First Marine Tank :)

2.15 am. Got to be up at 9am.

Darn this addiction :D Im gonna be tired tomorrow night!

Bed time is the real time right now :D

Any more suggestions on some Cuc, corals, fish, tank set up, etc etc would be good to read in the morning :D
Hehe. I was gone before you posted.

Did a 50L water change today. Phosphates were 0.5 (im pretty sure... tough to decide on the API kit) according to my API kit. Will test hte water later on tonight as im #41#### tired after my day out and changing the water upstairs! :p
Ok got around to testing my water. My phosphates went upto 0.5 on my API test kit (god i hate this thing!), did a 50L water change, and its dropped back down to 0 which is a positive. Been getting some cyano and diatoms around the tank.

Also decided to test phosphates of my tap water, and returned as 0... Does this mean my tap water is good enough to use for top ups?

Found a private seller selling this ro unit, comes with DI too (can pick it up ASAP should i choose it):

Is this unit any good? Seems good on paper... Small, cheap, just what i need. Even comes with tap connection :p
Looks fine to me - bit small and will take ages to make water, but what the heck! You will still need two ball valves so that you can keep the membrane wet at all times

Seffie x
Hmm how do i go about setting this thing up hahaha. I might go buy it, he is asking $150 but i recon i can drop it a little.

I only need a few L's a day just to keep the water levels topped up. I intend on buying NSW either way. Costs me the same as mixing myself with less effort :p

And i can just keep it going by filling up one of my drums, or that stoarge tank that comes with it will suffice well enough.

Man i haven o idea how to set this thing up, will need to google it :\

Is it really necessary for me to use RO/DI unit. My tap water contains 0 phosphate..
If only it was just phosphates that we have to worry about :crazy: The RO unit takes out a lot more than that, heavy metals for one :blink:

Seffie x
Hmm how do i go about setting this thing up hahaha. I might go buy it, he is asking $150 but i recon i can drop it a little.

I only need a few L's a day just to keep the water levels topped up. I intend on buying NSW either way. Costs me the same as mixing myself with less effort :p

And i can just keep it going by filling up one of my drums, or that stoarge tank that comes with it will suffice well enough.

Man i haven o idea how to set this thing up, will need to google it :\

Is it really necessary for me to use RO/DI unit. My tap water contains 0 phosphate..

Is it second hand?

If not - how old is the membrane? how old is the DI resin? etc etc How old is the prefilter?

A lot of the time, the replacements can cost a good 50% of the unit overall - if not more.

Setup is simple - but this seems to have some electronic control which most people don't use often, it handles the flushing of the membrane (basically by pass the flow restrictor) and the pressure - I assume this will help keep the membrane wet too.

You won't need the storage tank - that's for point of use(drinking) systems which wouldn't use DI anyway (so strange combo).

I guess the storage tank could be handy for an auto top off system.
No its a brand new unit. Guy said it was to big for his alocated spot. So needs to sell.

Storage tank can become my Top up tank :p I think i will go ahead and buy it. Illtalk him down in price an get the receipt for warranty too :p Saves me paying 300 if that shoud last for a while :)

Anyone knw how bad it would be to use my tap water for a top up? Cant get to shop till wednesday for RO water (2 days). It has 0 phosphates, and 5 nitrates. acording to my API kits :D
There is more than just Phosphates - so I would say no - if you're starting to get desperate, filtered rainwater? Depends on the rain quality though (pollutions etc).

It sounds like this system tries to maintain an even pressure in the storage tank - thus, when you "use" water fron it, it will automatically refill. Which is better than what most people do, where most people would just top up the auto top off tank :p

You'll need some way of getting water from this storage tank into your main/sump - the electronic way would be to use a float switch (2 for redundency) and a pump in your topoff storage, although you cannot do that.

Because it maintains pressure, a mechanical method would work easily, a float switch in your sump - drilled in the side might be best but there are ways of doing it without - and you're done.
Ok im just going to invest in an RO unit.

These darn things are hard to larn how to they work without it infront of me...

Does this system seem good enough? I may invest in the system off the actual manufacturer, with a TDS meter and delivery. It will cost me 212 dollars... Wonder if that is reasonable.... Seems good enough for me.

Can these things be installed temporeraly on something like a wooden plank for example, and removed when not being used? Or would that damage it? Not sure where i can attach it without it being in the way...

Coral Beauty angel is still ignoring the nori :( Maybe he is afraid off the pvc pipe, i may rubber band it to a rock and see how it goes. Would it be okay to leave a small strip of it attached to a piece of rock overnight?
You can leave it out temp, although if this unit controls the pressure in the tank, you will need to "plumbed" together, but just sitting on the floor somewhere (insulated from extreme heat or cold) will be okay.

As Seffie says, try and keep the membrane wet, which is easy if you can tap it off, although keeping the water from running out will do so long as you don't get too much evap :p
Ah man im to confused about this. I think ill do more reserach on these things before i buy anything :\

Off to take some pics and then feed my fish and corals :) Back soon.

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