55g Discus Tank Progress

Probably not the most exciting things I have gotten but here is some parts for my W/C system. The stand should be finished today so ill take pictures after I get off work.


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It's looking good FFG :thumbs:

Mine's a little way behind yours :*)

Wish i could get hold of Discus at the price you're getting them for. I'm looking at getting 6 and going to end up paying about £20 per fish :/
yeah, I would like that deal too, I paid 40 canadian each, on average...for eight. The next two are 120 each.
Well im getting them right from a breeder so I dont have to pay the marked up price that the LFS have. I have developed a good friendship with Ryan the guy im getting them from so he is going to reduce the price for me. Im planning on getting fish from him for $5-10 and raise them up for 3-4 months and then sell them to lfs for $25-35.
I finished the doors today!!!! The stand is basiclly finished. The only thing I have to add is the top and corner trim.


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Heres the front with the doors open. BTW if your wondering the spots are something to do with the camera and there not on the stand.


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Sorry, really fine dust particles that are suspended in the air. They're so fine they don't settle, they just hang around. If you've been sawing wood then that's probably the cause :)
Yeah thats probably the reason. I have been sanding pieces so that I can stain them all day.
I'm no where near that stage yet :rolleyes:

I was going to get some more materials today to make a hood and finish the bracing on my stand but it was rainning hard and i couldn't be bothered getting wet :*)

Maybe tomorrow as i have a half day off work :)
Heres a picture of the Stand, Tank, and Canopy. Im pretty much finished. All I need to do is add the trim on the canopy so you cant see the dark oak color.


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Heres a picture without the flash. Its alittle blury but you can see basicly how it will look at night


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