Just had a prowler outside my window... terrified me.

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Forget self defense. These violent hop heads will take your mace , knife , Taser , club ( pick one ) and kill you with it. These animals are jacked up on speed and PCP and whatever else and have no pity for regular folks. Any of us regular law abiding ordinary sheep are prey and we will get it. Don't confront these thugs , you'll get hurt . Badly.
The only reason I ever have someone with me is to prevent people from calling an ambulance if a faint.
Just curious why wouldn't you want someone to call an ambulance? I'm sure there is a good reason I'm just curious.

While yes it is nice to have people there, it’s not practical to have someone with you always. Women have learned what to look out for, self defense etc. we don’t need babysitters 😁
Oh I know Juice! I hope you don't think I'm saying women can't handle themselves Giusiana! Not at all what I saying!
I've met some very strong ladies (you being one) that can easily fend for themselves.

What I am worried about though is for your safety in general. You have multiple bad conditions that affect your mobility and how you are able to defend yourself.
It has nothing to do with you being a woman and I'm sorry if you took it that way.

I know you probably want to be left alone a lot and you want to be completely self reliant... But with some of the symptoms and issues that come along with your condition I don't see it as a bad thing to need someone by you out in public a lot as a protector and someone who knows what to do in an emergency situation.
most cars have a panic button on the key fob. press it and the horn blows repeatedly. keep it in your hand when walking from your car to a store or other destination.
Yup... I've accidentally hit that thing a lot 🤣🤣
Forget self defense. These violent hop heads will take your mace , knife , Taser , club ( pick one ) and kill you with it. These animals are jacked up on speed and PCP and whatever else and have no pity for regular folks. Any of us regular law abiding ordinary sheep are prey and we will get it. Don't confront these thugs , you'll get hurt . Badly.
sometimes we have no choice but to defend ourselves. If they're stealing my tires I'm calling the cops, if they are in my house cops are too slow
No one
In a downstairs room, have the bedroom window that faces the street open most of the time at night since I like it cold, there's a cabinet with a 60L aquarium on top in front of it anyway, and have the guard dog (A sweet spaniel- but she'll bark and growl at any disturbance just as well as a mastiff would), Pixie, sleeping on the bed next to me, so I've never been that worried about it.

After tonight, I won't be able to do it again.

It started at maybe 3:30, 4am sometime. I was awake. Since I care for my parents, I often have disrupted sleep patterns and I'm awake at odd hours. I was reading a book and heard Pixie growl, low and deep. Then she jumped off the bed and began pacing a bit, looking up at the window, before jumping up at the cabinet by the window, barking. I shouted "hey! We're calling the police, dog is here" and went to look out of the curtains to the side. I didn't see anything. I pulled the curtains closed again, and made sure to pull the right curtain over, then drew the left side curtain, the one that covers the open part of the window, all the way over, covering the right side curtain too, tucking it down so the wind wouldn't be able to move it.

I wasn't too alarmed then. It's a fairly quiet residential street, but there are foxes around that we sometimes hear, and occasionally someone passing by or the neighbour's gate next door will make Pixie growl or bark. But she doesn't usually react that way. She'll usually growl, but stay on the bed, and her reaction was much stronger than normal. I thought that even if it was someone scoping out the open window to potentially burgle, they'd seen now that the room was occupied by a person and dog, and would go find an easier target. But mainly I figured it was just a noise she'd heard outside. I was wrong.

It was a good half hour or so later, after I'd relaxed and thought I might doze off soon, that I heard her growl again. A really serious, deep and low growl, and I listened; again, thinking it might be foxes or something. But I heard what sounded like deep, horror movie breathing noises. Like the heavy breathing sounds a pervert makes down the phone to his stalking victim in a film. I looked up at the window and my heart stopped. The curtain had been pulled back, and lifted at the bottom, like someone peeking under it, and could still hear the heavy breathing. I shouted "Hey!!" again and moved from the bed to the side of the window, so I could see past the curtain, and saw the figure of a man move away from the window to the right, towards the front door and the exit of the front garden, so while I knew he wasn't at or under the window, I reached and pulled it shut, grabbed my phone and called 999.
One thing that creeps me out, in hindsight, is that it would have taken a few seconds for me to move from the bed to the side of the window. After I'd shouted and he knew he'd been seen. But he must have stayed there even knowing I'd seen him, until I moved the curtain and could see out, then he moved away. The heavy breathing also had to be deliberate, it was so loud. Like someone trying to frighten me.

While on the phone with police, I went around the ground floor of the house turning lights on, making sure the rest of the house was still secure, and it was. Very careful to lock doors and all the other windows at night. Two patrol officers came shortly before 5am and took the report. They suggested asking the neighbours if they have camera footage and to let them know of a potential prowler in the area tomorrow, and they went to drive around the area, saying that they'd be wanting to know what someone was doing wandering around at 5am (the time the police arrived) anyway. Since the dark meant I only saw the shape of a person, no real description, I doubt they can do much. I couldn't even be 100% certain it was a man, but the breathing and the figure I saw instantly made me think male, and height would have been average, 5'8 -5'10.

I'm still shaken, but feeling angry and violated, and wishing we had a camera system now. Will be looking into that. I never thought anything like that would happen. Don't have any enemies, no recent exes, no one I know of harbouring any grudges - since I'm caring for my folks full time now, I'm not out socialising or making any enemies! Nor are my elderly and disabled parents. I'm nearing 40 and living in jeans or joggers and T-shirts, no make-up or fussing with hair most of the time, so not a likely target for a peeping tom pervert.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was my dog who alerted me to something both times, I'd wonder whether I was half asleep and dreamed it. That I'd imagined it. I have had hallucinations once as the result of a bad reaction to meds, but that was more than 10 years ago now, and hasn't happened since, and I learned how to test my reality in times I was worried about whether something really happened or not from a psychologist, when I asked how I could ever trust my own senses again after that reaction to the meds. They said then, to see if other people can see or hear the thing too, or if it's a noise/voice outside, can I see someone? If so, it's not likely to be a hallucination if both aural and visual perceptions match up. The dog sensed someone there first, and I heard and then saw someone. I wasn't dreaming or imagining it, I don't use drugs and almost never drink, am scientifically minded and don't believe in ghosts, and while I love a good horror film, I'm rarely freaked out by them anymore, too old and cynical.

I have to think it was someone who was looking to burgle a house... but for the fact that they came back so much later. Maybe someone on drugs, or having a mental health episode. Or, and this one bothers me most.. someone who wanted to scare me. But why? Who? They know where we live, are they going to come back? New fears keep popping into my mind, like I sometimes let the dog outside into the back garden at night if I'm up and about, she'll pop out for a quick pee. There's a small side gate to go from the front to the back of the house where someone could easily wait near the back door, completely hidden from view. They were bold enough to stay by the window even after I'd shouted, even after they knew a person and a dog were there the first time. What's to stop them coming back? I'm freaked out.
’s really safe anywhere anymore. Cameras and a motion-detect spotlight under the eave on that side of the house. I rented a house once, just me and my small kids, and wanted to mount bars on the windows in back where it’s dark. Landlord said it was a fire-marshal violation. As a precaution, I drove a nail into the frame where it would stop the window from rising more than 2 in., anyway. A few nights later, my middle-son wakes me up to tell me someone banging the window above his bed woke him up. Went to the room with a flashlight, and someone had cut the screen and was trying to “unjam” the window open to get in - the nail had made it too difficult and the intruder ended up waking my kid up. Called the cops, and stayed up all night waiting for a response. They said I had no film and they couldn’t do anything now, anyway. I asked them about printing the windowsill - and they said they don’t do that. So first thing after they left - I went to hardware store, bought the bars, and installed them myself - screw the landlord and the fire-marshal… there was a back door near those bedrooms anyway - wasn’t like I was eliminating exit in case of a blaze!
I had the thumbscrew window locks on my house in Arlington, and an alarm that made noise but wasn't monitored. Next door neighbor called when it went off. I had a bedroom window on the greenway/alley side with a thumbscrew that allowed a 2 inch opening for ventilation and someone had pushed it open til it hit that lock. Pretty sure my dog at the time asked for them to pet him, but the alarm scared them off. I've never had a breakin out here, but the 2 most vulnerable windows are screwed shut, they have storm windows on them and the inner window is screwed shut - those are outside my back yard fence. Most of my front windows are tiny and high and the dogs sleep under the open one. Pics of my dogs have been the small 2, btw, lol.
In a downstairs room, have the bedroom window that faces the street open most of the time at night since I like it cold, there's a cabinet with a 60L aquarium on top in front of it anyway, and have the guard dog (A sweet spaniel- but she'll bark and growl at any disturbance just as well as a mastiff would), Pixie, sleeping on the bed next to me, so I've never been that worried about it.

After tonight, I won't be able to do it again.

It started at maybe 3:30, 4am sometime. I was awake. Since I care for my parents, I often have disrupted sleep patterns and I'm awake at odd hours. I was reading a book and heard Pixie growl, low and deep. Then she jumped off the bed and began pacing a bit, looking up at the window, before jumping up at the cabinet by the window, barking. I shouted "hey! We're calling the police, dog is here" and went to look out of the curtains to the side. I didn't see anything. I pulled the curtains closed again, and made sure to pull the right curtain over, then drew the left side curtain, the one that covers the open part of the window, all the way over, covering the right side curtain too, tucking it down so the wind wouldn't be able to move it.

I wasn't too alarmed then. It's a fairly quiet residential street, but there are foxes around that we sometimes hear, and occasionally someone passing by or the neighbour's gate next door will make Pixie growl or bark. But she doesn't usually react that way. She'll usually growl, but stay on the bed, and her reaction was much stronger than normal. I thought that even if it was someone scoping out the open window to potentially burgle, they'd seen now that the room was occupied by a person and dog, and would go find an easier target. But mainly I figured it was just a noise she'd heard outside. I was wrong.

It was a good half hour or so later, after I'd relaxed and thought I might doze off soon, that I heard her growl again. A really serious, deep and low growl, and I listened; again, thinking it might be foxes or something. But I heard what sounded like deep, horror movie breathing noises. Like the heavy breathing sounds a pervert makes down the phone to his stalking victim in a film. I looked up at the window and my heart stopped. The curtain had been pulled back, and lifted at the bottom, like someone peeking under it, and could still hear the heavy breathing. I shouted "Hey!!" again and moved from the bed to the side of the window, so I could see past the curtain, and saw the figure of a man move away from the window to the right, towards the front door and the exit of the front garden, so while I knew he wasn't at or under the window, I reached and pulled it shut, grabbed my phone and called 999.
One thing that creeps me out, in hindsight, is that it would have taken a few seconds for me to move from the bed to the side of the window. After I'd shouted and he knew he'd been seen. But he must have stayed there even knowing I'd seen him, until I moved the curtain and could see out, then he moved away. The heavy breathing also had to be deliberate, it was so loud. Like someone trying to frighten me.

While on the phone with police, I went around the ground floor of the house turning lights on, making sure the rest of the house was still secure, and it was. Very careful to lock doors and all the other windows at night. Two patrol officers came shortly before 5am and took the report. They suggested asking the neighbours if they have camera footage and to let them know of a potential prowler in the area tomorrow, and they went to drive around the area, saying that they'd be wanting to know what someone was doing wandering around at 5am (the time the police arrived) anyway. Since the dark meant I only saw the shape of a person, no real description, I doubt they can do much. I couldn't even be 100% certain it was a man, but the breathing and the figure I saw instantly made me think male, and height would have been average, 5'8 -5'10.

I'm still shaken, but feeling angry and violated, and wishing we had a camera system now. Will be looking into that. I never thought anything like that would happen. Don't have any enemies, no recent exes, no one I know of harbouring any grudges - since I'm caring for my folks full time now, I'm not out socialising or making any enemies! Nor are my elderly and disabled parents. I'm nearing 40 and living in jeans or joggers and T-shirts, no make-up or fussing with hair most of the time, so not a likely target for a peeping tom pervert.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was my dog who alerted me to something both times, I'd wonder whether I was half asleep and dreamed it. That I'd imagined it. I have had hallucinations once as the result of a bad reaction to meds, but that was more than 10 years ago now, and hasn't happened since, and I learned how to test my reality in times I was worried about whether something really happened or not from a psychologist, when I asked how I could ever trust my own senses again after that reaction to the meds. They said then, to see if other people can see or hear the thing too, or if it's a noise/voice outside, can I see someone? If so, it's not likely to be a hallucination if both aural and visual perceptions match up. The dog sensed someone there first, and I heard and then saw someone. I wasn't dreaming or imagining it, I don't use drugs and almost never drink, am scientifically minded and don't believe in ghosts, and while I love a good horror film, I'm rarely freaked out by them anymore, too old and cynical.

I have to think it was someone who was looking to burgle a house... but for the fact that they came back so much later. Maybe someone on drugs, or having a mental health episode. Or, and this one bothers me most.. someone who wanted to scare me. But why? Who? They know where we live, are they going to come back? New fears keep popping into my mind, like I sometimes let the dog outside into the back garden at night if I'm up and about, she'll pop out for a quick pee. There's a small side gate to go from the front to the back of the house where someone could easily wait near the back door, completely hidden from view. They were bold enough to stay by the window even after I'd shouted, even after they knew a person and a dog were there the first time. What's to stop them coming back? I'm freaked out.
Get a gun to protect you and your dogs. Set boobies traps,to startle or mame it choice. Stand ur ground or they will keep thinking ur easy prey.
For all non-UK members, please note that the OP cannot get a gun/taser/mace or any other offensive weapon as they are illegal in this country. Even using a kitchen knife for defence is dodgy.

And hitting an intruder with a bat etc is fraught with problems as you're only allowed to do that if you can prove you are significantly weaker than the intruder. A little old lady using a walking stick to hit a 20 year old body builder intruder is OK, but a 20 year old body builder hitting a 40 year old average build intruder is not OK and he could be prosecuted for assault.

Please do not suggest that AdoraBelle breaks our laws.
For all non-UK members, please note that the OP cannot get a gun/taser/mace or any other offensive weapon as they are illegal in this country. Even using a kitchen knife for defence is dodgy.

And hitting an intruder with a bat etc is fraught with problems as you're only allowed to do that if you can prove you are significantly weaker than the intruder. A little old lady using a walking stick to hit a 20 year old body builder intruder is OK, but a 20 year old body builder hitting a 40 year old average build intruder is not OK and he could be prosecuted for assault.

Please do not suggest that AdoraBelle breaks our laws.
I knew you guys couldn't own many weapons but, really? It sounds like you can't even defend yourself much out there, which is scary
It isn't scary to me, because we don't have the kinds of crime rates the US does in many other prosperous countries. I smell waves of fear in a lot of these postings, and I simply don't fear my fellow citizens. I lived most of my life in an urban area noted for its toughness and crime, and yet other than in duck hunting season, I never once heard a shot in 60 years.
I grew up around a few guys who chose lives of crime, but they never carried guns. I've defended myself when I had to, but generally, peacefully (except in hockey games out on the ice). Where there is a strong drug trade, there's a gun trade, and there is a lot of US guns for Canadian drugs trading across the border that is causing trouble, more and more. No one lives in a utopia. But in many countries, people just never think about being prepared to harm other people.

The rest of the world may see things differently than the US. I went to a one weekend fish convention in the US, and I saw three poorly concealed pistols and an assault rifle. It made me wonder if I should outbid anyone in the fish auction there!

A lot of US people freak out when they try to visit here and arrive with an arsenal in the car. They get turned back at the border, as we see guns as being tools to intimidate or commit crimes. Obviously, they don't see it that way, and it's wild for the border guards to deal with the reactions sometimes. Everyone should travel outside their own country as often as they can, but they should never assume other countries march to the same drummers, or have the same problems.
I knew you guys couldn't own many weapons but, really? It sounds like you can't even defend yourself much out there, which is scary
To be fair, most intruders wouldn't even report being assaulted by a householder to the police as they'd get prosecuted for breaking and entering, and burglary if stolen goods were found on them.
To be fair, most intruders wouldn't even report being assaulted by a householder to the police as they'd get prosecuted for breaking and entering, and burglary if stolen goods were found on them.
Yah that's true but it doesn't make sense for the homeowner to get in trouble for defending themselves
It isn't scary to me, because we don't have the kinds of crime rates the US does in many other prosperous countries. I smell waves of fear in a lot of these postings, and I simply don't fear my fellow citizens. I lived most of my life in an urban area noted for its toughness and crime, and yet other than in duck hunting season, I never once heard a shot in 60 years.
I grew up around a few guys who chose lives of crime, but they never carried guns. I've defended myself when I had to, but generally, peacefully (except in hockey games out on the ice). Where there is a strong drug trade, there's a gun trade, and there is a lot of US guns for Canadian drugs trading across the border that is causing trouble, more and more. No one lives in a utopia. But in many countries, people just never think about being prepared to harm other people.

The rest of the world may see things differently than the US. I went to a one weekend fish convention in the US, and I saw three poorly concealed pistols and an assault rifle. It made me wonder if I should outbid anyone in the fish auction there!

A lot of US people freak out when they try to visit here and arrive with an arsenal in the car. They get turned back at the border, as we see guns as being tools to intimidate or commit crimes. Obviously, they don't see it that way, and it's wild for the border guards to deal with the reactions sometimes. Everyone should travel outside their own country as often as they can, but they should never assume other countries march to the same drummers, or have the same problems.
Yah it is pretty crazy.
I would feel safer knowing that not many people have access to weapons especially in this time.
I get anxious anytime I see someone with a gun... Even if they are the most responsible person.

The US isn't "the best" country Lol. Sure there are opportunities and lots of freedom but sometimes I wonder if we are given "too much" freedom. Cause sometimes people will abuse it.
It's a question of degree. If someone could subdue an intruder without half killing them, then that's what they are supposed to do. Like a strong man could easily subdue a teenaged intruder without resorting to hitting him with an object. But if the intruder was the strong man and the householder a young woman, she could not subdue the intruder so she could use something to defend herself such as a bat.

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