Cuban Delight

Is that Pogostemon on the right hand side?

Some one gave me a couple of these, but they seem to have gone wild in my tank?! :lol:
Yeah it is mate, its great stuff, spreads quite fast too, lol you and me seem to be the only people commenting on my journal at the mo lol, im getting paranoid lol.
Yeah it is mate, its great stuff, spreads quite fast too, lol you and me seem to be the only people commenting on my journal at the mo lol, im getting paranoid lol.

Looking really nice Steve, the HC carpet is looking extremely healthy as are all the rest of the plants... i didn't read the whole thread, not having time and basically just lazy lol. Are you using co2 in there or just carbon supplement?.... what's your lighting and your fert regime?.... what ferts you using?.

Keep up the good work mate, certainly paying off :)
Yeah it is mate, its great stuff, spreads quite fast too, lol you and me seem to be the only people commenting on my journal at the mo lol, im getting paranoid lol.

Looking really nice Steve, the HC carpet is looking extremely healthy as are all the rest of the plants... i didn't read the whole thread, not having time and basically just lazy lol. Are you using co2 in there or just carbon supplement?.... what's your lighting and your fert regime?.... what ferts you using?.

Keep up the good work mate, certainly paying off :)

Thanks mate, I'm just dosing 3-4ml TPN+ (depending on algae) and 2ml Flourish Excel daily, the lighting is quite bright actually, its only an 18W but its so much more powerful then the 11W in the tank next to it, look like its 3 times as bright in person, good for the plants, they love it. Lights are on for 8 hours, may change it to 7 soon tho.
Yeah it is mate, its great stuff, spreads quite fast too, lol you and me seem to be the only people commenting on my journal at the mo lol, im getting paranoid lol.

Looking really nice Steve, the HC carpet is looking extremely healthy as are all the rest of the plants... i didn't read the whole thread, not having time and basically just lazy lol. Are you using co2 in there or just carbon supplement?.... what's your lighting and your fert regime?.... what ferts you using?.

Keep up the good work mate, certainly paying off :)

Thanks mate, I'm just dosing 3-4ml TPN+ (depending on algae) and 2ml Flourish Excel daily, the lighting is quite bright actually, its only an 18W but its so much more powerful then the 11W in the tank next to it, look like its 3 times as bright in person, good for the plants, they love it. Lights are on for 8 hours, may change it to 7 soon tho.

Well whatever your doing it's working :good: , the HC looks superb with just the addition of carbon. Ive had good results in the past doing the same sort of regime.... may have to give it ago again and see if it works for me again lol.

Anyways, looking really nice mate.
Weekly update, well 2 weekly, been fighting every type of algae for weeks, started with Diatoms, then GDA then BBA lol hopefully getting on top of it now tho. Good news my Killi's are breeding, pretty much every day at the moment, I started off with 20 and I'm now down to 7 as its open topped and they're suicidal. But hopefully soon my stock will be back up again, strange thing is the eggs aren't all sinking either some are in the quite spot in the top left corner. Oh and the last few days I'm getting really good pearling even tho I'm not using gas. :) I'm still fiddling around with my other scape so I'll update pic's soon.
Strange that some are not sinking as they breed in the middle of the tank generally, hope you get some good results they can take 2 weeks to hatch but with the moss you have in there they should be quite safe from the adults. I've always loved planted aquariums and yours is fantastic, well done with that, your Killi's are lucky.
Cool, I hope I get some survivors :) thanks for the comment :)
Don't forget mine in TOTM too lol. :)

Update time, not a lot of change really, added a couple of tiny rocks to give a little more depth, added the 7 Celestial Pearl Danio's from the 35 so now the stock is 7 CPD's, 7 Lamp Eyes and loads of RCS which are keeping their colours nicely and breeding fast.

Vid of the tank, CPD's, Lamp Eye's & Shrimp, sorry about the quality as its from my phone and it really doesn't show the true colours at all:

Yeah they can be a bit delicate, they seem happy tho, I'll get the decent camera out soon as that shows the colours in this scape and on the fish so vividly.
Yeah they can be a bit delicate, they seem happy tho, I'll get the decent camera out soon as that shows the colours in this scape and on the fish so vividly.

May have to get some more once i decide if another tank is in order lol, be nice to see some pics of them :good:

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