55g Discus Tank Progress

BTW if anyone wants Discus I would be willing to sell a few for $5-10 (I havnt really desided on the price) to members I like. I get them for $5 so I will eather sell them at price with shipping or for $10 which would only be a $5 profit for me.
LOL!!! Well im not going to sell very many at that low of a price so im not going to just give them to anyone. I would want to give them to someone like your Willie whom I like.
FloridaFishGuy said:
LOL!!! Well im not going to sell very many at that low of a price so im not going to just give them to anyone. I would want to give them to someone like your Willie whom I like.
Score! :kana:

:p ;)

Well, if I had discus, I'd sell them to you too for $5!! But I have Shellies, so I'm giving you a deal on them instead.
How much did the stand and canopy cost to build?
I've been thinking of doing exactly what you've just done but i wasnt sure if i'd be cheaper just buying a 55g with a stand.

Here in the uk it would cost around £300-£400 pounds for a 55g tank and stand.

Hence why im considering building one. :)

looks great

sand would be good though, so u dont see fishie waiste
paulioo said:
How much did the stand and canopy cost to build?
I've been thinking of doing exactly what you've just done but i wasnt sure if i'd be cheaper just buying a 55g with a stand.

Here in the uk it would cost around £300-£400 pounds for a 55g tank and stand.

Hence why im considering building one. :)

£17 for a 56g tank off eBay
£50 for wood (approx.)
A bit of patience and some handy power tools.

Mine will come in under £100 for everything (excluding the Eheim filter) :D

Shop around and find a bargain tank, get a crappy stand and re-face it if you're not too hot with the tools :)
If you want a real cheap stand just get some cement blocks for $1 each and then make a plywood frame to go on top. This is the way I plan on making my rack for the two 55g tanks.
FFG do you pay any pils in the house for water and electrically bill??? with 50% - 75% each day and if u are goiong to get more tanks that would be a huge bill that your parents hav top pay lol
The water/electricity bill will probably raise only about $30 and I doubt my parents would make me pay that.
Hi FloridaFishGuy :)

Your tank turned out to be beautiful. It will really look great when you turn it into a planted tank. I can just picture it with lovely green plants in there. :thumbs:

Do you have any Petland Discount stores near you? I know that they are an east coast chain that does have stores in Florida. I find that they have the best prices on tanks and they have a constant special of a 55 gallon tank with the black iron stand for $89.

When it comes time to get your other tanks, you might want to see if there are any of these stores near you. Then you'd just have to build the canopy, or you could use glass lids with hang your lights over them. They wouldn't be much to look at, but would be cheap and functional.

I can't wait to see pictures with the discus in your tank. :D
The new setup is going to cost alot less than you are thinking Inchworm. I am buying drilled 55g's for $60 and some regular 30g's for $30. The stands will be made out of cement blocks and 2X4 frames. Im guessing the whole thing with a central filter will be around $300-400 for 4-5 tanks. BTW there is already pictures of my Discus on the forum. You can see them HERE.

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