go. Dont need special feedings or anything fancy other than proper water parameters.

Sweet, I'll definitely be getting one. :D They are cool. :nod:
My xenia looked like it was getting too much flow, because it was always swaying to the left, but now I moved the powerhead to point upward and now it doesn't sway anymore.
Here is a video of the xenia before I moved the powerhead:¤t=DSCF0360.flv
Here is a video of the xenia after I moved the powerhead:¤t=DSCF0364.flv

1) are xenias suppost to stay still or swish and sway?
2) my xenias aren't really pulsating anymore, but they are opened, should I be worried?
3) is my tank getting enough flow since I moved the powerhead to point upward?
4) will the xenias stem straigten on its own or do I have to move it for it?
Here is a pic:
1) either or
2) as long as they aren't srinking I wouldnt worry. When they stop pumping and shrivel there's usually something wrong with your pH or salinity
3) the amount of flow doesnt change, just where it is concentrated. keep an eye out for deadspots
4) It'll straighten if it wants to ;). Sometimes they grow aqkwardly
I just spent the last hour reading this thread, and I have to say your tank is AWESOME. I'm a newbie to SW, so this thread has helped me a lot, especially because I want a nano. I know they're tougher and only for experts. But, I wanna become an expert, and I figure firsthand experience is the best way to get there. I love your clownfish, especially. He's prettyful :wub:. Good job!

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