Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
The clown better watch its wrasse then
. Post pictures please! I would love to see the xenia.

The clown better watch its wrasse then . Post pictures please! I would love to see the xenia.
Xenia can take anywhere from hours to a couple days to open up. If it doesnt, that could be a sign that your pH or salinity is out of whack . Lots of reefkeepers (myself included) use Xenia as a kind of saltwater Canary. Just like Miners used to use canaries as signals to when deadly gasses were being releaded in a mine (canaries would pass out from CO poisoning before a man), Xenia will close up when parameters in the tank are way out of whack.
When my refractometer drifted on me my Xenia let me know by closing up. I was up to 1.029sg and didnt know it, thankfully I brought water in to my LFS for testing and they found out I needed to re-cal the hydrometer
Lol, nevermind about the xenia opening and closing, hence the name "pulsating coral"Haha, but I still want to know what that cobweb type stuff on my LR? Well I repositioned my xenia, it was on the substrate, but then I moved it upward more, onto my LR, in a little crevice. Does it matter that the xenia's stem isn't straight up, because I think it is tilted. Got some questions:
1) how do you attach corals onto LR?
2) how would I know if my xenia is getting too much or too little of flow?
3) why is it so much smaller then it was at the fish store?
Sorry for such noob questions. I'll post pics as soon as I get a better camera.
Also the sixline is awesome!I think him and the ocellaris clown are buddies.
They tend to swim near each other, usually not farther then 1 inch apart.
Lol, nevermind about the xenia opening and closing, hence the name "pulsating coral"Haha, but I still want to know what that cobweb type stuff on my LR? Well I repositioned my xenia, it was on the substrate, but then I moved it upward more, onto my LR, in a little crevice. Does it matter that the xenia's stem isn't straight up, because I think it is tilted. Got some questions:
1) how do you attach corals onto LR?
2) how would I know if my xenia is getting too much or too little of flow?
3) why is it so much smaller then it was at the fish store?
Sorry for such noob questions. I'll post pics as soon as I get a better camera.
Also the sixline is awesome!I think him and the ocellaris clown are buddies.
They tend to swim near each other, usually not farther then 1 inch apart.
1) superglue gel. Even dries underwater and is non-toxic
2) its hard to give xenia too little flow. if you give it too much flow, it'll look like its ready to blow over in the wind
3) either it likes your light better, or its still just stressed.
Okay, nevermind. I guess the sixline has to produce the cobweb to protect itself when it's sleeping. Well I got some pics with my horrible camera, I'll post better ones when I get a better cameraYeah, cause I tried putting the xenia on the LR twice now, and he keeps getting blown off or jumping off onto the substrate (landed on same spot twice). Also what is the cobweb looking like stuff, I think my sixline is producing it but I have no idea?
ski bit off topic but ReefScience has the best live rock i have ever seen .
Also the brits have to pay like $12 bucks a pound for live rock
It can/will move as it grows. Btw, your tank looks GREAT. I'm so jealous of you Brits, we get horrible quality LR compared to yours. Stupid laws.