22 Litre Betta Tank

Hmm, I'm gutted about this, especially as I have the betta too :( just hope I'm not going to end up doing a fish in cycle after all this. Waiting for the RO and then buffering is a pain in the backside too, if only I could just use straight from the tap :(
I feel your pain, my mom has a 125G and can't use her tap either, so she was to fill up buckets at my house once a month lol... So i understand how frustrating that is.  Do you have anything you can add to atleast detoxify the ammonia???
Ok so I did 90% water change and then took another ammonia reading of .25 :mad:

Problem with your tank being in the bedroom of course, is when one of you wants bed but the other is still waiting for more RO to be filtered from the tap to do another water change. (In fairness to the other half, he has been p since 3am milking the cows)

The only way I could of performed a 100% water change would be to tip the water out of the tank as the filter and media etc all sit in chambers at the back of the tank - which was obviously still holding the water with high concentrations of ammonia in.

So I am collecting as much water before I go off to bed, and in the mean time, ''Morpheus" is playing musical tanks!
I decided as I obviously don't want to be settling him into a tank with ammonia present, I would clean up an old breeding chamber that I luckily found out in the garage. He is now a segregated resident in my 54litre until I can sort out the issues with his tank.
Milking the... hang on, what? 

I'm not sure what might have caused the spike but I hope it's under control for you soon enough! It's a good thing you've found the breeding chamber too, that's bought you a bit of time :)
Hang in there!
.25 ppm of ammonia is manageable though, hopefully tomorrow you can get it to 0 with another wc.  Looks like you've got a good handle on everything though :good: Morpheus will be just fine in a breeder bin until you work everything out. Good thing you discovered the ammonia before he was in the tank!!!
Shelster said:
Ha ha, thanks RCA, don't think I could compete with 'the big boys' in tank of the month, but thanks for the confidence boost

Ok things are not going well
all has been ticking along great water parameter wise, so whilst out and about today I decided to collect Morpheus. Get home, give tank one last check - nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ammonia a shocking green!!

I am now frantically collecting RO from our system to get it buffered ready for release. The tank was also cold so I'm thinking the thermometer has failed at some point and possibly my colony of bacteria have died off?? Any advice gratefully received.

These things are certainly sent to try us hey?
A small tank won TOTM in February I think, so there is no such thing as "the big boys", often simplicity can be the winner.  Beauty is in the eye of those viewing it, so please give it a go sometime.
Sorry to hear about all your troubles, hopefully it will all be settled soon and Morpheus can enjoy his new home.  In the meantime he will be fine where you have him, I find their tough fish really.  My latest boy is in a large jug floating in the Quarantine tank at present, as last night I came home with three new girls!  I set up another tank last night to test a new heater and plan to do some switching around later.
Is there a reason you cannot use your tap water?  Also, can you tell me about the RO unit you have, and do you use only RO water on your aquariums?
Hope the cows and your partner enjoy their even early morning with the clocks going forward. 
Joshwainwright said:
Milking the... hang on, what? :blink:
I'm not sure what might have caused the spike but I hope it's under control for you soon enough! It's a good thing you've found the breeding chamber too, that's bought you a bit of time :)
Hang in there!
Aye, we're dairy farmers! Husband had an early one this morning though. Although they do a time diff of 30 mins over two days.
greenmumma141 said:
.25 ppm of ammonia is manageable though, hopefully tomorrow you can get it to 0 with another wc.  Looks like you've got a good handle on everything though :good: Morpheus will be just fine in a breeder bin until you work everything out. Good thing you discovered the ammonia before he was in the tank!!!
Thanks greenmumma, just hope if I introduce him I'm not going to have to do full water changes everyday if it has potentially all died off. Certainly don't want to keep him in a breeding tank whilst doing a fishless cycle although that's fairer than a fish in cycle.
RCA said:
Ha ha, thanks RCA, don't think I could compete with 'the big boys' in tank of the month, but thanks for the confidence boost :D
Ok things are not going well :( all has been ticking along great water parameter wise, so whilst out and about today I decided to collect Morpheus. Get home, give tank one last check - nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ammonia a shocking green!! :( argh!
I am now frantically collecting RO from our system to get it buffered ready for release. The tank was also cold so I'm thinking the thermometer has failed at some point and possibly my colony of bacteria have died off?? Any advice gratefully received.
These things are certainly sent to try us hey?
A small tank won TOTM in February I think, so there is no such thing as "the big boys", often simplicity can be the winner.  Beauty is in the eye of those viewing it, so please give it a go sometime.
Sorry to hear about all your troubles, hopefully it will all be settled soon and Morpheus can enjoy his new home.  In the meantime he will be fine where you have him, I find their tough fish really.  My latest boy is in a large jug floating in the Quarantine tank at present, as last night I came home with three new girls!  I set up another tank last night to test a new heater and plan to do some switching around later.
Is there a reason you cannot use your tap water?  Also, can you tell me about the RO unit you have, and do you use only RO water on your aquariums?
Hope the cows and your partner enjoy their even early morning with the clocks going forward. 
Thanks RCA - unfortunately we have extremely high nitrates in our water as we use a bore hole. I did check it yesterday just incase it may be safe to use, however it came out a lovely wine red after 10 mins :(
Yes I use it on all of my tanks *sigh*

Happy Easter everyone! As a holiday treat I thought I would share some pics, oh and Morpheus has changed his name by deed poll to "Vader" as he says it much better suits his character :D
So as promised, here is Vader:



Thank you, I thought he was a jolly good find, even if he is a common veil tail :D
Ooooh, I love the bit of red! 

Looks like this is my only Easter present seeing as I don't have any chocolate 

Dairy farming sounds hard work, or having to get up at that time does!
Joshwainwright said:
Ooooh, I love the bit of red! :hyper:
Looks like this is my only Easter present seeing as I don't have any chocolate :no:
Dairy farming sounds hard work, or having to get up at that time does!
It is yes, but comes with its benefits too - like free milk :D

Sorry the Easter bunny missed your house :( I'm sure Vader doesn't compare to chocolate although he is very pleasing to the eye :)
Ok so here's how things are developing:

Vader has eaten :D despite having to live in a breeding chamber at the moment he has still eaten some artemia. (I bought a frozen pack as that was what he was being successfully fed at the lfs)
I also bought him some betta food but I can't find the tub now to let you know the name ;)

In terms of the ammonia I thought I would see how things developed after my 90% water change, and to be honest it's pretty much sitting between 0.5-1.00ppm. What has happened I am still completely baffled with myself. Whether I have any live bacteria in there is questionable.............

However: A big shout out goes to: TRIMAR AQUARIA in Camborne, they have been brilliant, firstly offering to loan me a light unit when mine didnt work and my plants needed light, and secondly bless them they have given me some mature media :D

Soooo I have placed the ceramics they have given me into my tank, gave them some in replacement and put what they have given me amongst another bag which has been in there all along.

I guess now its just a waiting game.

Meanwhile, Vader appears to be doing well in his breeding chamber in my 54litre - I am replenishing his water daily just in case he may get a build up of ammonia in there. (I know some say they don't often get a very good flow in these)

I shall take another ammonia reading later on tonight to see if any change in the parameters :)
Sounding good! 

Well, as good as the situation can sound at the minute. They really do sound like a good set of people at that store, there should be more people like that - especially in my area. We just have a horrible little fish store in town which has dirty, over stocked tanks! :/
Hopefully the mature media will get things moving a little quicker for you :) 
Ugh that's pretty poor, maybe ask on here if anyone has one they recommend?

Even if its a bit of a travel, once you find a great fish store they're worth their weight in gold :)

Incidentally this was what I saw when I came back:

Yup, my beagle sleeping in my basket of clean washing AGAIN good job he is a loveable chap :D

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