
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    Male Platy Always Hiding Around The Bottom Of The Tank

    I've had two Platies for about a month now and all was good. My female actually just died yesterday from getting stuck in a VERY small "window" in one of my decorations. Very sad.  I've gradually been adding some fish once in a while such as a dwarf gourami, a honey gourami, a cory, and...
  2. D


    I have a marble molly who i cant tell the sex. they wee fine earlier today and then i came home and they were laying at the bottom of the tank. I isolated them in a cup and theyre trying to eat but sink everytime they try to swim. What can I do? Im really concerned and dont want to lose them.
  3. P

    Columbian Shark / Black Fin Shark Not Doing Well !help!

    I have 3 of these fish in a tank and this morning one of them wasn't swimming and was just floating around with the current of the tank. I dropped some food in and he was able to get it, but it seemed to take a lot of effort. After eating he stopped swimming and layed on the bottom of the tank...
  4. A

    Betta Turned Brown,looks Dead-Barely Swimming

    So today i went to go feed my betta but i noticed yesterdays food looked like it was spit out.He refused to eat the additional food i gave him today.I looked at my fish and it looked dead.Its body went from a nice blue to a brown,his fin are all ripped up,hes not really swimming,he is bent...
  5. K

    I Need Help, Sick Weather Loach (Pictures!)

    Hi everyone, first of all I'd like to apologize because I don't know some proper terms, english is not my mother tongue. I would really appreciate if someone would give my advice, my loach is letargic and has white "smears" on his back. The disease seems to also have attacked his gills because...
  6. C

    One Cloudy Eye And White Growth On The Body

    Here are pictures: He's also lost colour, any idea what this could be? In the past he had growths near his mouth but I think they were harmless as they went away on their own.
  7. fish_food

    Fin Rot

    Tank size: 20L Temp: 23 oC Ammonia: 0-0.25 ppm (I use seachem prime which may give a slightly higher ammonia count) pH: 7.6+ Medicine: Cephalexin 500g Problems: Fin rot, turned on side     My bubble eye goldfish has severe fin rot, which started because his tank mate had been nibbling on his...
  8. L

    Help! Possible Sick Spotted Raphael Catfish

    Hello! Just over a month ago, I started up my first 20g freshwater fish tank. So far I have five cherry barbs, one dwarf gourami, a spotted Raphael catfish, and a beta fish. All has been going fairly well, but about two weeks ago I noticed a few of my barbs having long white stringy waste (which...
  9. fish_food

    Another Newb With A Fish In An Uncycled Tank

    Hello all,   I'm pretty new to fishkeeping, and have found myself with a goldfish (bubble-eye) in an uncycled tank. He's pretty sick at the moment, and I'm not sure he'll survive, but if he does, I'm wondering what I should do.  His health has constantly been fluctuating, and I think it might...
  10. fish_food

    Help! Fish Lying On It's Side.

    Tank size: 100L ammonia: 0 tank temp: 24 oC   Just got home to see my bubble-eyed goldfish on it's side with a red streak in it's eye.   Did a complete water change and am currently aerating the tank.  He's still lying on his side and looking quite weak. I really don't know what to do, and am...
  11. R

    Indian Gourami White Lump On Tail. Fungus? Parasite?

    Hello everyone,   Before I come across as incredibly ignorant, I'm fairly new to fish-keeping.   Just joined up primarily because I need some help diagnosing what's wrong with my Indian gourami.   He has a fairly substantial white spot at the bottom of his tail fin. It seems to penetrate all the...
  12. mrstwalker

    Treating Columnaris In Betta? Help!

    Hi Everyone,    So, I have a quick question: My Betta (Veil tale) has some ragged looking fins. His Pectoral & ventral fins seem fine, but the anal & caudal fins just seem a little tattered on the edges. I really doubt it is fin rot, and I honestly dont think it is columnaris either. I really...
  13. MadameFizzgig

    Does My Violet Goby Look Like He's Doing Okay?

    Hi guys,   My violet goby was displaying some signs of ammonia poisoning, but I've been working pretty hard to combat that. I think he's doing much better now, and hasn't been going to the surface anymore. He's also eating regularly. I recently took this video of him, does he look like he's...
  14. fish_food

    Sick Bubble-Eye Goldfish

    My bubble-eye goldfish has two red, slightly swollen rashes on it's left side, accompanied by faint red streaking in it's tail for over a month now.  I have treated with the human antibiotics amoxicillin and cephalexin separately for around a week each, which caused some white flakes (possibly...
  15. O

    Goldfish Sick (Began Around Mouth)

    Request Help Tank size: 40 gallons pH: Always a little low, from 6.8-7 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:60 - Always this number or higher, I think it's just my tap water kH:40 (usually always, even with water changes) gH:120 (always too high...) tank temp:72~ Fish Symptoms (include full description...
  16. I

    Urgent Help With My Longfin Zebra Danios, Please!

    Hi! I am very worried about my longfin zebra danios! I need help! I just got my tank (29 gallons) stocked with fish, water parameters are all zero for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. pH is 7.8. Water temp is 79 degrees F (can't get it cooler, that's what the house is inside). My tank is...
  17. P

    Dwarf Blue Gourami Sick " Surprise Surprise "

    Hi   Not been on here for a while which is good news I suppose.  Set up a new tank back in early September 2014, Askoll 90 litre with Tropical.  Sand/Fine Gravel base, fake plantage and some ornaments.  25-27 deg.  Once cycled introduced fish gradually and currently have:   1 x Pleco Catfish...
  18. F

    A Cut Near The Gill Of My Albino Rainbow Shark?

    Tonight when I checked my tank I found my albino rainbow shark not acting normally.  He/ She is not eating, hiding behind the plants and is not moving much. Usually I see him/ her cruise the tank every now and then. Finally I found out there's something wrong beside his/ her gill. It looks like...
  19. T

    Paranoid About My Killifish. Help?

    Hello all! This is my first time posting here. ^^' I recently bought two Golden Wonder Killifish from Petco, (Which I really do NOT Like buying from big name petstores..) And the female looked fine, but the male.. I noticed something odd. They both have white spots on the tops of their heads...
  20. A

    Gourami And Guppy Issue

    Hey, so part one of this post is I have one turquoise gourami in my tank, and he seems to not be ok, even though he has been fine ever since I got him on the 16th of Aug. He's spending all his time up near the top of the heater, not eating and not really swimming around unless I put my hand near...
  21. N


    Hello I am a freshwater hobbyist and not trememndously new at it.  I have a 55 gallon tank with 3 discus, 1 pleco, 1 bala shark and I started with 9 cardinal tetras that were disappearing and now are just dying.  I will be posting a question...   Nicole
  22. A

    Help All My Fish Except My Guppies Are Dying!

    Hello, I have a tropical fresh water 55 gallon tank and it has been running since the middle of August. I let it cycle for a week then added 3 Cory's, 2 farawella cats, and 2 ray loaches (I think that's what they are called but I'm not sure), and 2 turquoise gourami's. My tank was doing great...
  23. SWerbenjagermanjensen#1

    Rainbow Fish Refuses To Eat, Clear Poop

    A day or two ago my Boesemani rainbow fish started to refuse to eat. I'm really worried I'm going to lose him, any help would be greatly appreciated.   Tank size: 55g pH: approx. 7 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 tank temp: 78F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color...
  24. L

    Very Sick Betta. Help Please?

    I've had my Betta for over a year now and lately I noticed clamped fins and what looked like fin rot because of fraying fins. Now there's a white fuzz spot with tan in the center attached to his tail. From what I've read this is fungus? or a bacterial infection? I want to quarantine him in a 5...
  25. B

    ****experienced Guppy Help****

    Hi, ive got 6 guppy tanks and 5 of them are fine but one (red albinos) are not well. They have been in there for 2 months now, when i bought the two pairs they were 3 months old and one actually dropped a few fry within a week. Now normally id keep them in a ratio of 1:3/4 but the males now of a...
  26. Z

    Sick Betta

    My betta has been acting strange lately. He has been floating at the bottom of his bowl, not moving very much. He has also gotten way more pale and his fins have sort of clumped together... I went on 3 day vacation, and wasn't able to feed or change his water during that time. Before I left, I...
  27. E

    Inactive Plates For No Apparent Reason :(

    Afternoon everyone :)   I have a 20L tank which contains 1 male and 1 female platy and 3 platy fry. I have had the adult fish for approximately 3 months and the fry are now around 1 month old.   I purchased a new, better quality heater two days ago as it has become very cold where I live, and...
  28. P

    Sick Platies :-(

    Plattie looking sick I have a 25l tank with 2 platies, 2 corys and a shrimp. I recently added one of the corys and the shrimp and now one of my platies is sick. :-( he seems to be clamping his fins, has stringy poo and I have seen him flash a few times but only when feeding off the bottom of the...
  29. C

    Platy Burst Open! Extreme!

    Please help! I have had my fish for over a year now, sucessfully, with no sickness. I have a 20 gal tank with one female molly, one male platy, and one female platy. The female platy was a fry that I raised from birth. I woke up this morning to feed my fish and the female platy is completely...
  30. K

    Platy Staying At Top Of Tank

    I have a 5.5 gallon cycled tank with three platy sisters. For the past few weeks I've noticed that one will go into these bouts where she just stay at the top in the tank in the corner with her gills rapidly flaring. I know there's enough oxygen intake and the others act totally fine so I don't...
  31. A

    Something Is Wrong With My Koi, Please Help!

    Size of aquarium/pond - 55gal Types of fish - koi Number of fish and sizes - five 5-8 inch Filtration used and how do you clean it and how often - aqueon 55/75 and aquaclear's 55+ gallon filter (not sure model #), cleaned once a week How much in the way of water changes and how often --...
  32. tonjelunde

    Sick Baby Molly?

    So I've had my fish tank for about 6 months now, and my molly (who died about 3 weeks ago) had a lot of babies. There was one survivor and it's been fine til now. I noticed that it spent most of it's time just laying on the rock, barely moving. It breathes rapidly, and I feel like she's lost...
  33. S

    Fin Nipped Tetra And Nippy Guppy

    So last night I spent hours moving my fish and setting up a new 75l (20gal) aquarium which was an upgrade of a 34l (<10gal) one. One of my Serpae tetras has been severely fin nipped and has difficulty swimming around. I was wondering if I was able to put just that one tetra into a small qt tank...
  34. mrstwalker

    Creative Quarantine Tank

    So I needed to quarantine my tiger barb while he was sick, i didnt have an "official" quarantine tank so i got creative..    He has got an air stone, and a reptile lamp heating the water (which is turned off in the video)     
  35. mrstwalker

    Death Bed Platy?! :(

    My beautiful sunset/wagtail platy is at wits end..    I came home from an all day outing to find my male platy drained of color (black tail now white/ faded on body) and hovering near the top of the tank.  i believe i spotted some ich on his mouth, so my husband and i tested the pH...
  36. B

    Camalanus Worms

    Can camalanus worms survive without a host?
  37. danfloun

    Last Day On Earth :-(

    Hi,   Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: <0.5 PH: 7.5 - 8.0 Temp: 26.5C Tank: 44L Water changes: 25% weekly Chemicals: Liquid plant food weekly. Tap Safe every water change. Fish: 5 cherry barbs, 2 small bristlenose plecos (going in a bigger tank in 3 months), 2 balloon rams     I think my balloon...
  38. L

    Fish Gasping For Air.

    Hey all!   I've had aquariums for about 20 years, but this is a new one to me.  One molly was gasping for air for a few weeks and died, and now two more are showing similar symptoms. I've had fish live for up to 11 years, and it's very rare for me to lose any, particularly such a hardy species...
  39. B

    Camallanus Worms

    I have fish with camallanus worms.  I want to save them, but I have no idea what to use for medication.  I don't want to have to start my tank over again.  
  40. A

    Sick? Stressed? Ich? Molly

    I got a fish a few days ago all ammonia level and nitrite is good and so is nitrate however one of my mollies has a white dryisish spot near its tail here it is 