
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    Bluegill turned half grey

    Hey guys, was hoping you could help! One of my 10 bluegill Sunfish fry has turned half grey over the course of 24 hours, any clue what could be wrong? They’ve been fine for over a month now.
  2. E

    Glofish sick

    I just noticed this fish today. Its in a 55 gallon community tank. No other fish are sick. Could this be from nipping or is this a disease?
  3. Xious

    Dying Fish?

    Hello! I'm relatively new to the hobby, about a year in. I have a 155g tank with 2 Oscars, 2 catfish, and 2 goldfish (that the oscars didn't eat and have grown). I also have a 55g planted tank that's cycled and houses an army of Cherry Shrimp, plants, and 5 snails. Recently i've added guppies...
  4. J

    Norbert, my Betta, is sick and not getting better with treatment

    Hi. I am hoping for some help and insight for my sick betta, Norbert. Let me know if you guys have other diagnoses for him as Im not sure what he has but hopefully the items below shed more light for more insight. Symptoms: He has been off-feed for a week. There was 1 day he ate 3 pellets but...
  5. S

    Help pls!! Giant Gourami Coughing

    Hello everyone, I have a wonderful giant gourami and recently he has started coughing out bubbles violently. It happens occasionally. He is also sleeping more and taking naps often. Occasionally he twitches and it looks like he has involuntary spasms. His appetite is good as usual. We generally...
  6. A

    Sick minnow+danio+guppy?

    About a few weeks ago I had bought a 21gal tank and I had a 4gal tank with a minnow and a danio (all the others died off). I had only bought this bigger tank because I wanted to give them friends so I left the tank for like 4 days with a filter from a cycled tank and live plants. Then when I...
  7. M

    Brooklynella, Velvet or other??

    I have had a case of what I think was brooklynella in the past 5 months. It started with my clownfish and they ended up dying despite our medication. We got a second batch of fish 4/5 weeks as per recommended by our fish guy, and they ended up dying of the disease too. We weren't able to treat...
  8. abegonzalez0221

    Fungus help?

    Anyone know what is on this poor rainbowfish and it its contagious?
  9. P

    Kuhli loach with hole in gills help

    One of my kuhli loaches is sick and I genuinely have no idea what's wrong. This is my first tank I'm running by myself, he's only been in there a week, and any help you can give on whats wrong and how to help would be greatly appreciated. This started 1-2 days ago but the hole is very recent...
  10. L

    Mollies/Platys dying one by one

    Hello, So I have a 130 litre tropical aquarium that has been running for at least 7 years now. For the past year I’ve only had black skirt tetras, black phantom tetras and rasboras, all of which are doing fine. About 6 weeks ago I purchased 4 Platys and 4 mollies and didn’t even think to...
  11. abegonzalez0221


    Hi, I have this really shy parrot fish and i’ve had her for almost a month now, she’s still really shy. She’s in my 55 with a few juvenile rainbows, they all get along fine. I was looking at her today and noticed she had a really small white marking on her fin (see picture below) but I’m really...
  12. USFish

    My Blood Parrot Cichlid is not doing well.

    My blood parrot has developed this weird white bump right by its nose. What can I cure this with?
  13. abegonzalez0221

    Angelfish all swimming at the top, need help

    Hi, I recently bought three angels for my 55 gallon two weeks ago, but three days ago they all started swimming at the top and I noticed the black one started developing some sort of white mucus (see picture below). They are all eating fine and go crazy for the bloodworms and pellets i give...
  14. M

    Vertical, Weak Guppy fish...

    Hello, I have a guppy tank, and one of my guppies looks close to death. She's swimming vertically, struggling to swim, and her gills arent moving much. I tried doing a water change to see how she would do... she seems terribly close to death. Attached photo. Any suggestions please?
  15. B

    Betta has growth above eye

    Attached are 3 photos, the first is from the day I got him (August 1st, 2021) and the rest are from today. I had gone on a trip and left my family to care for my bettas for a couple days and have returned to this, which I think is an exploded abscess? I’m not sure how to care for his growth or...
  16. L

    Orange ancistrus is suddenly much darker

    I have an orange ancistrus for a month now, and she (I think) was always bright lively orange, but today I noticed that she's much darker and duller in color. The water parameters are all good, as is the temperature and she has been growing steadily as well- the only thing I found odd about her...
  17. rianna21

    My platy is sad :(

    Hi everyone, sorry if this isnt the right place to post, I’m looking for some advice. My variatus platy has been avoiding food for 3 weeks now, and prefers to stay at the top of the tank, near the bottom or swimming up and down the sides. When I say avoiding, I mean it literally swims in the...
  18. Abadox

    Red Tail Shark ok to put in 5 gal hospital tank??

    Hello. Two months new to the hobby. I have a red tail shark who has seemingly got ick. He is in a 30 gallon well planted tank with 12 neon tetras, 4 Tiger barbs, 1 algae eater, and 3 black mollies. Air stone, places to hide, etc. Ph 6.8-7.2, Nitrates 0, Ammonia 0. I was wondering if it would be...
  19. H

    I love my platies

    Hi I am new to the forum and I am a beginner. I have 2 Female platies, one of them is slightly bigger than the other. She love picking on the air bubbles from the plant. The small one is quite shy and now she is sick and keep hiding at the bottom of tank. Hope she can make it.
  20. K

    Silver dollar white blotches

    Hello everyone i woke up today to two of my common silver dollars with white blotches all over them. If anyone could help me out in identifying and treating I’d greatly appreciate it. Thank you
  21. Falconwithaboxon

    Bloated African Dwarf Frog

    I have an african dwarf frog that is rather bloated and he his spending much more time at the surface than he usually does. I am worried he's suck or are a rock but I'm not sure. Is there anything I can do to help him? Or will he just die? The tank is rather tall(24 inches) and I could try to...
  22. Linkandnavi

    White (slightly stringy) lips on two Boesemani Rainbows

    Hi all, Two of my Boesemani Rainbows have developed white growths on their upper lips. It appears slightly stringy/cottony. I`m just getting a quarantine tank up to temperature and will transfer them over. That said, I`ve been looking extensively online and from the descriptions it could...
  23. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Hi, So I recently noticed some white cotton-ish growth on my male BN, around his gills - started on only one side and then quickly became evident on the other side too. I immediately took some photos and went to my LFS who suggested its probably a fungus (i suspected this!). I purchased some...
  24. S

    What’s wrong with my endler guppy?

    I noticed at the weekend it was swimming close to the surface and not really moving around, the stomach seems very bloated and it’s swimming really strangely. I also noticed a few red marks on the tail, i can’t tell if it’s been ripped or whether it’s red spot? I tried my best to take some...
  25. C

    Very Sick Raphael Catfish!!

    Hi everyone! I am posting because I have run into a situation I cannot find a solid solution or explanation for. I have a 55 gallon tank with 1 Veiled Angelfish, 4 platy, 3 albino corydora catfish, a small population of Ramshead Snails, and 1 Raphael Striped Catfish. I do 35-40% water changes...
  26. N

    Pregnant or Sick Molly? Dark Spot on Stomach

    Hi y'all! I noticed that my female speckled Molly has a little bulge on her belly, particularly her left side. She is a little stretched and these scales seem white, with a little gray discoloration (see pics) Water: nitrate/nitrite 0 PH is 7.5 Ammonia 0 Take has been established since October...
  27. Linkandnavi

    Guppy Swimming Vertically

    Afternoon all, As of this morning one of my guppies in the 87l tank has started swimming almost vertically, tail down, mostly in the corner of the tank but sometimes out in the middle. He seems capable of swimming normally. If one of the other fish comes over and gives him a nudge, he'll set...
  28. H

    Desperate for help - mass burst on dwarf gourami

    I am in desperate need of help. Our favorite fish, a dwarf gourami, is in a hospital tank and in dire need of treatment or euthanasia. He had been showing signs of some kind of spots all over for a few months. No treatments of ich worked and no other fish in the tank had any of his...
  29. R

    Black Moor white spot

    I've had my Scuba Doo, my black moor, for about 8 months. Super happy and healthy little guy. I've noticed a white spot/growth on what looks like the anus area. I've looked it up and read other people's posts, and some say something about spawning? He's the only one in the tank though, so that's...
  30. 2

    Treated tank for Camallanus Worm outbreak, after treatment Krib still wont eat help.

    Hi im new to the forum and I've made a account as im trying all i can to remedy the situation as best i can and any advice would be great. Basically, over the last 6 months and lockdowns, i got back into fishkeeping. Everything was going very well i had a happy 130 litre/35 US gallon tank with...
  31. CreecherFeature

    What causes these white patches on my betta???

    I've had my betta for months now and have changed nothing in my routine, but lately he has developed white spots on his left face and top of his back (and a few other places that didn't show up well in photos, all small). I've seen posts of somewhat similar conditions being aggressively deadly...
  32. Natabettas


    Hey everyone. I rescue fish in my area and I got a message today asking if I could take in 30+ endler guppies and 5 neon tetras, most or all with bad fin rot. I have dealt with fin rot in bettas before with salt baths and lifeguard all in one. But is it the same for these guys? Any tips on how...
  33. G

    My cardinal tetra looks strange

    I’ve noticed my cardinal tetra, Timothy, is looking a little tubby. I was wondering if he is actually a pregnant girl or if he is constipated
  34. MagicGirl33

    SOS! Is this a disease on my platy or possibly a cut or missing scale?

    It's a sunset platy and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have ick but I can't be too sure. Anyone think they know whats up with him? I'm really worried if it is a disease he'll infect my other fish and (my favorite) clown pleco. Please help!
  35. Kate182

    Dwarf Gourami losing scales

    Hi all, I am fairly new to the fish hobby and I have noticed that one of my Dwarf Gourami seems to have scales missing on their head. What could be causing this? I don't think they are being bullied because the tank is very peaceful (2 x dwarf gourami, 2 x albino corydora, 6 x neon tetra, 6 x...
  36. carligraceee

    Is there something wrong with my platy?

    Hey guys. This is sally. Is there something wrong with her? She’s always been kind of round but i just want to make sure there isn’t something up. Sorry about some photo bombs, my mollies like attention lol. I know her tail is messed up, she jumped out of the tank awhile back ?
  37. Allaboutcichlids

    Flowerhorn excreting weird white balls!!!!!

    Hi, I am looking for some advice. As shown in the pictures, my flowerhorn has just started excreting white lumps. I am not sure if this is normal or if this is the start of an illness. He is eating well and looks to be in full health (no body/fin damage). I have not changed his diet (other than...
  38. M

    Sick Molly

    One of my mollies has been hiding a lot for the past 2ish days. Today when she finally moved enough for me to see her, she was white on her underside near her head, she is normally completely orange. None of my other fish are acting odd or are having discoloration and I'm not sure what is wrong...
  39. I

    My Harlequin Rasboras are dying one by one- HELP

    Tank size: 54l, 60x30x30 cm tank age: Fully cycled, one full week with fish pH: 6 ammonia:none nitrite:0 nitrate:<10 mg/l kH:20od gH:>4od tank temp:24 degrees celcius Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): One fish was swimming strangely...
  40. M

    Flowerhorn Pop Eye and Turning Grey

    PH 7.4, Ammonia 0.25, Nitrate 40, 20 Gallon, filtration at 100l per hour. 28 degree C. There are 5 much smaller tiger barb that r very active. My flowerhorn is suffering from mutilple conditon. It has pop eye, some white spots and turning grey. I was treating it for white spots when it start to...