22 Litre Betta Tank

He needs a treat for being a good boy :lol:
Ok things are looking up for Vader this morning:

A bad picture I know but the ammonia levels are matching the colour of pure RO having ammonia tests.
There is no nitrite but as mature media has been used I'm not expecting too see it.
Nitrates are sitting between 10-20

Think I will add Vader after lunch. :D

Then monitor the water like a psychopath ha ha!
Ohh how exciting - Vader's a lucky fish! Keep us updated on his progress in his new tank!
Oooh, sounds good!
Fingers crossed for everything being back under control 
Someone has been bubble nesting . . . . .

Love his colour in this pic :D

Acclimatising in an arm length glove :)

I did notice this on top surface of water, not sure but scooped most of it out with the net
The release:

Not the best pic, but the best I could do as hubby waiting to go back to work.

I would have also preferred a bit longer to acclimatise him as ended up just having 15mins. Ill be keeping a close eye on him any rate.
Congrats! He's a beaut! And a lucky guy to have such a great new home :)
greenmumma141 said:
Congrats! He's a beaut! And a lucky guy to have such a great new home :)
Thank you :) lets hope he does ok.
Love your signature pic :D
Well done Shelster and good luck with Vader, more pics, more pics ...;)
Are those gloves used with the cows?  Can you use them for cleaning fish tanks?
Eating some food

Ammonia and nitrite (thought I'd check just in case) are all good so far......

Hiding under floating anubia

I will try to post a video :D
For the people on PCs who can't be bothered clicking ;)
Great little video though and it's brilliant to finally see him in his new home!

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