Cuban Delight

nice vid Steve, everything looks really healthy mate. :good:
Ish mate lol the dark patches in the HC is BBA and there's a little on the needle fern in the middle but other than that everything is fine and the fish seem to love it, esp the Danio's in the jungle part. :) I love it because both shoal but in different areas, the Lamp Eye's stay up top to mid and the Danio's stay mid to low. The Pygmy Cory is now an honorary Danio too, he shoals with them and follows them everywhere lol.
We have an Aponogeton Crispus Red now, put it in last night, was kind of brown when it turned up but after 1 day its started to get a little colour :).

Sorry about the shots, its the day before the weekly water change and I couldn't be bothered to turn the filter off but it looks great in there up the back corner in the current. Adds a little bit of colour to the back left corner above the Microsorum and lucky me, when I pulled of the mineral wool it has 2 little runners coming off so I may have 3 of these in a couple of months. Soon as it really gets red I'll add some decent pics, well once I get rid of the BBA too.



Hope you like guys.
just be aware that it might loose it's old leaves Steve. Great plant though, it's the only plant i kept from my old tank.
Yeah it is beautiful Ian, Prob one of my favs now. Forgot to add these other stock shots i just managed to catch too while I had the camera out.



Short vid of pearling yesterday, sorry about the X factor in the background lol.

Nice video mate, love to see plants pearling.... i do see what you mean about the BBA in the HC though.
Yeah I know, bit of a pain at the moment, good thing is it's just had a haircut there so soon it will be bright, lush and overtake the BBA lol, which with the new extra Excel should get rid of it, started dosing extra yesterday and some has gotten shorter from the look of it on the Fissidens.
and a very worthy winner. Well done mate. :good:

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