Its been a while since my last update, so I thought id come do an update for anyone interested in the tank still
Since last post, a lot has happen. Phosphate reducer added, down from 0.6 to 0.4 so far.. Getting there slowly. New live stock added. And im sure a bunch of other things

Oh and I found the source of clicking in the tank, a pistol shrimp!
Have also moved house a week ago, and tank was moved and rescaped etc. Lots of effort and few sore days but it went good overall. However, sadly I lost my male mandarin a day or two after the tank move. Not sure why, parameters were all good and his colour was perfect still. Not sure what happen, probably just the stress of moving. Moved past that now. I will get another male in the future some time, but for now mandy the female mandarin will be on her own for a while. I also sadly lost one of my peppermint shrimp, sucks as they were breeding consistently.
The mother colony of goniopora is not taking to the move so well, hasn't opened up to much in the last week. But im hoping it pulls through the move!! The frags seem to be going well still though
I also found a strange, yet cool looking creature the other night when using my torch to spot creatures!

It is probably a nudibranch or sea slug of some sort?

Anyone able to ID it? Will post this elsewhere for an ID too
Purchased a red line cleaner shrimp as I have wanted one for quite some time

He has settled in nicely so far

Have also added a lawnmower blenny (not sure on exact species). I quite like the look of the blenny! Not your usual one, refer to pics. The blenny was named by me and the girlfriend as Johny The Blenny, named after John Howard for his bushy eyebrows
The tank has come a long way since the beginning!

Im quite happy with it all!
Thats about all i can think of right now. So on with the pics!!
Let the pictures begin!
The frag rack is becoming more and more filled:
Red Line Cleaner Shrimp Just Chilling :
Red Line chasing some mysis:
The blenny - Look how fat he is!:
Johny The Blenny - I like his pattern and the blue spots quite alot! Looks awesome:
The creature I saw which I have no ID for yet: Can you id it?
And finally a full tank shot to show the tank in its current state. This was taken shortly after lights came on once the tank was moved. So most corals are not quite open yet. Dated 22/03/2011: