First Marine Tank :)

The conches are really cool little dudes - what cuc have you got currently?

Yeah the red cyano is usually a combination of flow - how much you got? over feeding, check phosphates? Lights on too long?

I wonder why there is such a difference in prices for RO units - could you ship one from the uk? However the last one you showed would be fine :good: How much does RO water cost, maybe you could sell it?

Seffie x
Haha. RO is pretty much the same as NSW. 5-8 bux for 25L drum refill. Kinda steep IMO.

Flow in the tank is 3000L/h return pump about half way so about 2000L after head loss, Plus 2 x 3000L/h pumps. So 3000 +3000 + 2000 = 8000. Tank is 250L, about 200ish after rock + substrate. But another 50 in sump. So call it 250.

8000 / 250 = 32 times turn over approximately. So flow should be good right?

Must be phosphates :\ Time for a water change. Only have about 50L of NSW at the moment. And no RO left :\ Will have to go to shops on monday. Will check my phosphate levels tomorrow after i come home from the city, got to take the girlfriend out :)

Oh and lights are on 9 hours. And moonlights till i go to bed. Hoping 9 hours isnt to long as thats the times im home most :p 2pm-11pm lol. Overfeeding is probably right :p Trying to get my #41#### clowns to eat. Oh forogt ot say this! They ate flake today! A ton of it infat. THey have learnt to associate me with food :p I stand near tank pull lid of and boom their at the top trying to remove my fingers lol.

Also Cuc consists of 2 peppermint shrimp that i no longer see since introducing fish, hope their alive..... And 10 x micro hermit crabs. Go back a page or two to find their scientific name :p
Ah no snails, you need snails :good: sand sifting for the diatoms and turbos for the rocks etc.

Enjoy the time out with the girlfriend

Seffie x
Thanks going to see a 3d movie about reefs! Shes such an awsome girlfriend :)

Hmm turbos :\ Ive heard alot of stories of tem knocking over rocks, even tho mine is pretty stable im pretty keen on that not happening so i dont end up with a ton of damage to the upstairs and downstairs of our house. Dad would cook me in the oven and eat me :D

Need to find some other snails though.

Are star fish part of a Cuc? I'd like one of them :D
Ive got huge mexican turbos and they have never knocked over rocks, think that is pretty unlikely :blink:

Most stars will not do well in anything smaller than a five footer but how about a tuxedo urchin?

Seffie x
I hear that turbos bulldoze corals and rocks, main reason i stayed away from them lol. Maybe your turbos over there are calmer then our agro ones? :p

I really like these strange looking critters :p That tuxedo urchin is cool too :p Any others? ha ha

Is there much difference between turbo snails and mexican turbo snails? Or are turbo snails just used to describe turbo snails in general? I may get a few, as they eat the algaes ive got :p
The tuxedo is really very funny, their spikes are like velcro and so they get things stuck on them!!


This is mine

You need snails that live in the sand, like vibex and ceriths, they have little 'trunks' that stick out of the sand like conches

Seffie x
Can ceriths and turbos mix together in the tank?

i can source both of these pretty cheap. $2 a piece i think it was.

How many of each would be enough? 5? 10?
Yes they can be kept together - you will need quite a few ceriths if they are the very small ones, start with eight and see how you go, if they are the bigger ones get about five. Buy about four turbos if they are the small ones, you can always add more later, if the big mexicans, get two

Seffie x
Ok thanks alot seffie.

Any other cool members for the clean up crew? Like the tuxedo urchin? and that conch? Pretty cool looking to me :D
Oo i saw those in anther guys post. Wonder if i can get a hold of those here.

Really sucks being in aus with the insane quarantine laws on all live animals. Tough to get a lot of things.

Ok thanks sephie, will take a look around see waht i can find.

Any fish suggestions? I really havnt thought about them much lately :p Scouting for a pulsing xenia right now. Would love one of those.

Am considering ging fragging a go with my sinularia :p But i feel to bad to cut, its still pretty small. About 4 inches in height roughly, compared to like 2 when i bought it lol. And smaller one is also 3-4 inches long, bought it at 1inch high :D
Probably got to be a goby or a blenny :good:

The first time you frag, is :crazy: but it really is not hard, cutting softies is a bit like when you cut the end off flower stems. I would leave yours for now though, give it a while to get settled.

I would have thought you would have native britle stars :good:

Seffie x
Havnt looked into it to be honest. We probably do. But our laws are pretty strict anad getting licences to collect form our reefs is #41#### hard. So not many stores tend to try it. I will give finding some britlle stars, snails, conches a go. Will check ou the abalone snail in the morning, getting tired now.

Goby or blenny. Ok will serach up on them in the morning too :)

Thanks for all your help :D Still think that urchin looks awsome lol.

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