beloved betta killed by satin spawn

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mollies are not ideal community fish...for one...they require brackish water to be at their best...and they tend to get a bit bossy at feeding time...mine are all ok with each...apart from feeding time and for about an hour after...when they chase each other abit...maybe next should observe the fish for your about to buy for awhile...if it shows agressive tendancies...then pass it up and look for another.
of course saving other fish is not sick. just take the molly out and put in another tank-there-everyone has been saved!
you cant tell people thye dont have the right to have an opinion on the subject because it wasnt their fish. everyone is entitled to their opinion. i think so many people value the price of the fish, rather than the fish. money should not be an issue in this hobby. it is expensive and if you dont have money, dont get into the hobby!
look, you made a bad choice, bragged about it and now you are going to have to suffer the consequences of everyone reprimanding you. if you like to torture fish, dont post about it and people wont get mad at you. youre still doing something wrong but you wont have to deal with other people telling you that.
they were all nice in the tank, it was just this one, and i did used to put salt in the water, but its bad for my corries.

many people put fish in cold water and noone says crap to them! and i dont care about the price, all my fish i got on sale when the store had them for a while, i do value the rest of the fish.

and i can tell someone that they dont know all the facts nad they should say stuff when they wanted to put an alligater in a 15 gallon tank!! thats worse then trying to euthanise a fish. if u think coldwater is so horrible, then yall should have a feild day yelling at the people in the topic. what the did was worse, yet noone seems to get it.
brackish water requires marine salt not freshwater salt. fw salt doesnt do anything for them.
So they told you to STAB it.
Then they told you to try to to turn off the air stone.
OH and finally put it in freezing water.
If that doesn't work, just throw it back in the tank, surely he'll die from temp shock.

They told you this?

Your full of BS.


2 weeks ago I netted, bagged, added stress-coat, and brought back to a random lfs a gold gourami:

I didn't feel the need to TORTURE it.

I wanted to keep the gator as a pet and didnt know any better.

I didn't spend half the day asking "What fish can I buy now" on a fish forum.

There was no internet.

And the gator was returned unharmed.

Your just SICK. Thats all.
i ACCIDENTLY hit it w/the frecking net. u just dont read that.
i put it in the cold water for only a bit, like 30 seconds
then i put it in a vase theing that i added a filter to so that it could get back to the temp.
and i didnt turn of an air stone, i didnt give it one! YOU DONT NEED 1 WITH A FILTER!!!

u cant say its BS because you dont know what happened. then after a while of it being in the vase w/a filter in a warm room i put it back into the tank, i didnt die of temp. shock! it was killee by a gourami! and u must not have read everything because our still talking about the first post! and i want bragging! i was mad when i typed it!

they said cold water or take out the airstone and put it in one of those sponge ones because they make air.

i never like you because your rude. i did what the store said, many ppl. stabb their fsihes, read thsii post and they use a knife, not accidently w/a net!
i was mad when i typed that! ok, i not talking about this anymore. i did what the store said, explained about the first post and if u dont get that oh well. u just dont read, or u only talk about what u want, not what really happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and if u think im so horrible for trying to put down just one fish, well oh well. its my fish and i can put it down if it kills the rest and have no other options. BUT I DIDNT EVEN KILL IT , IT WAS EATEN BY A GOURAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes its wrong to put down a fish, i felt bad about it, but when other lives are at stake, i have no other place to put it and parents say ya cant buy another tank, noone wants it and stores would just put it down anyways, what do u want me to do?
This is getting pretty stupid now...were just going over and over the same things...with little bits being thrown in here and there...we've all voiced our opinions on this now...this could go on forever why dont we just leave it here...and get on with doing what we do people out...not b*tch at each other...we all make mistakes...lets just get over it and carry on.
im only going by what you said. i did read. its hard to translate what youre saying because you use 5087359332 exclamation points, spell everything wrong and use lots of abbreviations.

im trying to make sure you have learned that what you did is wrong and that you should not do it again. sadly, i dont htink you have learned anything...
ya know it, i said so many times i felt bad about it but there was nothing else i could do. and this was bout how my betta died. not about the molly. i feel bad enough about my mistake of putting the betta in with the molly and all you people care about is the molly, not how its victums feel, or me, or anyone but that one fish

and there is nothing spelled wrong! you spell wrong to sometimes i bet. maybe i cant spell euthanise or whatever, who cares
i care about all fish. im sorry that yuor molly killed the betta but that is the risk you take when you put different species together.
i dont think you can tell me how i feel.
all i want to hear you say is that you made a mistake and you wont do it again. thats all and i will post no more.

dont make me point out all of your spelling errors. i have typos but rarely spell incorrectly. i am well educated, thank you. its just hard to read your posts sometimes.
i'm just wondering one thing. ok, so you wanted to kill a fish because it was killing the other fish. so why didn't you? you put it in cold water and then took it out again. why? if you hadn't, it would have surely died. but the fact that you took it out and then did other things to it, it just sounds like torture.

oh and mollies are not peaceful fish. i read somewhere that they were semi agressive
oh, and im not well educated? i make high honors all the time and im in all the high classes at school. im very smart, but when im on a forum, i dont care how i spell. or anything like that.

and i said it was wrong what i did, and i didnt want to but I had no other choice! i felt bad but you people say thats what you want to hear and i asy it and its like you pass right over it.

i knew it!! i thought tha they were but people said they were nice and peacful. and no i dint do that stuff after, it was when i was trying to get it out of the was an accident about hitting it with the net, and stabbing was the wroong word, because there was no opening in it, i just hit it with the corner when i was trying to take it out, i was moving the net at it then i went for the catch and it moved and i hit it with it. i put it in the water but it didnt die from that so i just took it out and put it in warmer water so i could put it back in the tank because i didnt want to do some other things that the store said.
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