
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. ZenaM

    Betta fin clamping and unusual behaviour

    Hi everyone, My betta is clamping it’s fins and seems to be acting strangely. He is very lethargic, resting on the gravel for long periods and his fins seem like they have been nipped. He is in a tank with 6 neon tetras and some shrimp. I haven’t seen the tetras annoying him nor have I seen him...
  2. L

    Orange lump inside mystery snail ???

    I got my mystery snail three weeks ago, he’s very active and overall seems to be pretty healthy. The other day when he was climbing on the side of the tank I noticed he had an orange lump. I can’t see it all the time, it really depends on what he’s doing. I’ve been trying to figure out what it...
  3. H

    White spots on Guorami for the last month?

    Hello, I just bought a powder blue dwarf guorami a month ago. The day after I put her in the quarantine tank 4 white specks appeared. I’ve treating her steady with Paraguard (didn’t work), imagitarium parasite remedy, and currently ick-attack. In the one month I have only seen one speck...
  4. S

    Is my betta sick?

    Hello everyone! Im new to the hobby and would like some advice regarding my Betta because she is turning white. She's been in her active self as usual though, no loss of appetite too. What should I do?
  5. H

    Betta sick?

    I noticed this morning that my mustard blue betta has something white or scales rubbed off on the left side by his back fin (2nd picture)? Also, now I may be paranoid but do his eyes look puffy and gold on his belly? I’ve had him for over a year and had no problems. He’s really a great fish...
  6. Izzy_guppy_303


    Hello I am fairly new to this forum, I am now a owner of four male guppies. They live in a 6.7 gallon tank and unfortunately I feel like it’s my fault for not noticing that when I brought my three new fish to add to the tank one of them was acting odd. I’m talking about swimming by the filter...
  7. J

    Guppy seems to be suffering :(

    Greetings from Amsterdam Fish community! This is my first post on this forum so hopefully it goes well! since one or two days one of my guppy is swimming upright with his head up and his tail down he seems to be struggling to stay afloat and moves rather slowly, sometimes he also hides in his...
  8. S

    Why is my fish getting fat?

    Hi guys, The past few days I've noticed my Electric Yellow Labidochromis has started getting fat. Its either sick or has eggs. After some research I've found its a male and not a female. Im a little unsure as to what to do? Could use any tips. Thanks
  9. Aspen35

    Platy Dying?

    Just noticed platy (male) isn’t acting right. All the other fish seem fine as of right now. Ideas on what’s wrong?
  10. H

    HELP! Dying catfish?

    Tank What is the water volume of the tank? 10 gallons How long has the tank been running? 1.5 years Does it have a filter? Yes Does it have a heater? Yes What is the water temperature? 77.4 What is the entire stocking of this tank? (Please list all fish and inverts.) Two cory Julii catfish, two...
  11. N

    My new gourami is sick

    Today I got a new dwarf gourami from petsmart, but I didn’t realize there was an issue with it until I got home. I was hoping someone might have an idea what it is but I think it might be fin rot.
  12. K

    Betta Fish Emergency!

    Please help! I’m literally freaking out right now. My betta fish is constipated. He has a long black fece hanging from his body. I tried to leave him alone overnight to see it’ll help but this morning he’s laying on his side and not moving! I’m putting him in an epsom salt bath right now but idk...
  13. I

    Betta Fish Sick

    My betta (half a year old) is staying at the bottom of the tank and not going up to feed. I've seen him try to swim a few times and he can, but only for a few seconds before he quickly returns back to the ground. I think he can't keep his balance? He seems to move a bit sideways when he rests...
  14. RenC

    Idk what’s wrong ):

    So this guppy has had white poop (it doesn’t move at all) and now today has stopped eating. One of my others has a similar issue but still eats. The white spots are new and just started today and affect none of my other fish but I did notice white particles coming out of my new filter so I’m...
  15. B

    Something wrong with my glo fish?

    Hi everyone! I’ve had this glo fish for a few months now. He appears to have a larger sized stomach out of no where. It looks as though he possibly swallowed a pebble I’m not sure? I will upload the pictures now. But I would love help and I’m slightly panicked.
  16. E

    I think my betta is dying

    Hi! I have a betta fish that seems like it has been sick for months now and he finally has stopped eating almost a week ago. He sits at the bottoms and does nothing, he could be in the same spot the entire day and not move once. A while ago he had fin rot which seems to have stopped spreading...
  17. P

    Dwarf Rasbora, very thin and pale

    Hi, I’m new to this website so sorry if formatting and stuff looks weird. Anyway, one of my rasboras looks very thin and pale, seems to be hyperventilating, hides a lot and gasps for air at the surface when not hiding. I haven’t seen it eat a lot either. Nitrate:0 Nitrite:0 TH: 7>14 KH carbonate...
  18. M

    New flowerhorn suddenly got sick

    We recently got a small flowerhorn and for some reason, he suddenly got sick. When we had got him, we did not see that he had some type of body fungus until we got home. It wasn’t a problem so we acclimated him to his cycled 55 gallon tank ( we plan on upgrading as he got bigger, right now he’s...
  19. I

    Possible Illness w/ Angelfish

    Hello! I currently own a 20-gallon tank: 0-0.5ppm Ammonia, 7.5pH, always kept at 79 degrees. I purchased the angelfish about 3-4 weeks ago along with some dwarf chain loaches. I feed them once every day, with a day-long fasting period once a week. I was away from home for about 24 hours and...
  20. brokenoob!

    Molly not giving Birth after 5.5 weeks?

    Hey everybody! I've had my Molly Pearl for a while now, she gave birth to her first brood (with me anyways) about 2 months ago, delivery was quick and she returned to being a happy little fish! 2-3 Weeks after the first pregnancy I noticed she was getting bigger again--That was 5 1/2 weeks ago...
  21. C

    Fin rot or nipping? HELP!

    Hello, I have three male guppies and two female guppies. They are separated by a divider, and I am trying to move the females to a new tank soon. For the last week or so, I thought one of the males might have had a swollen abdomen, but I also thought it could just be fat. However, I just...
  22. C

    Guppy emergency! Please help!

    Hello, everyone -- I had four baby guppies in a five-gallon tank -- three males, one female. As they got bigger and the males got more excited, I got a ten-gallon for my female guppy. I moved her into that tank, and I got a second female and put her in as well. I let the tank cycle, tested the...
  23. M

    Please help! Goldfish eye filled with blood. Urgent.

    Hi! I’m in desperate need of help. My goldfish is a telescope fancy. He seemed fine last night. He now has dark/blood filling his eye, not just the pupil but the entire telescope bubble. What happened? Can I treat this? He’s always swimming funny, settling upsetting down and breathing fast...
  24. L

    Please help, my betta looks terrible!

    Hi all, and thanks in advance for reading! My betta fish has recently started looking real scruffy, and occasionally looks red in the fins and head. I've attached pictures of him about 2 months ago, and a picture of him today so you can see the difference. He's still happily eating and doesn't...
  25. O

    Guppy suddenly fat with stringy white poop

    hi all, i need some help with my female guppy. I’ve had the 3 of them for almost a year now and my one orange guppy has suddenly gotten fat and started having stringy poops. I thought I was over feeding so I cut down on the amount I was giving them but she didn’t lose weight. this started a few...
  26. brokenoob!

    Platinum/Creamsicle Lyretail Molly with tiny black spots?

    Hello everyone! I've had the most amazing Platinum Lyretail Molly named Pearl for just over two months now. She has the biggest personality I've ever seen, if I get within 5 feet of the glass she comes up to me sounds crazy but literally almost wags her tail in excitement like a dog...
  27. B

    Sick figure 8 puffers ???

    Ive had 2 figure eight puffers for 2 months now. We did a full clean up and water change a week ago due to an algae build up. we didnt change their filters to save the good bacteria in it. their water has stayed pretty clear ever since but they have been acting strange. They sit at the bottom...
  28. J

    Strange white patches on otocinclus.

    Anyone know what might be wrong with my oto? I thought maybe columnaris but it doesn't appear to be fuzzy at all. Any help would be very much appreciated. He is still swimming normal, though not as much. Mostly just sits in one spot for a while. He is still eating, but appetite is not as big as...
  29. F

    Swordtail is sick?

    I know something is wrong with my swordtail but I don’t know what is up. One week ago I cleaned their tank as I usually do. A couple days after that I noticed the swordtail was hanging on on the bottom of the tank, which was abnormal because he usually sleeps in the middle of the tank. He did...
  30. M

    Tiger Barbs dying off, fast!

    My daughter's tiger barbs suddenly started dying off. Although my pH and hardness is high in my source water, they have seemed happy and active up until the past four days. My other parameters have been more or less textbook perfect. Four days ago, the smallest tiger barb stopped swimming with...
  31. H

    Platy laying on bottom of tank

    Hello. My platt girl has been laying at the bottom of the tank for going on 2 weeks now and I can’t figure it out. I was worried she may have velvet or the starting a of Ich so I treated the tank last week with ich-x according to the directions. Did the 25% water change 4 days in a row. Along...
  32. C

    Please help! Fin rot

    Hi I am new to the forum, I have a 29g tank that has been fully cycled for about 4 months. I have sand but no live plants. I have 5 guppys and 5 bronze corys. About a week and a half ago I noticed one of my corys looked like it had the early signs of fin rot. I checked the nitrates with the...
  33. J

    Please help.

    My fish is bloated, I posted this before and I can’t find it so here is a new one.
  34. C

    Koi fish eating alive another fish HELP!

    Request Help Tank size: 20Liter pH: N/A ammonia: N/A nitrite:N/A nitrate:N/A kH:N/A gH:N/A tank temp: 25c Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I have two Koi fish that my girlfriend gift me about a year ago, two days ago i notice that one...
  35. K

    Swollen leopard danios? Or pregnant?

    Hello all! I woke up this morning and noticed some of my leopard danios look swollen and one is even swimming slightly tilted to the right. I’ve had my tank for about 7 weeks now and I did a water change this past Saturday. I also placed at the time of water change API aquarium salt as I was...
  36. nasy

    Need urgent help with my red parrot fish!!!

    Hello all, I hope this reaches someone soon. I have had these red parrot fish for almost six years. Today I noticed that they swam to the top of the tank, started to loose their color, and are swimming erratically. I've never seen them have all these symptoms in one, and I am very confused and...
  37. Fishkeeperwales

    Dying Sterbai Corydora - sickness/unknown

    Can someone please give me advice for my sterbai corydora please! I woke up this morning and went to check on my tanks and seen in my tank with corydoras that one was laying on his side still breathing, but breathing slow. When I first researched it I found a lot of forums suggesting nitrate (or...
  38. K

    Possible fin rot or fin nipping? What is the best course of action?

    Good evening all! I have a long fin danio that I noticed today has his back fins separated into three parts, all my other leopard danios don’t have fins like this so I got concerned and separated them from the others in my quarantine/hospital tank. I checked my water parameters and my ammonia...
  39. S

    SICK platy fish - please help identify the sickness!

    Hello, Can anyone recognise which sickness is hurting my platy tank? I have an idea, but I am not sure. Basically out of the blue (no new fish added, no change in diet, but doing weekly water changes), quite a few of my platies started having light patches on their bodies -at first i thought it...
  40. A

    PLEASE HELP!!!! Axolotl very sick :(

    Hello- Today I came home, to my mom telling me the unfortunate news that my Axolotl had jumped out of its container! (we have been keeping it in. Container because we have it’s whole cycling thing wrong) We have no idea how long it had been out, but my dad found it and scooped it back in the...