Beginnings of a 220Uk gallon reeftank

Great setup, Cant wait to see it all finished. I would love to turn my 8x 2 x 2 tank into a reef or marine setup but would cost a fortune plus I want to make sure I can look after FW fish properly first before I change down that route.

Can I ask what software you use to do your drawings?

Good luck, keep doing the updates!!! :clap:

ah ha, good point!! lucky my bases came drilled to me then :D

i was wondering that too, all these fancy pictures!!

I hate to tell you Navarre but your 'Halides' look like a set of T8's ............ you've been ripped off :rofl:
Re: the painted wall behind.

My tank is set up with no backing , just the wall which is behind it. The wall was already a sky blue colour, and I really like the way it gives the tank an apparant additional 3" of depth (especially since my tank is only 12" wide, despite being 4' long).

The only problem is that pipes from the tank are visible if the tank is drilled in the back, and you need to keep the back glass fairly clean.

Good luck with the tank.
Realy???? :eek: :eek:

So that explains why i cant bit the bulbs into thes tube like holders then! :p

I just couldnt be bothered to draw halides... the strip lights were alreay in the program so much easier :rolleyes:
Luckily the tank is drilled onthe sides and the back of the tank should not have any pipes or wires showing.

I think its worth trying :thumbs:
As I metioned to Navarre, the only 'foreign' objects to spoil the view through the back of the glass would be electric cables (if any), these can be easily hidden by runing them through black piping to blend in with the background.

As I will be doing the electrics the plan is to have the cabling running down the rear corners of the tank out of view anyway.
It would need to be very blurred and distant.. more like darker siloohettes than clear rocks and corals. this would give the feeling of depth. Im considering painting this but im not sure it would be so effective with only 5 or 6 inches of space behind the tank.
Even if it doesnt do the jon (the paint on the wall) you can always change it. Thats one good side to it. Im still scratching my head as to what to put behind mine.

PS, littlefishie, SW backgrounds suck, and so do FW. lol :lol:
I know they do! ;) Though mine's not too bad, it's just plants, so it blends in with my real plants.

SW backgrounds always have fish in them.. which looks dumb.
That's why I said I'd come paint the wall for him! :thumbs: I could do a pretty reef painting!
I hate all backgrounds except for pure coloured ones, like my spray painted black 29g...or the blue walls SW aqauriums have.

I was wondering how you were goin to paint the wall, in one of the pics its still hwite and the tank is installed!

Cant wait for more pics :thumbs: .


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