drive it like you stole it.
I was aware of the corydoras but wasn't aware of the mollies, platys and guppies.
Is platys correct or is it platties or platies?
Is platys correct or is it platties or platies?
No grocers' apostrophes round here, pleasePlaty's, Guppy's etc
But platy and molly end in a 'y', unlike 'Jack'.After some googling it appears that I've made an idiot of myself and Guppies is correct, not sure why though, you wouldn't say Jackies if there were two Jack's would you?
Oh that is one of my pet hates - inappropriate apostrophes!No grocers' apostrophes round here, pleasePlaty's, Guppy's etc![]()
For this reason, I make an effort to do people the curtesy (sp?) of getting to know them before deciding. I have recently had a work situation in which new female employees (they're all female in this job) get told stories (which aren't true!!) about various work collegues, including me. This has resulted in one new employee telling my work partner (who she knows socially) that she "doesnt like" me. My work partner asked how on earth she could get that opinon - she's never met me or worked with me?? The woman replied she'd been told all about me.
That sort of thing happens in this particular work area all the time and it infuriates me because I can't defend myself (my work partner and I work a different shift from the rest of the women - which I find a blessed relief!!). It annoys me that there are people in the world who are so weak-minded that they just listen to what other peope have to say about a person, instead of taking the time to find out for themselves. Then again, if thats the way they are, I doubt I would find much in common with them anyway
If someone makes me laugh, is good natured, thoughtful, generous and compassionate then I don't really care if they are wearing a mu-mu and a hoola-hoop. By the same token, I dont take much notice of socially accepted status-tags either. I don't follow labels so if someone is wearing one to show they are fashionable (another pet hate of mine) or wealthy, then it fails to impress me. I remember, when i was 20, seeing a work collegue showing off a white silk scarf with red ticks all over it. She had a little crowd of girls admiring it. I asked what was so special about it? She explained that it was a very expensive label - did i like it? No, I said, I didnt. I thought it was rather ugly (i'm Saggitarian*sigh*). She replied that I clearly didn't know anything about fashion and that it cost her a lot of money. I told her she got ripped off - if she wanted to impress people with what sort of money she wastes on clothes, she'd be better off leaving the price tag on it. She got huffy about that for some reason
I regretted hurting her feelings - i'm more tolerant these days of peoples ego needs - but I retain the sentiment: I like REAL people, who dont need symbols, logos or tags to indicate who or what they are. Just BE who and what you are - if people see you in your true light, they are worth your time. If they can't, they're not. There is no one else on the planet like you so why would you want to show how special you are by wearing someone ELSE'S idea of "cool"? My 10yr old son agrees with me but my 8 yr old daughter thinks its just my excuse for not buying her trendy clothes LOL!
For this reason, I make an effort to do people the curtesy (sp?) of getting to know them before deciding. I have recently had a work situation in which new female employees (they're all female in this job) get told stories (which aren't true!!) about various work collegues, including me. This has resulted in one new employee telling my work partner (who she knows socially) that she "doesnt like" me. My work partner asked how on earth she could get that opinon - she's never met me or worked with me?? The woman replied she'd been told all about me.
That sort of thing happens in this particular work area all the time and it infuriates me because I can't defend myself (my work partner and I work a different shift from the rest of the women - which I find a blessed relief!!). It annoys me that there are people in the world who are so weak-minded that they just listen to what other peope have to say about a person, instead of taking the time to find out for themselves. Then again, if thats the way they are, I doubt I would find much in common with them anyway
If someone makes me laugh, is good natured, thoughtful, generous and compassionate then I don't really care if they are wearing a mu-mu and a hoola-hoop. By the same token, I dont take much notice of socially accepted status-tags either. I don't follow labels so if someone is wearing one to show they are fashionable (another pet hate of mine) or wealthy, then it fails to impress me. I remember, when i was 20, seeing a work collegue showing off a white silk scarf with red ticks all over it. She had a little crowd of girls admiring it. I asked what was so special about it? She explained that it was a very expensive label - did i like it? No, I said, I didnt. I thought it was rather ugly (i'm Saggitarian*sigh*). She replied that I clearly didn't know anything about fashion and that it cost her a lot of money. I told her she got ripped off - if she wanted to impress people with what sort of money she wastes on clothes, she'd be better off leaving the price tag on it. She got huffy about that for some reason
I regretted hurting her feelings - i'm more tolerant these days of peoples ego needs - but I retain the sentiment: I like REAL people, who dont need symbols, logos or tags to indicate who or what they are. Just BE who and what you are - if people see you in your true light, they are worth your time. If they can't, they're not. There is no one else on the planet like you so why would you want to show how special you are by wearing someone ELSE'S idea of "cool"? My 10yr old son agrees with me but my 8 yr old daughter thinks its just my excuse for not buying her trendy clothes LOL!
Designer clothes I suppose is all about taste, whether you like it or not. I know some people who would wear nasty looking clothes but wear them anyway just because its smeared with some designers name on it then its seen as acceptable. Don't get me wrong, its not like I don't wear some sort of label every day from my feet to my back but I will not wear something just because it has a label that I wouldn't wear without a label. I like small or hidden labels if I was to wear something.
Same reason I never bought those "designer" Tshirts or purses with the designer's initials or name blazoned across them. Not only was I NOT going to pay their inflated prices for a simple Tshirt, but I'll be darned if I'd advertise for them as well!![]()
This is what I was getting at - there's a difference between "fashion" and "style". Just because it has an expensive, well-advertised label doesnt automatically mean its
A) well crafted
B) a look good for you
Proof? Bubble skirts. Kylie Minogue got away with it. The rest of the population can't. I thought those things had died a quick, violent death but I was horrified to see a teenage girl wearing one the other day. They're baaAAAACK!!![]()
I guess my annoyance with the blind following of fashions or labels is that once again, people aren't thinking for themselves. They can't be bothered looking at themselves and saying "actually, I have big shoulders already so maybe not the padded shoulders for me" then looking for something that suits them far better and is different to the general run of clothing and making a style that is their very own. No, they want to just slip on something that "says" a particular thing about them. Speak for yourself, #39####!! Stop relying on other people's ideas to define who you are!!! Be YOU!! *stops to breathe a bit*
And if a particular fashion is "in", can you find a clothing shop that has something different?? NO!! You are forced to buy whatever the fashion gods decide is "in" for the year, whether you like it or it suits you or notThis is why I shop at Op-Shops. Invariably I can find "my" style for waaaaay less than it originally cost. I often get complimented on my nice clothes too - usually they were in the conventional shops years ago and haven't been seen since. Until I find them
As for signature purses and handbags and jeans and such - I tell people that when KK starts wearing MY initials on THEIR clothes, I'll wear THEIRS![]()