beloved betta killed by satin spawn

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hmm....didn't think of that at that time....i was PO'd.....he killed my REAL nice looking betta. it was hot pink.....his pics in my siggy.

i'll try to hold my breath before killing another *fish gone wrong* if it ever happens again....
wrs said:
ive been having fish issues so ive been having 2 move fish around a bit. 2 make a long story short i put my betta in my community tank so a cichlid could have his home. so i went 2 check on him yesturday and he was dead! eaten, no fins, and even the flaring stuff was eaten 2! he was murdered by a molly. a molly from hell. i saw him attacking my plattie so i know it was him. i got teary eyed over barry death, it was very sad. and what makes it worse is the dam molly wont die. no matter what i did 2 him he lived. i put him in feezing water. i stabbed it w/the net. i took him out of water, took away the air stone. and now hes in a vase! living while barrys dead in the ground!!! :-(

i hate u daphney!
You tortured the fish!

That is demented and disgusting. :grr:

There is NO excuse. PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
id perfer to toutrure 1 fish then let it tourture another the rest. and euthanisum isnt tourture. many ppl. do it. and it didnt even die. but next time all ur fish die from 1 killing them and everytime u get another they die 2. will u put that fish down? or just let it be the only fish in the tank becaue no stores want it and no people either, and id never buy its own tank because it would be all alone and die anyways. its not like i did i tryed to put it down because i wanted another fish, because it had a mental problem that made it violent. people put sick fish down, and this one was definetly sick in the head.
i really dont think youre concerned with the welfare of the fish...yes i would give it a tank just for him but thats because i have respect for all life.
i had to take my turtle out of his tank with flounders yeaterday because he was getting too big and i saw him nip at one of them. yes i would prefer to keep them together, but im not going to because i know the flounders will end up dead.
i also dont think your fish is torturing the other fish. he is either territorial or hungry. torturing the other fish might be stabbing them with a net or dumping them in cold water. fish cant do those things to each other.
i dont know any people that torture their fish-i know people who euthanize their fish. i am also not stupid and wouldnt keep that fish in the tank once it killed another fish. do what wuv suggested. take it to the store, hand it to an employee and leave.
they kill them anyways. thats what the lady said. and cold water is euthanising them . i actually it put back in the tank and the gouramis killed it because it ate her tail off.
i dont think you were humanely trying to euthanise the fish. putting it in cold water is not the only step in humanely killing a fish. did you look at the link i posted?
i feel sorry for the fish though.
i hope you have learned something from this.
i looked at it. the store was going to feed some kinds of those really agressive african cichlids. i thought that wasnt humane. so after she said that i decided to keep it. its not like i didnt feel bad for it, but i had no were else for, no one wanted it and no stores, and i was thinking about the other fish as well. and the net stabbing was an ACCIDENT! and it was more like hitting it or bumbing it when i took it out of the tank.

would u have liked it?

read this post
thats touture, but hitting w/a net and putting it in cold water. and the reson it was out of the water is because it jumped out of the net. and i couldnt get it becuase it kept jumping,
if i had lived near you, i would have taken it to save its life.
i dont think it would be inhumane to feed it to another fish-thats the food chain. at least it we be going to some use.
when my fish die, i put them out on my back porch for the raccoons to eat.
well thats because ur a good fish person, no one wated it or they said that theyd take it and put it down. so i tryed to put it down because thats what all the stores i called said to do, and I did it how they said. and then after none of it worked i let go back to its fish tank.
wrs said:
id perfer to toutrure 1 fish then let it tourture another the rest. and euthanisum isnt tourture. many ppl. do it. and it didnt even die. but next time all ur fish die from 1 killing them and everytime u get another they die 2. will u put that fish down? or just let it be the only fish in the tank becaue no stores want it and no people either, and id never buy its own tank because it would be all alone and die anyways. its not like i did i tryed to put it down because i wanted another fish, because it had a mental problem that made it violent. people put sick fish down, and this one was definetly sick in the head.
Yes, people put sick fish down.

You TORTURED the fish. :grr: :grr:

And you admitt it likes its nothing.

You couldn't just bag it and hand it to a store employee like wuv said?

What you did was DEMENTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you still think touturing an animal is right, you should not have pets AND you need help. :/
i dont get u. NO ONE WANTED IT! IT KILLED ALL MY FISH! THERE WAS NO OTHER THING TO DO!!!! hello i had no choice because i had else nothing to do with it, and if u read the post before u posted u would have found out that thats what the stores said to do. and I'm not deemnted to put a fecking killing fish down. if anything kills it shouldnt be alound to keep doing it, and all u ppl. say its instinct, but a molly is supposed to be peaceful, it was mentaly demented. and because one fish, doesnt mean i shouldnt have pets, i love my other fish and my other pets, and i only tryed to put it down so id save the other fish! so if u think saving other fish is wrong your demented!! and your rude! :grr: :grr:

do you use feeder fish? because ya know what its toutureing them. all my fish became feeder fish to molly. if u think its right to let it go on killing your the wrong one. ill ask you the same question, would you have taken it?
YOU TORTURED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOUR SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dunno about you guys...but i never listen to what my lfs much rather come here for my info. I Dont agree with what you did wrs..however i understand the frustration you must have been under from losing so many fish by one bully in the tank..maybe from now on you should keep a tank spare that you can use to isolate bullies if you happen to buy fish that are agressive in the future.
if saving otherfish to you is sick, then u have a problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and touturing it would be doing what thsoe ppl. in the topic i posted above did!!!!!!
putting it in cold water isnt like bashing it w/a hammer!
-it jumped out of the net when i was taking it ouyt of the tank so it did that to itself, thats how it was out of water, i took it out and it jumped
- i hit it by accident when i was trying to take it out of the water because it was fast and when i tryed to get it it swam into the corner is not my fault, its the fishes!!!

you didnt have to deal with all the money being lost or anything like that! you dont have to deal with a fish a day dying from it! you dont have to deal with all the stress from it!! you dont know what i or the other fish were going through so you have no right to say anything about how i handeled it! if anyone you can complain to you should complain to the stores that say how to euthanise it!

and i didnt even kill it!!! i put it in w/the other fish and as soon as i did it went over and attacked the little gourami and bit her tail off!! so now she has no and probly going to die because of them. she didnt like that and attacked it and killed it. so it was a fish that did it not me!

and to devils advocxate- mollies arent supposed to be aggresive. i did have another tank that my brother had that had agressive fish, but the molly actually killed a cichlid! nothing could be kept bywith it. i had a female molly that i bought with him and he attacked and killed it to.
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