Ok everyone, time for the next set of updates...
I half filled the tank and left that water overnight to reach the correct temperature. The following day i placed the tank water from my 100 gallon tank into the new one along with all the liverock, fish, corals and livesand. The results were this
You can see my asfur trying to finds its way through the murky depths!
I left 2 small powerheads running so that there was minimla flow through the tank. After 2 days thedusts had settled and the tank finaly looked like this!
I have not done any aquascaping yet. The rocks and corals have fallen just as i placed em in the tank. I do not have anywhere near enough liverock to start creting structures yet so i have left the rocks scattered to give the fish a feeling of securityand to allow the light to reach as much rock surface as possible.
The left hand side of the tank.
The Middle of the tank.
You can see how the right hand side of the tank falls i nto darkness. This is because the 400w halide cantreach that far.
My favorite bit of live rock. This will be forming part of a coral atoll when i finally get more liverock to add t the tank.
My Asfur Angel, Silty wrasse and some corals.. an encrusting Pagoda and a maze coral.
My Clam (which now looks tiny!) and my bubble coral
And finally for now...
My Baby

She is so gorgeous, the camera just doesnt doher justice. She will be the star attraction of the tank one day alongside my tangs when they arrive.
ok thats it for now.. more updates in the next stage.