Fish Addict
Ok everyone, thanks to our wonderful crazy crab lady (says that on her profile hehe), she has taken a stab in the dark and appears to be correct. The crabs appear to be Diogenes Pugilator. Which are in fact very small crabs
Their carapace size is a maximum of 5-6mm. So they will stay small 
It also appears that my whiskers/duncan coral ahs popped a new head open! I now have 21 heads! Had 20 previously. Yay!
That food i put infor the corals (phyto, zooton, and reef snow) must really help
The head was not there last night!
My coral beauty (still needs a name, suggestions?
) is picking away at rocks eating something
He cruises from one side to the other picking at the rocks, looks quite cool lol. Maybe i will call him vacuum
I am hoping he will start coming out from the rocks soon as he settles in.. He comes out but only for a few seconds before he dashses back into the rocks.
Also is it normal for clowns to dig a pit? Mine seems to have dug out a pit behind the arch against the back glass lol. Should i put my Euphillya ancora close to my clowns section to see if they will host it? I see some people have had success getting hte coral to host the clowns
Or should i wait a bit longer then get an anemone for them to get their wild behaviour hapenning! How long should i wait for a nem?
It also appears that my whiskers/duncan coral ahs popped a new head open! I now have 21 heads! Had 20 previously. Yay!
My coral beauty (still needs a name, suggestions?
Also is it normal for clowns to dig a pit? Mine seems to have dug out a pit behind the arch against the back glass lol. Should i put my Euphillya ancora close to my clowns section to see if they will host it? I see some people have had success getting hte coral to host the clowns