Ok i got fed up watching an empty tank so i decided to get some hardy specimens for the initial tank cycle!
Now i dont advocate that anyone should cycle a tank with livestock but this species is so hardy and troublesome it does give me great pleasure to see them in there out of harms way
I guess i had better tell you a little about this unusual tank species...
Well they are supposed to be a community freindly species and this is true when they are very small but as they grow older they get more pugnascious and eventually they totally "own" the tank with no regard to their housmates. Its not advisable to keep decor in the tank with them, they will re-arrange anything you put in and ruin all the hard work you to to make the tank looking nice. If you are considering these then be warned, the biolwaste they produce is enormous!!! i was truely shocked at the waste products they leave behind.
Dont listen to local shops that say these are cheap to keep. the initial cost might seem attractive at first but you soon find that due to their demandingnature they will be making huge holes in your pockets and keep you poor for many years to come.
Lastly.. Under no cicumstandces should water be added to them or they melt and make horrible noises. !
I hope this helps give you an insight into thisspecies, whilst they are difficult to live with they can be extremly rewarding also!
Hopefully by the time finishes its cycle i can then add some pretty looking fish inmy tank!
