55g Discus Tank Progress

FloridaFishGuy said:
14 will not be permanent. I am going to raise them up to a bigger size and then sell most of them to a lfs for $35. I will be making a good amount of money because I am getting them for $10 a peice and he is only charging me for 10.
As long as he's agreeded to buy them back it should be ok. But i'v heard a lot of stories about people who have done this in the past and at the last minute the owner of the lfs decided they don't want them because they're not selling fast enough , not healthy, not the colours they wants etc, etc.

Looking good!
I think it's going to look very nice as well, but I do have to ask...if your discus are coming in a week, are you planning to cycle the tank with discus? :unsure: I see you have a new filter too is why I ask -_-
Doggfather - The person that I bought them from will not buy them back but he is a good friend and gave me about 4-5 different LFS that will buy them. I called most of them and they dont have any discus in stock and would buy mine.

Sorrell - I am getting a already cycled sponge filter from my friend when I get the Discus from him. One cycled sponge filter might not be enough for the bio load of 14 Discus but I am going to be doing two 50% daily water changes for a month until the AC 500 gets cycled and the Discus get bigger.
wow 2 %50 looks like you got some hard work ahead of you, looking good but i thought that much stress of new water might harm the fish?
Discus require very clean water. My friend who breeds discus does as much as four 50% water changes and his fish are as healthy and beautiful as can be.
I finished putting plywood on my front canopy piece. After I get the back piece covered I will hinge them together and put molding around them to hide the dark oak color of the tank trim.


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Heres another thing I bought at Lowes today to help me cut the plywood. Its probably not the nicest jig saw but it was cheap and it does the job well.


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Hey Mike...people are looking for you in Alberta Aquatica :>

Sorry for the hijack, back to our regular programming...
Thanks Freshmike. I have been working hard on it. I start school tomorrow so I wont be able to work on it as much.
The pictures look terrific!!!! Your discus are going to be very very lucky fish! I can't wait untill a year comes by so I can hear all about the spawns! The stand and canopy look great, so does the tank...I like all your 'goodies' as well. :p I can't wait to see it with the water, lights, and other 'stuff'! Great job on this, I know how long you've been waiting to get this! Wonderful Work!!! :kana: :kana: ;)
Yeah I have been waiting a long time to get this tank. I had to beg my mom to let me get it. I dont know how great it will look when I get the water in it because there is just going to be a bare bottom. The back will be painted white or a light brown to reduce the peppering on the discus. Also there will be no decorations and a sponge filter. I dont care about how the tank looks though because the Discus are what people are going to be looking at. If I were getting adult Discus which would cost a fortune I would be able to put them in a planted tank with substrate but with Discus as small as im getting them a bare bottom would be ideal.
Here are the parents of the Discus im getting. They are the 2 red/orange ones to the right.


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Here are the actully pictures of the Discus I am getting thanks to my friend Ryan who breeds them. I will be getting 14 of them but I will sell most of them and keep the best ones. They are not large enough to show there full color but once they get about 6 months old they will.


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