beloved betta killed by satin spawn

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it did seem like alot of people came on here and said "thats ignorant! you're the evil one! you shouldn't have fish! you tortured the poor thing!" some people had something along that line as their first post....that would've triggered me off too...

i still say that i sit on wrs's side of this......
ya know what, im not 10, im older then that, a lot older. i do all the stuff for the fish, i clean the tanks etc. and yeah thats responsible. if u dont think so ,oh well. i honetly dont care what u think, and i said so many times that it was an accident about the net!!!!!!! if u dont get that oh well. and if u like your opinions os much make a post about them in the first section and asl for it to be pinned, ok. and you were never nice to me. if you think you were great. the fish isnt w/us and im not going to listen to what you say because i know how to care for my. all this post is "teaching" me is that not all people are nice. you actually seem like i should say that halling to you because you think your righ, everyone that posted thinks theyre right. and it also teaches, never get another molly, or if a fish dies are gets killed dont say it because youll just get mad. and you dont read all the facts. so reread everything. then youll find out about the net, y it was out of the water and y there was no airstone. ok.

and thank you steppy.
like she said, she had nothing else to do with the thing. maybe she didn't think of the other alternatives to killing and thought that the cold water would work. or maybe was just to squeemish...i know i would be, and i would think that cold water would be the simplest...i can't help it if the thing has a strong will...
as long as you are responding, you care waht i think and are listening to me...
now that you told me you are older than 10, it makes me sad because you should not have such a low maturity level if you are 12 years old. i can also tell you are very young because of your grammar and spelling. if you were older, you would know better.
i was being constructive. if you cant take that kind of criticism, you shouldnt post on message boards (especially topics like this!)
i understand the net was an accident but that doesnt mean the fish wasnt suffering because of it. i do read. i reread. and i reread some more. i think you need to reread you roriginal post...
ok heres my personal stab at you-you are ignorant and way too emotional.
woohoo now the thread can be shut down. i broke the rules. too bad...

steppy-you know better than that...
for me, if the thing didn't die after the cold water, i'd probably just let it sit out....

i have done this before...but only with one fish. the one i mentioned before... now before someone goes off critisizing that, i should let you know that this was before i knew crap about euthinizing....and i thought it would've died so much quicker :(

now if i had to euthinize a fish, i'd probably just stick it in a cup in the freezer, or do what the bio class in school does, and put it in alchohol. i don't know how well that would work though....never seen it done.
i meant the part about the woman who did the freezing experiment on fihs-about how they thrashed around and suffered for 30 minutes.
wrs grow up
the "personal attacks" are brought on by your ignorant responses
if you weren't so daft as to post fish abuse on a fish forum and then fight to the death saying that you "don't care" then maybe we wouldn't respond that way
we have a right to voice our opinions the same as you
and you have decided to say the same things we are saying
back at us, despite the lack of sense

you have yet to read our arguments
just skim through and pick out little comments that you don't like
then i shall fix that
all of my comments were directed to "johnny kill-fish" a fictional charactor
who did everything you described to us
a daft boy, who was irresponsible and yes, IMMATURE!"

sorry to see steppy on your side,
she has every right to think the way she does,
i have a feeling that she has misinturprated your story
i'm pretty sure i understood everything here....she unsuccesfully killed her fish....i'm sure she didn't say "oh, you mean fish, i'm gonna put you in cold water cuz i don't like you!". she tried to kill it....and it didn't really work.... :/
wrs said:
ya know what, im not 10, im older then that, a lot older. i do all the stuff for the fish, i clean the tanks etc. and yeah thats responsible. if u dont think so ,oh well. i honetly dont care what u think, and i said so many times that it was an accident about the net!!!!!!! if u dont get that oh well. and if u like your opinions os much make a post about them in the first section and asl for it to be pinned, ok. and you were never nice to me. if you think you were great. the fish isnt w/us and im not going to listen to what you say because i know how to care for my. all this post is "teaching" me is that not all people are nice. you actually seem like i should say that halling to you because you think your righ, everyone that posted thinks theyre right. and it also teaches, never get another molly, or if a fish dies are gets killed dont say it because youll just get mad. and you dont read all the facts. so reread everything. then youll find out about the net, y it was out of the water and y there was no airstone. ok.

and thank you steppy.
You tell us to reread it. You DELETED your TORTURE post.
steppy104 said:
i'm sure she didn't say "oh, you mean fish, i'm gonna put you in cold water cuz i don't like you!". she tried to kill it....and it didn't really work.... :/
well-i think she did, since the title of this post is called spawn of satan...
if she had truly tried, she would have succeeded. her emotions overtook her and she decided to torture the fish. steppy-i hope youre better than that.
she was mad at the time she posted this....sometimes you say crazy things when ur mad. i just really don't believe that she intended to torture it.
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