Beginnings of a 220Uk gallon reeftank

Tank is now drilled!

I have changed teh design slightly.
3 Overflows now run to the sump and a single hole on the other side for the return pump.

Next stage is to strengthen the floor and build the stand. :crazy:
Design Change.

I have drilled the tank like this so far.


I have not drilled for the closed loop system as yet as i might do this via internal methods instead. I will await to see the tank on its stand before drilling further.

I have changed the single overflow to 3 overflow with smaller pipes. I will fit Durso standpipes for noise reduction and having 3 overflows will reduce flooding in case a pipe is blocked.
Time for an update.

We finally ripped open the floor today and cleaned out the space uncer the floors joists. The floor is almost ready to have concrete poured into it as a foundation for the tank stand to sit upon.


And no this is not me :p
was that completely neccessary?

Well personally i dont think could rest easy knowing the tank is sitting over a set of 4x2 beams which in turn are about 12inches the foundations. :*) The water alone will weight 1 ton, not including the stand, or the sump. Then of course there is the liverock so i would imagine the weight will be over 1.5 tons to be honest. I have had the tank insured but my insurance company will not accept this unless the tank stand is fixed to the structure of the house. By using this design there will be no weight on the floor at all as the foundation will take it all. ;)
Navarre said:
was that completely neccessary?

Well personally i dont think could rest easy knowing the tank is sitting over a set of 4x2 beams which in turn are about 12inches the foundations. :*) The water alone will weight 1 ton, not including the stand, or the sump. Then of course there is the liverock so i would imagine the weight will be over 1.5 tons to be honest. I have had the tank insured but my insurance company will not accept this unless the tank stand is fixed to the structure of the house. By using this design there will be no weight on the floor at all as the foundation will take it all. ;)
ah that makes alot of sense, thats masive, i didnt think it would way a ton
Whoa, how'd you get Bruce Willis to help you do that? That's pretty cool.

I hope you ARE planning on moving away soon, so I can buy your house.

Keep us updated on the process! Looks wicked.
how are you all

yes i think it was a good idea with the floor as im just setting up my new 6x2x2ft and with the sand and logs and stuff it weighed about a tone and the whole flore started sagging. it wasnt going to break but i didnt feel safe as if it fell over it would kill someone. so me and 2 friends had to move it onto the slab in the kitchen area. and i didnt want to take the 120kg of sand out, so it was one of the hardest jobs so i reckon its better to do it right first time. btw that is an awsome tank.


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