55g Discus Tank Progress

I have the background painted on the back of the tank and the W/C system is under construction. I will update the pictures either tonight or tomorrow. There are a few other things I have to do like a few home repairs from the hurricane so that will keep me occuped for a little.
All I can say is, WOW! Dude, you're awesome at wood work!! That's the best stand I've seen! :drool: I can't wait to see it with the fish and water. Great Job, I give you COTM! (Craftsmen of the Month) :cool: :kana:
Craftsmen of the Month!!! Im actully very pleased at how it came out. I would of liked a darker stain color but my mom picked it out so I had no say in it. I have talked to my parents and I have a new project! I plan on building a 2 tier stand for my garage which will hold two 55g tanks. These tanks will hold probably 75-100 small discus between the two for about two months and then I will sell the Discus to the LFS. The 55g w/ stand I just built will become a Planted Discus tank once I get some adult Discus to go in there.
More tanks would mean more Discus I could sell which would mean more $$ for me. I would do that in a heart beat if my parents let me.
That would be awesome. It wouldnt be possible though becuase my backyard has a pool. I might get away with a real small room on the side of my house but I would have to do alot of sucking up for my parents to let me build it.

BTW 500th post. :-
HEHEHE Turn the pool into a large discus tank (mmm be cool swimming in there with em) :D
cracking job on the tank build by the way
Changing my pool into a large tank would be extremely hard. I think I will just find some small amounts of space in my house and garage and put tanks there.
You can tell that FFG is slowly making an empire with discus, he buys great discus for cheap, then waits 3 months and sells them for 4 times more than he bought them. then he makes money, then he buys more tank where he puts more discus, and sells them. Soon he is rich.

:rofl: :rofl: That is the plan. The only thing that might hinder it is the parents. After so many tanks they will probably get annoyed and kick me out lol.
Well, you go to college pretty soon, so it will work out fine if they kick you out. :p

Congrats on your 500th post
As much as I would like to move out I dont think with my pay I could live very well on my own.

Thanks, im up to 503 now!

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