Cheese Specialist
Yeah, I bet you'd like that.wrs said:can ya plz. just delete this whole post
I think it should be left up, and to encourage that I think that people should follow wuv's advice - no personal attacks.
You know I think what you did was disgusting, I do not think you should be able to look after animals and also for a 'very smart' honours student, you need to learn the meaning of euthanasia...
Euthanasia: noun killing person painlessly, esp. one who has incureable painful disease. - Oxford English Dictionary
It mentions nothing about fun nor convenience, not even for the sake of others as you would have us believe. steppy104, that also goes for financial gain.
Oh, and here's the post wrs deleted:
ive been having fish issues so ive been having 2 move fish around a bit. 2 make a long story short i put my betta in my community tank so a cichlid could have his home. so i went 2 check on him yesturday and he was dead! eaten, no fins, and even the flaring stuff was eaten 2! he was murdered by a molly. a molly from hell. i saw him attacking my plattie so i know it was him. i got teary eyed over barry death, it was very sad. and what makes it worse is the dam molly wont die. no matter what i did 2 him he lived. i put him in feezing water. i stabbed it w/the net. i took him out of water, took away the air stone. and now hes in a vase! living while barrys dead in the ground!!!![]()
i hate u daphney!