With the car parking issues beuocrats can be your best friend you just need to think inside their boxes.
For example is the car blocking a footpath or predestrian walk way? If so Council is the one to get hold of, just make sure you have a clearly posted legal sign stating private property no parking.
If they are blocking access to your house and emergancies services such as fire brigades/ ambulances etc can not gain ready access or it restricts your ability to escape your home in the case of an emergancy then I think it could fall under the police banner, if not once again Local Laws (council) should be able to help you get the car moved once and for all.
Is it a safty hazard in its own right? Maybe the car has some defects the police might be interested in.
All of that said it's probably not best to do what I did to a co-worker who kept parking in my spot and thought it was a great laugh ( I could have had the same guy up on sexual harrassement issues as well but that is a different matter but does explain my threat to him). I ended up telling him point blank he would only park in my spot again if he wanted 4 new tyres
. Outcome one car that was never parked in my possie again.
For example is the car blocking a footpath or predestrian walk way? If so Council is the one to get hold of, just make sure you have a clearly posted legal sign stating private property no parking.
If they are blocking access to your house and emergancies services such as fire brigades/ ambulances etc can not gain ready access or it restricts your ability to escape your home in the case of an emergancy then I think it could fall under the police banner, if not once again Local Laws (council) should be able to help you get the car moved once and for all.
Is it a safty hazard in its own right? Maybe the car has some defects the police might be interested in.
All of that said it's probably not best to do what I did to a co-worker who kept parking in my spot and thought it was a great laugh ( I could have had the same guy up on sexual harrassement issues as well but that is a different matter but does explain my threat to him). I ended up telling him point blank he would only park in my spot again if he wanted 4 new tyres