Cuban Delight

Cheers mate, I got some CRS in here now so if I spot them later I'll throw up some pic's, only got 5 so might be hard to spot them at the moment.
Few update pictures and questions guys and gals, I've had some algae problems, BBA to be precise, I've been over dosing Excel for a couple of weeks and its stopped in its tracks and now I'm waiting for it to die off, I spot dosed it all last night and some has gone blue (see pic's) is this it dying?

Also if you have been following you'll notice the rocks and Helferi on the right has gone as I want the HC to just carpet the whole lower part now so the eye is drawn towards the dense foliage more, I reckon a month max to get it filled in. Also after waiting a month for the GSA to run its cycle I took out the rocks, scrubbed off the dead stuff and moved the angles of them .

Hope you like and can help. :)



One of the CRS

Thanks for looking.

some of that bba is dying off, if you've spot dosed near the moss expect it to die off as well. Still looks spot on though mate. Those Rednose shrimp i'm getting are supposed to be hot on BBA.
Now someone tells me lol, oh well with any luck the constant overdosing will clear it aye. :)
Had a major problem today, the lights went on at 2.30pm and the water was a little milky and all my Celestial Pearl Danios had died :(, circle of life and all that the shrimp are happy (food) but I'm not at all. The two schools, Danios and Lampeyes frequented different levels so when shoaling looked great one top and one bottom and I love CPD's not a happy bunny :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( going to get another 15 Lampeyes to make up the stock and just have one shoal. I think I get too attached to CPD's where as the Lampeyes don't bother me as much if I loose one or two. Funny tho how the Lampeyes were fine but the CPD's died all over night.

:rip: RIP my pretty little Danios :rip:
Yeah dunno what caused it or the milky water, unless I seriously overdosed Excel when spot dosing the other day.
I'm on 4ml a day at the moment but with the spot dose the other day I think I over done it, it should be fine even if I have to go up to 5ml but I think it was a major dose other day mate.
On the up side all the BBA has turned either blue or red, I'm guessing that means its dying, does anyone know whether it will just disappear or will I have to trim all the leaves with it on?
The shrimp should finish any dead algae off. Maybe get some amano's in there. :good:
I am usually impatient for the stuff to be gone, so I do tend to do some snipping here and there, especially on plants that will regenerate quickly.

For slower growers whose leaves I'd prefer to keep, I generally let my algae crew do most of the work. If you've got Otocinclus in there, they will happily munch through the stuff for you :good:
Hmmm I may have a good snip tomorrow, gotta trim my fissidens and aponogeton anyway after the huge spot dose as the fissidens is looking too big for the wood and the aponogeton has suddenly started to melt so a good trim back and fresh new growth I think. Only problem is other than the HC everything is slow growing so will take a few months. Off to pick up 15 lampeyes tomorrow too so a nice new semi start :)

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