
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. S

    Swortail Lethargic And Not Eating.

    Hi,    Im new to the forum but i have been reading other posts here for some time now. I have a 20G tank with 3 dalmatians molly, 1 panda platy, 1 female swordtail and 1 male swordtail. Since past 3 weeks, the male swordtail has been very lazy and not eating much. When this first started...
  2. B

    Help! What's This On Our Puffer And What Can We Do?

    Hello and thank you in advance for your help! Do you know what this may be on our Puffer and what may help him?   We love our puffer man so much and are perplexed as to his malady that has been developing over the past 10 days. It is a white area on his head. It is not raised, not cotton, but it...
  3. D

    Help! I Have A Sick Fish And Don't Know What To Do!

    I have a 25 gallon freshwater fish tank. I woke up this morning turned on the light and went bathroom just like every morning. Then after I used the bathroom I can back and fed them like usual. Then I started watching them and one of my guppies at first was laying on the bottom not coming to get...
  4. U

    Julli Cory Catfish Disease?

    This morning I looked at my tank and noticed that one of my Julii Cory catfish had lost all of his coloration, I thought he was dead but when I put the net in he swam away. He is almost a ghostly white and his one eye looks like it's bugging out. His tank mates are 2 high finned platys, a tiger...
  5. SJKS

    Fish Swimming Tail Down

    Hey guys, I have a yellow guppy that is swimming with it's tail very low down and seems to sink a lot. It also seems to gave gone a bit paler in colour (it was yellow and pearly and now just very pale). The guppy's tail also seems to be very tatty recently (as does the other yellow guppy, but he...
  6. A

    Please Help! Sick Cory, Skin Peeling Off!

    Request Help Tank size: 25ltr pH: 7.5 ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:20ppm kH:? gH:? tank temp: 26C (Im from Uk, this is celsius)     Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):   The cory looks as tho her skin is peeling from her body, she just lies...
  7. A

    White Cottony Stuff

    I just purchased a female guppy two days ago from our LPS, I had noticed she was a little weird looking a few hours after releasing her into the tank. She's got his white cottony stuff almost looks like its eating her skin between her top fin and tail fin. I took a picture, not very good, but...
  8. M

    Gourami Darting Around And Swimming In Circles

    Hi, I've had my three gourami, 2 golden and 1 blue, for about a year now. Recently one of them has been darting around the tank, hitting itself on the gravel in the bottom of the tank and then jumping out of the water and hitting the lid. After doing that for a few seconds it will drift around...
  9. argoma

    Possibly Sick Fish, Help ?

    Hi everyone,   My young sister got a fish about two weeks now. It's a huge red comet goldfish from the local petstore. They had recieved them the day she bought it so they were almost all fine and healthy (except for an extremely big oranda that was swimming upside down everywhere). When we got...
  10. Christiane

    Adf Unable To Stay Underwater

    I am new to this forum but am asking for help with my 2 ADF. About 2 weeks ago, one of them was unable to stay submerged and kept rising to the top of the tank. He could only stay submerged if he wedged himself under something. His appetite was also very poor, even turning down thawed...
  11. LicianDragon

    Deteriorating Hi-Fin Molly!

    I have a 5 month old female hi-fin molly that has been deteriorating over the past couple weeks. She's gone from being active, always swimming with my tiger platy and female guppies, to staying by herself with her fins clamped at the top of the water. Her swimming is becoming more shaky with...
  12. J

    Sturgeon With Bloodshot Eyes

    Im new here so this is probably the wrong place to post, but im so worried! I have two sturgeons in a pond, they have been there for a month or so, doing fine sturgeon things. But today i noticed one has bloodshot eyes, sticking out a bit. He is acting normally though. Feeding hasnt changed or...
  13. D

    Can Someone Tell Me What's Wrong With My Fish? I'm Really Worr

    Hi there I'm new to this website so this is probably in the wrong section but I'm really worried about my fish. I've had him for 3 years or so.   I've added some photos because i really can't describe it at all. They're not very clear because we had to remove the fish from the main tank (shared...
  14. G

    Golden Tree Frog Is Sick? Help Please

    My golden tree frog is breathing wierd and his eyes are not alert. He is eating normaly, but tonight when he woke up, I realized that he was not moving as much and his breathing was shorter. Then i noticed his eyes were unfocused and not alert. Please help, I love my golden tree frog more than...
  15. Nordk

    Listless Gourami

    I have a tank with 2 powder blue dwarf gouramis in it. This morining, I found one of them laying on his side on the bottom of the tank, pale and breathing heavily. There is no sign of bloating or parasites. A water test revealed sky-high nitrate levels, which most likely are the result of...
  16. F

    Help With Blue (Dwarf) Gourami?!

    Okay, so my dwarf gourami is sick. (He's called Aladdin) At the moment he is laying down the bottom next to the driftwood on my tank and looks like he's on his way out. He's done this a couple of times before... Acted funny for a couple of days, then literally looks like he's dying then hell be...
  17. L

    Disease In Tank - Help - 1 Gone Already

    Hello all,    I have a disease in my tank which seems to be slowly spreading. Any advice/feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance   About a month ago I had my Dwarf Neon Rainbow die from an unknown disease. here is what happened.   He had pop eye a few months back, but I treated him for...
  18. SELINA

    Electric Blue Ram - Gill Has Been Ripped Off

    Tank size: 60L pH: 6.8 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 tank temp: 23c Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Bought a pair of electric blue rams sunday, all looked fine when we went to bed. Woke up yesterday and the gill is missing from one...
  19. rhinoman763

    Tropical Fish Laying On Bottom Of Bowl...sick?

    I have a tropical fish.  I am not sure what type or anything about it really.  Someone left it and I felt bad for it so I have been attempting to care for it.  I am feeding it tropical fish flakes and I change the water every so often.  It is in a single bowl by itself.  For about a week, it has...
  20. davidjp1982

    (Pics / Video) Sick Female Apistogramma Agassizii - Red Spots - Rapid

    Can anyone help diagnose what is wrong with my female Apistogramma Agassizii - she has two red spots visible either side of her nose, she is rapid breathing with her mouth open. Her mouth looks quite red and raw inside and she is also slightly red under the gill and at the base of the fins near...
  21. H

    All Guppies In Community Tank Are Dying

    I have a community fish tank that has been fine for awhile, I recently bought some new fish from the pet shop, which I think introduced something into my tank. All of my guppies are dying, they are the only type of fish to be affected, the bettas, tetras, loaches and catfish etc are unaffected...
  22. S

    Help Sick Fish!

    Hey everyone I have a 65g setup that has been running for 2 1/2 months. My tank is cycled and the levels are good. I came home today to find 2 clown loaches very sick and one just passed away. I'm not sure why they have gotten sick as every other fish in the tank seems to be more than fine. I'm...
  23. barlow1984

    Poorly Betta

    I seem to have a poorly male Betta. I've had him for about 3 months now and at the beginning he was really healthy looking, fairly active although was mostly around the bottom of the tank.   I had some bad advice and got a couple of poor fish choice from LFS however he has NEVER fell out with...
  24. Z

    New 10 Gallon Tank

    im a new freshwater fish tank owner. my fish are currently sick to the point where they have white specks and some havve red marks on them. i have 3 fan tails on which their tails are not normal, have 2 betas that are depressed and have white spots also. my neon seems to be fine. i used the test...
  25. Z


    hi, im a new fresh water fish tank owner. recently i introduced 3 fish to my tank. about 4 days ago i started noticing that my fish were getting stressed and one already died. i have three fan tails, 2 betas and a neon fish. i have had a fantail that died and a black moor that also died. my...
  26. Mackenzilynn

    No Filtration When Medicating?

    Both of my dalmation mollies came down with a case of pop-eye in their right eyes. I got some aquarium salt and Metro-Ms medication. I did a 3 gallon water change (20 gallon tank) and put a tablespoon of aquarium salt in the water. My question is: when I put the dose of medication in the tank...
  27. S

    Sick Guppy

    Hey guys I have some guppies and today one of them died and i noticed that she had been acting weird the past couple days, swimming at the top but letting the current (from filter) to keep her up and her gills were really read and looked almost swollen and her mouth was wide open and she looked...
  28. F

    Sick Gourami?

    I have one dwarf gourami in my 20 gallon tropical community tank along with 11 other fish. It is a non-planted tank, and I keep the temperature at about 77* F. I do regular water changes, and feed them twice a day.    I have noticed for a while now, that my gourami hasn't been eating very much...
  29. LaurenRhiain

    White Khuli Loach?

    Hi all! Recently I noticed that sometimes my Khuli Loach has a very pale colouring to it but then goes completely back to normal. Any ideas on what this could be? It's eating fine and showing no other signs of sickness but it just seems a little odd :/
  30. W

    Black Molly Sitting On Bottom Of Aquarium Help!

    Hi everyone! Yesterday I bought 2 guppies (female) and 2 mollies (male and female) for my new tank. It has been cycling for over one month without fish and since then the ammonia levels have reached zero. Yesterday the fish were happily swimming around, however my Black Molly seemed to be the...
  31. A

    Platy Has White Spots!?

    My platy has white spots on his tail, and smaller ones on his body. What is it, and what can I do?? I heard it could be Ich/Ick (sp?) and needs to be treated. The other 2 fish dont seem to be affected by it. I also think maybe the platy is stressed? When he is near one of the more aggrssive...
  32. M

    My Poor Betta Has Red Eyes

    Our tank was doing well until we did a water change with out a water purifier our fishes scales started to fade, but when we put water purifier in the all got better except for one his eyes turned red and he just lays at the bottom of the tank he's defenitely alive we just don't know what's...
  33. O

    Emergency! Betta: Despite My Very Best Of Intentions To Help These

    Dear members, What a stressful few days it has been in my house!!! I have no idea what happened, everything was going so well with my little adopted fish – even my known tail biter seemed okay and then everything took a turn for the worst. If you do not have time to read through all the...
  34. O

    Emergency! Betta - Please Help If You Can, Something Has Gone Very

    Dear members, What a stressful few days it has been in my house!!! I have no idea what happened, everything was going so well with my little adopted fish – even my known tail biter seemed okay and then everything took a turn for the worst. If you do not have time to read through all the...
  35. O

    Emergency! Betta - Please Help If You Can, Something Has Gone Very

    Dear members, What a stressful few days it has been in my house!!! I have no idea what happened, everything was going so well with my little adopted fish – even my known tail biter seemed okay and then everything took a turn for the worst. If you do not have time to read through all the...
  36. Spaino

    Sick Neon Tetra & Mollie

    Hi guys - new to this forum and to fishkeeping. We bought our first tank in January this year (2012). We bought a 30L BiOrb (not the round space helmet looking one). It has a rock base (not sand) and various ornaments and plastic plants. We have a heater and use the air filter that came with it...
  37. StellaThePlaty

    Platy Has White Thing Coming Out Of Her?

    My platy has this thing coming out of her. It's like a white lump with some pinkish color. From what i have read, it looks like intestine, anything i can do? Will it affect my other fish?