22 Litre Betta Tank

Quite a lot of people fuss about bubbles in substrates and stirring it often but really, it's not a problem. The bubbles in your tank are probably just air bubbles from when you put the substrate in :)
Even if the bubbles contained harmful gasses, it's still only a bubble... the gas hasn't actually got in to the water. I have a sand substrate full of bubbles and I've never had a problem with it.
btw, is there any chance you bought your plants online? I need to buy some new ones but I'm not sure who to use 
Love the tank, it looks great :good:
I've used aquabid many times and am always very satisfied :)
Oh I'm sorry, no I didn't. Found a little gem of an aquatics store who someone recommended from here for me - but I do live in Cornwall so a bit too far for you to travel.
If you start a topic asking for a reputable online plant store in the UK I'm sure someone will be able to help.
I thought I saved a website myself from here but can't find it at the moment.
Here is a useful link though- may help you choose which plants:
I've already got some java fern and java moss and decided what I want to add so it's just a case of finding an online store. I used PlantedTanks before and they were alright but they don't have everything I want in stock at the moment.
Probably due to the bank holiday :/
Looking great Shelster, that is going to be one lucky Betta.
Love the wood, just a thought, is your bed to the right of the tank as we look at it?  If so I would turn the wood slightly so it is on more of an angle, with the hole facing slightly towards the right.  This way you will be able to see the hole from both the front and the side.  In fact I would be tempted to do that anyway, if it is possible?  You may of course have already tried this?
Sharing your excitement, good job :)
Thanks RCA, no my side of the bed actually faces the tank straight on.
I did have a fiddle to try and get the best angle, but as you can see from the birds eye view there isn't much moving space for it in there.
Still I think it's a great find :D

I went in to see 'Morpheus' yesterday when I was trying different bulbs for the light unit. His breeding box had some algae on it so you couldn't really see much of him as I wanted to take a photo. I had previously been discussing with shopkeeper re shrimp and Morpheus' compatibility. When he tilted box so I could take a photo these fish swam into his chamber and he got all excited about it being lunchtime! Sooo that answers my question then!!
What a fabulous tank! I love the bogwood and the sand and the plants look great too! If I get sand would I be able to put it on top of the gravel already in there or should I completely remove and replace, bearing in mind it is almost 2 weeks into fishless cycle?
Thanks guys :D

Mamashack in my personal opinion I would do either one or the other. - when you vacuum your gravel, the sand will either get sucked up the tube, or eventually would sink below the gravel.

However, in my 54 litre I have gravel, and as I have plenty of dark substrate left and a few cories in the 54 litre I thought I would maybe do half and half. I am hoping to get some aquarium safe Perspex and just cut some in a size to segregate the two. That way I can still vacuum gravel, and cories get to enjoy something to snuffle in :D
Mamashack in my personal opinion I would do either one or the other. - when you vacuum your gravel, the sand will either get sucked up the tube, or eventually would sink below the gravel.
Ok thanks Shelster
Shelster said:
Thanks guys

Mamashack in my personal opinion I would do either one or the other. - when you vacuum your gravel, the sand will either get sucked up the tube, or eventually would sink below the gravel.

However, in my 54 litre I have gravel, and as I have plenty of dark substrate left and a few cories in the 54 litre I thought I would maybe do half and half. I am hoping to get some aquarium safe Perspex and just cut some in a size to segregate the two. That way I can still vacuum gravel, and cories get to enjoy something to snuffle in
Just to let you know that I am picking up media bags today to put my pea gravel in.  They are made large for pond filter media and are only £1+, only thing is they are bright orange :)  The pea gravel is purely to build up the back of the tank, see the journal in my signature.  Then on top of that there is to be JBL Florabase, then the Unipac Senegal + maybe black at the back.  So rather than perspex you might find this a solution, plus if plants want to get their roots further down into the substrate they probably will.  I would also worry with perspex that it may build up some anaerobic bacteria underneath it, whereas the bags should keep the flow hopefully?
Mamashack said:
What a fabulous tank! I love the bogwood and the sand and the plants look great too! If I get sand would I be able to put it on top of the gravel already in there or should I completely remove and replace, bearing in mind it is almost 2 weeks into fishless cycle?
Agreed, looks amazing, good job :)
I would remove and replace now if you wanted the Unipac stuff :)  You can keep your other gravel inside stockings and just lay it on top for now, so that any BB can seed the new substrate, then you can remove it easily later.  What colour would you get if you were to change it?
blackops said:
love this tank
Me too, enter it in TOTM as soon as you have Morpheus in it.  Loved that he ate the shrimp, I always pick the feisty fighters, they are more entertaining ;)
Agreed, looks amazing, good job

I would remove and replace now if you wanted the Unipac stuff
You can keep your other gravel inside stockings and just lay it on top for now, so that any BB can seed the new substrate, then you can remove it easily later. What colour would you get if you were to change it?
Haven't decided that I will swap yet but have to say I'm attracted to the black too
Ha ha, thanks RCA, don't think I could compete with 'the big boys' in tank of the month, but thanks for the confidence boost :D

Ok things are not going well :( all has been ticking along great water parameter wise, so whilst out and about today I decided to collect Morpheus. Get home, give tank one last check - nitrite 0 nitrate 10 ammonia a shocking green!! :( argh!

I am now frantically collecting RO from our system to get it buffered ready for release. The tank was also cold so I'm thinking the thermometer has failed at some point and possibly my colony of bacteria have died off?? Any advice gratefully received.

These things are certainly sent to try us hey?
Not sure whether to add some partial water from my other tanks or to use just buffered RO.
If there may be some bacteria still alive, or if it has all died off ill potentially be increasing the ammonia in morpheus's tank when I check the stats in the morning. ( does that even make sense?)
The water would have to be extremely cold to kill the bacteria... Sorry to hear about such a sudden spike, I've had dark green once before too so I understand the panic that comes with that. 

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