Not with daily top ups! Its not THAT shallow

Oh and i cant turn the sump because my skimmer will not fit in the other section :\ Never using a 2 foot sump again, didnt think that one through! But sorted it atleast.
Have fixed it either way. No more bubbles at all! I lifted the return pipe a little higher in the tank so it only pulls out about an inch of water depth at most. Keeps me an inch from the top of the sump (so lower then before!), and its high enough to have 0 bubbles! Took a bit of playing around with, but ive done it.
#41#### good spot I totally forgot but te return pump holder, what is the alternative to that? :\ I think it is aluminium though, does that make it better? :\ Not sure on an alternative
Got some updated pics for you guys. Got a decent shot of the coral beauty! With the clowns in the background

Will be at the end of this post
I also fed the tropic marin phyto plankton, reef snow and zooton to the tank about 20-30 minutes prior to main lights going out, moon lights have been on for about half an hour. Usually all the corals are shut by now, they are all open! They MUST really like this stuff! Especially the goni!! Its usually first to close up, but seems to have spread even more since i put it in the tank haha. Good sign that im happy to see, even if it is an extra cost. I am more than happy to pay for it as the coral seem to love it
Man the goni and the Euphyllia ancora are very very very cool looking in the moonlights. TV is off so i can sit in darkness with the moonlights on
Anyway without further a due, pictures!
The crew!
Coral Beauty:
The sump now, left the writing to show you the height difference.
Just got one question guys and girls, does it normally take Euphyllia parancora a while to open up completely? It is open, but dad says it was alot bigger at the shop, said you could not tell the shape of the rock when it was open. I know its probably getting used to the tank, but would just like to make sure... So is this normal?
P.S - Anyone want to suggest a good name for the coral beauty? We are stuck on a name for him/her!