
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    Sick Betta. HELP!

    My betta fish, Clifford, is in a 3.5 gallon tank with a heater and filter (and two moss balls). Last week I noticed blackish fin edges vs. his normal white fin edges. I suspected fin rot so I put him on tetra lifeguard and have been doing 50% water changes every day, at the end of treatment he...
  2. N

    Help with Guppy please!

    Hi all, I’m hoping someone can help me identify what’s going on with my female guppy. This is the second time we’ve seen this sort of poop with her, I’ve read online that it could be a parasite and we have soaked some fish food and garlic today to try to help her. She’s the only one in the tank...
  3. G

    Fat and pale siamese algae eater

    Can someone tell me what is happening to this fish? It's acting normally but is really fat and pale. The other ones appear a bit fat as well, but not this bad.
  4. A

    What is wrong with my fancy black tailed guppy!???

    I started out with three adult guppies. Two female and one male. Naturally they populated. The adults both died after a few months within a week of eachother and they had bloated bellies and little white balls coming out of their stomachs, almost looked like eggs but they are live bearers...
  5. N

    Help, sick guppy

    Hello, I saw that one of my guppies got a white patch on her back/tail and is moving slowly, near the gravel. She had been an active and lively fish before. What could that white patch be?
  6. O

    IS my Tetra dying?!

    One of my Skirt Tetras is sort of swimming on its side, My tank was built DIY, and I clean it very 1-2 weeks, help.
  7. J

    White stuff on angelfish lip

    I need help. I just got this black angel and the 2nd day it started to develop this stuff on its lip??? Idk what it is, can anyone help identify it and know a way cure it? Here's a link to 2 pictures of its lip...
  8. T

    Dead Axolotl

    Hello, My axolotl just died and I'm looking for answers as to why. Yesterday at about 3pm she looked okay, her gills were flared but her tail was straight. Sometimes she flips out after she poops (which she had just done) so I thought the stress sign was from that. Later at about 9pm her gills...
  9. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
  10. Aisilence

    Black Ghost Knife fish DISEASE?!

    Hi! I have a BGK for more than a year. He seemed fine all this time, but today I noticed some very odd white spot on him. Maybe an early stage of fungus? I have no idea, but It doesnt look so good. I'm really scared for it to not start growing bigger. It looks a bit like a wound when I look more...
  11. G

    HELP!? Is she sick???

    I bought a pair of african peacocks last week, and I just noticed the female's fins look like there may be something wrong! I'm freaking out a bit, as I've never had a sick fish before. I need some help please! I looked at some threads about fin rot, and I'm afraid this may be that. Thanks for...
  12. Ceelow

    Betta prolapse - help

    As the title says, I noticed my Betta has red/pink extrusion from belly. Started yesterday. Don't know what to do
  13. T

    Sick (Possibly Beaten Up) Dwarf Gourami

    Hey everybody, so yesterday me and my girlfriend were walking around in wal-mart when I decided I'd pop in to take a look at the fish since I was grabbing some food anyways. We saw a group of dwarf gourami in a tank, which I thought was unusual so I took a look. I found one who was kind of...
  14. E

    Help!! Problems with my Dalmatian Molly!

    Hi, im new to this site and desperately need help with one of my fish. Ive had a 10 gallon for a couple of months and one of my most recent additions is a pair of dalmatian mollies. One of them was rather small but thats likely just because hes young. I noticed the smaller of the pair resting on...
  15. Vengified

    Otocinclus White ~2Otocin fuzzballs random spots

    Not quite sure what's going on with my oto. He is one of three, the only one of three, to show these "fuzzballs" on his back. I'm not sure if its columnaris, or something else? It doesnt seem to match what I can find of columnaris either. I noticed one spot, a few days ago and thought maybe an...
  16. A

    Bloated gorami, please help

    My gorami has been very fat for a very long time almost 2 months now. He wont eat at all. Iv tried peas he wont eat them. Moved him to my hospital tank tried medicating the water. Didn't help. Regular water changes have perked him up. Hes still swimming around fine. He hangs around the heater a...
  17. T

    Betta constantly shifting pattern, water levels seem normal

    Hey all, my first post here. I have an issue with my betta I can't find anywhere else, I've had him for a couple months, when I first got him he was the normal fresh out of petshop dull and limp blue, but after a while, he perked up to be a beauty. But just over a month ago he started to develop...
  18. H

    Help! Guppy Sick!

    Hi everyone! I'm still pretty new at this, but I have had had 3 neon tetras for about half a year now. When I moved back home for the summer, one of them suddenly died. I assumed it was because of the stress of moving between states. Currently, I have a 3.5-gallon tank. Two neon tetras, two...
  19. Vengified

    Possibly Sterile Female? Wasting Disease? Worms?

    So, I have a female guppy whom appears different than the rest of my females. She has always been blonde, and always appeared slightly different than the rest. But the others purchased with her, and a couple after her, are all visibly pregnant, with a couple about to pop any day now. I was...
  20. Seantheplatydaddy

    Male platy bent body and trouble breathing

    Tank size: 10 gallons pH: between 6.5 and 7.0 ammonia: unknown rn nitrite: 0 ppm nitrate: 40 ppm kH: 80 ppm gH: 120 ppm tank temp: 78 F Fish Symptoms: I just put down a fish for swim bladder disease. Sam (the current sick fish) has been sick for a few weeks. I treated the tank with a parasite...
  21. ktink

    Catfish has skin lesions and the skin is peeling off. Very worried.

    About 3 weeks ago I transferred my catfish who I’ve had in a 45 gallon tank for about 7 years to a new 75 gallon tank. About two days ago I noticed that he had some fairly large white spots on his back and close to his tail. As of today his skin is peeling off in three places and it seems to be...
  22. E

    what is wrong with my betta?:(

    My betta is not doing so well. Here is some info about him: Housing: 5 gallons Filtered No heater Stays between 78-80 No tankmates Food: New life spectrum betta formula Pellets Every day, 3 pellets a day Maintenance: 1 gallon water change weekly (20%), vacuuming substrate and...
  23. J

    Has anyone successfully cured dropsy in neon tetra?

    i tried a salt bath for him last night for a half hour with not even 1/4th of a teaspoon in a one gallon tank and I think he looks a little better but it’s hard to tell, he is eating now though. I was wondering if I try this again and how often I should be doing this because I know it’s hard on...
  24. R


    i have a 20 gallon tank with 7 Mollies - 1 male, 4 female, 2 babies. I have been trying for a long time to get my tank up to a better condition. For the last month or so. One of my Mollies, Ryder, has been having patches of raised scales in certain places. At first the fish store said it was...
  25. Vengified

    Black "Scab" on male guppy tail fin?

    As title says, my male guppy has developed a black spot, and I'm not sure how or why, and possibly a second one. I'll enter all pertinent info and include pictures below: Tank size: 10g pH: 8.0 (very hard city water) ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0.12ppm kH: unknown (but I know it's full of...
  26. L

    Is my new fish sick?

    Hi there, I bought some new fish today at pets at home, neon tetras and dwarf rainbows. The woman in the shop did not show us the fish and placed them in a brown bag. After returning home and acclimating the fish, we let them out into the tank and I noticed one of the dwarf rainbows who is...
  27. Fiji

    White Blotch on Peacock Cichlid?

    Hey everyone, As stated in the title, one of my cichlids has something abnormal going on and I'd like some advice on how to fix it. It seems that he has a white "blotch" on the top of his head near the dorsal fin that may be destroying tissue :nailbiting:. Funny thing is, is that he behaves...
  28. Cameronb_01

    Concerned about Discus Health

    Hi, About three months ago one of my discus accumulated so many little black spots that he effectively half turned black. Apart from the visual deformation there were no changes to his appetite or behaviour around the tank, consequently I put the change down to a very severe and sudden case of...
  29. kitta98


    I think I may have brought a disease into my tank. Ever since I last added my 5 female guppies I have had 5 guppies for two male and three female, and a molly in one tank and recently I think I somehow contaminated my betta tank causing one of my before very healthy bright looking betta to die...
  30. L

    Fish emergency!

    So, I have a 60 gal freshwater tank with guppys, platy's, swordtails and two Rainbows. About a month ago, one of my guppy girls started getting fat, assumed she was pregnant because we do have males in the tank as well. Recently though, she's started getting... blocky? We figured she was close...
  31. koii

    Urgent Betta Problems!!

    Hi! Listen, sorry if I'm posting about this is in the wrong area, I'm new. But really, I'm very worried about my fish. My mystery snail died, and we left him in the tank for a day or two, because he usually just stopped and hid in his shell for a while. I noticed something was wrong when he did...
  32. blackmoor13222

    Help with sick goldfish

    HI, My black moor goldfish (1 year old) has a bump on both sides right behind the gills. The bump is white and I am assuming that it is scales sticking out. However he is still very active and still has an appetite. After doing some research, I am worried that my goldfish has dropsy, since the...
  33. D

    Please help!!

    Ok, so I bought a Betta a few months ago now and he has started showing signs of tattered and torn fins?? I’m quite concerned it may be Fin Rot but I need some help confirming this or not. I can provide pictures if needed. Now I have been reading up, but how can you tell if there is redness...
  34. F

    Please help! Platy with mild dropsy, white fungus on head and body, bloating, clear/stringy poo

    I'm absolutely at a loss for what to do here, and I'd really appreciate any advice you guys can give me. Tank size: 23 gallons pH: No test kit ammonia: 0 nitrite: No test kit nitrate: 0 kH: 3-4 gH: No test kit tank temp: 26 degrees Celsius (78.8 degrees Fahrenheit) Fish Symptoms (include full...
  35. E


    I have had my cuckoo catfish for about 6 months now, never had any problems and he’s thrived! I went away for the weekend and I’ve come back and he is very very sick, his face appears swollen, his mouth hard and held open and doesn’t appear to be moving much, he is special to me so I just don’t...
  36. Fiji

    Possible Copper Poisoning?

    Hey everyone, So I've recently gone back to live plants but cannot afford a co2 system at the moment so I've been using Seachem Excel as a supplement. Now ever since I started using this fertilizer some strange things have been happening and the only factor I can connect this behavior to could...
  37. D

    Does my fish have dropsys?

    My female platy just had babies last week. She had a really big belly and 2 of my guppies were chasing her like crazy. We figured that they just wanted her eggs. Fast forward a week after the babies and now they’re still chasing her... and becoming more and more aggressive. I tried adding...
  38. hyrulelegend091

    How Does He Look?

    Hi everyone! If you are on as well, you may have already seen this post, but I always love getting a variety of opinions! Here's the story: A few months ago, my sister got three bettas. Cool, except she claims she "didn't know how to clean the tanks." I only found this out after the...
  39. kitta98

    My Dwarf Gourami seems really ill.

    My dwarf gourami has been pretty shy since i got him. I rarely saw him and I don't think i've ever seen him feed. I thought it was because he was new. Then I took out all my fish last week and done a water change. And he was even more shy. I had to check behind the plants to find him because I...
  40. K

    Sick Pictus Catfish

    I recently transferred to a new college and I decided I wanted to have a pet here in my dorm since I was not able to bring my dogs with me. I then decided I wanted to get a fish. I have owned other fish in the past, but this was my first time trying out pictus catfish. I bought everything in...