55g Discus Tank Progress

Here you can see the background and bottom painted. It is not filled with water yet but I will tonight and you will have pictures of it tomorrow.


  • DSCF0027.JPG
    30.8 KB · Views: 64
Very nice :)
You said ur getting ur dicus soon? dont they need very mature filters e.g. 6 months of running tank.
thats amazing!!!!!!

ypu started from scratch and you have the most amazing tank now. cant wait to see it filled with fishies
Spyderdf: I am getting 2 cycled sponge filters from the guy who is selling me the fish. I also will be running a AC 500 and doing 50-75% W/C's daily so they will be perfectly fine.
BTW thanks for all the complements. The tank is filled and ready for pictures. But I have to go to work now. I will take some pictures of it when I get home around 3-4.
Here are some pictures of my w/c system. This is the outlet for my washer were I put a Y with valves. I am able to turn the water on/off when I need to fill up the storage container.


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This is the R/O canister where I have 2 carbon blocks and 1 sediment filter that takes out the chlorine in my water.


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This is the water storage container. It is a little on organized right now but when I figure out how to make everything stationary I will look better.


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The plan right now is no decorations. :( I know it seems stupid but I am raising Discus so that I can resell them and with no decorations it will be alot easier to keep it clean and that will allow the Discus to grow alot better. After I sell this first batch for around $210-300 I want to get 2 more 55g tanks so that I can raise Discus in there for selling and I can convert my 55g in the living room into a fully planted tank.
Wow, this is great! I love the whole set-up! If I ever out of the blue descide to get discus, I'll call you up...lol. :p
whoooooo this is cool common take some cool pictures llol even tho theres nothing in the tank haha btw super duper setup guy

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