beloved betta killed by satin spawn

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1st- not a she
2nd- imm 18
3rd- if u were all nicer like cutecotten in the begining, none of this fighht would happen. i dont care if you disagree with me or not. the matters over now, get over it.
i was just saying that it was like an undying fish. i wasnt saying i tourture it, some things it did to itself. like whenm i used to clean it it always jumped out of the tank, i actually ate gravel once too ( goldfish do that ). and he used to run into the sides of the tank, all i was saying is that the fish doesnt die. i should have said it in a better way, but I did have one at school, and then the internet shut down, so i just typed a shorter one. if you want ill type what really happened, the actuall way, because its not really touture.

and jascblades, all you seem to be doing is insulting my inteligence with grammer whatever. your not perfect when it comes to spelling. and this is a forum, not a test at school. there should be no need at all for perfect grammer. but point out something to me thats wrong. :angry:
you told me that i read your posts incorrectly so i told you to tpye them more clearly. you got offended for some reason. you are obviously not 18 by the way you act and type. you arent fooling anyone. we thought you were a girl because you are so emotional. most guys dont act like that. (or type "u" for "you" and abbreviations like that.)
once again, i tried to educate you, but you were too stubborn and just wanted a fight. just to let you know, i dont back down when it comes to fish. if someone mistreats a fish, they are going to hear it from me. even (as in this case) if they dont want to.
dont give me crap about the molly tortured itself...thats pure bs and you know it.
well some people type u for you because its quicker. and im not emotional, i think you are getting so mad about a fish. and sorry, but i am 18. but if u dont want to believe thats your fault. and i didnt say the molly tourtured its self. i said that it did odd things and it didnt sie from them. so i really dont care at all about how you feel on this subject. i handeled( dont care if its spelled wrong ) the only way that i was able to. and im not stubborn and i dont want to fight, you were the one thats fighting, im defending my self, which i have the right to do. i bet youve mistreated a fish before. you arnt perfect. i saw a pic that you posted that had three goldfish in what seemed like a 10-15 gallon tank. thats cruel ya know. they need at least 30gallons for three goldfish. and if fish is the most important thing in your life and you get so mad about it, im sorry, but thats really sad. I know some people will think that im so horrible for saying that, but its true. and by the way you act it seems like thats all you care about. Go complain about how you think others are wrong and horrible. You keep harping on and on on this subject. Go get all mad about cycling a tank wrong or something. All your really doing is complaining about how you dont like my grammer, get over it. this is a forum, some place thats supposed to be fun to go to. You shouldnt have to care about spelling, or people like you that get so mad about one fish. People like you make this place seem horrible.
People like you make this place seem horrible.
no-people that torture fish make this place seem horrible. (i dont think this place is horrible but it really gets me down when i read a post like yours)
my goldfish are fine thank you. they just had babies and goldfish dont breed unless they are in pristine condition. stop attacking me because you dont have anything else to do. youre no one to talk about "cruelty"
if you really are 18, thats sad that you are so irresponsible and senseless. but i know youre not so i will give you the benefit of the doubt. you will learn some day (hopefully!)
and you do care what i think because you started using "you" instead of "u" :kana: hehehe...
You keep harping on and on on this subject.
you keep harping back silly. you stop and i will stop. as long as you keep posting, this post will stay at the top of the page and people will see how you tortured your fish. this is a fish forum and if you dont care about fish, waht on earth are you doing here?!?
anyways if the place is so awful to you, leave like you said you were going to so long ago...
im not supposed to be sayin this, becuz its not my problem, ....but....why dont you two, go on a freakin aol instant messenger, or msn messenger or yahoo messenger and say that directly instead of fighting here in the "friendliest Forum around" both of you are giving a bad image, i do think jc blades its a really good helper, and wrs helped me out too ;) , so both of you go to those places instead of have us as "judges" of who in the entire world is right. :angry:

why did i post then if i dont want to be a "judge"? because this topic got off topic, and both of you know it.

for your info jcblades, he really can be 18, cuz my bf, has 18 but it seems like he has 16 :X its funny and annoyin , but oh well what can i do about it? (that got off topic too, sorry)

and i think that here, there's no matter on how old are you, cuz as already said, by another member, there are little boys/girls that are younger that us (btw im 14 if u were wonderin) and seem to know a LOT more than we/you adults/teenagers do :/
well ive decided to no long reply to this post after this one.
wrs said:
i ACCIDENTLY hit it w/the frecking net. u just dont read that.
i put it in the cold water for only a bit, like 30 seconds
then i put it in a vase theing that i added a filter to so that it could get back to the temp.
and i didnt turn of an air stone, i didnt give it one! YOU DONT NEED 1 WITH A FILTER!!!

u cant say its BS because you dont know what happened. then after a while of it being in the vase w/a filter in a warm room i put it back into the tank, i didnt die of temp. shock! it was killee by a gourami! and u must not have read everything because our still talking about the first post! and i want bragging! i was mad when i typed it!

they said cold water or take out the airstone and put it in one of those sponge ones because they make air.

i never like you because your rude. i did what the store said, many ppl. stabb their fsihes, read thsii post and they use a knife, not accidently w/a net!
My post was intended to find humane ways of putting down a fish that was physically sick and suffering. As near as I can tell, everyone who responded was giving what they thought was good advice on how to euthanize a fish either quickly, or painlessly.

Even if saving the lives of your other fish is a legitimate reason for putting down an aggressor, you'll be better off picking one method and sticking with it then making a half assed attempt at using several different methods which it seems in this case just caused the molly alot of pain and stress. That is precisely the OPPOSITE of the intentions of euthanization.
BTW I am not trying to get involved in this little fight. How and when to put a fish down is a personal decision. My advice is to pick a method and stick with it. It seems that would be better for both the fish and the person having to put it down.
dolores youre 14 with an 18 year old boyfriend?! what do your parents say about that?
i argue on the forum so everyone else can see the post. i am here to educate people and to learn some myself. i am not here to brag about torturing fish.
i agree this has gone too far. the bottom line is
the end :)
I think this thread no longer serves any useful purpose. Let's all consider this a lesson learned and go back to being friendly. :nod:
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