
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    Betta Swim Bladder?

    My Betta is acting strange since about a week and half. He hangs out at the top of the tank and was swimming sideways for just a couple seconds a few times. But I thought it was odd how he swam. Now his tankmates are starting to pick on him, i fear its because he is sick and weak and now they...
  2. B

    Molly pregnant or sick?

    Hi there About a week and a half ago (maybe 2 weeks) I purchased a Molly from the pet store. This is my first Molly and it is kept with my guppies and neon tetras. I have noticed that her stomach has gotten very bloated looking. After doing some research I found out that it could be that she's...
  3. D

    Molly needs help

    Hi, I purchased a molly 3 weeks ago and he is experiencing weird behaviour that I don't know what it is. I placed him in a 120 gallon cycled tank along with other species. Whenever I saw him acting strange a few days ago, I transfered him to a quarantine tank. He is the only one in the tank...
  4. M

    Chinese algae eater is sick?

    This morning I woke up and checked on my fish, I have a chinese algae eater in a 20 gal well circulated tank, with 2 tin foil barb, a paradise gourami and a tiger barb, he has always been shy and moves quick when other fish come near, but when I just checked on him I thought he was dead but when...
  5. A

    Hey Everyone!

    Hi guys, I'm new to fish, but want to learn all of the things haha Mistakes have been made so far, so I'm here to learn from them. Mr.Stripes and Pearl.....Rest In Peace. Struggles so far include, fish bullying, sick fish, and chemical spikes.... I have a 70Litres tank at the moment with the...
  6. D

    Sick betta!!

    Around Christmas my little sister got a betta, but I pretty much took care of him. About a month ago he got ich, we gave him medicine it sorta cleaned up but there still are spots on him, so we still give him the treatment. A few days ago I noticed ALOT of fluffy algae, so today I cleaned out...
  7. M

    Sick Livebearer

    i have a livebearer that has become swollen and his scales are sticking up. He has been sick like this for a few days. He still comes up and eats food, but usually stays at the bottom, other than that he doesn't show any odd behavior. I shined a flashlight on him and didn't see any specs or...
  8. T

    Treating internal parasites

    I recently got a betta and when I got him there's a white stringy poop hanging in his anus. I'm medicating him using Azoo's Anti Internal parasite, how should I know if the parasites are gone? He's still swimming jerkily and showing stress stripes
  9. R

    Please Help, Fish Dying

    Tank size: 75 Gallon pH: 7.8 Alkalaine ammonia: Don’t know… nitrite: Safe nitrate: Safe kH: Ideal gH: Soft tank temp: 80 F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): A few months ago my gourami started to develop a spine deformity. Since, I have...
  10. J

    Dwarf puffers

    Hi I recently purchased some dwarf puffers and noticed the other day that one of them had a reddish brownish thing hanging out of its anus now 3 of them have the same problem they are eating well live blood worms and snails anybody got any ideas oh the water tests well a0 n0 n05
  11. S

    Betta with clear poop

    I noticed while cleaning her tank today that my female betta has clear slimy like poop. I just got her last week from a friend who could no longer care for her, and I haven't noticed her poop until today, so I don't know how long it's been like this. She is in a split 20 gallon tank, along with...
  12. K

    Fancy Guppy Eggs?

    We have a fancy guppy who we believed to be pregnant. We just moved her into her own tank a few days ago so our other fish wouldn't eat all the fry, and last night she looked like she was in labor. However, when we came down this morning, there were bubble/egg like balls floating on the top of...
  13. M


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  14. Flinkbag

    Need help with Green Severum

    Hello all, I have a beautiful young Green Severum cichlid in a 200l community tank. He's usually very active and friendly, but recently he's been hiding under some Anubias leaves towards the back of my tank, and I've noticed he has small, whitish indents all around his head. These seem to be...
  15. C

    My fish is sick or hurt!?

    i bought a silver lyretail molly and I noticed it's side fun closest to its gill is stuck straight out . He's not moving it . Is it hurt or does have an illness and if so how do I cure /fix it??
  16. E

    Sick guppies? They are slowly dying

    Hello fellow aquarium fans! I have a little issue with my guppies. My 6 corydoras are totally fine tough. Since day 1 3 months ago, my guppies are dying slowly. They reproduce, give birth and then die. The last survivor of the first batch is now slowly fading away. His kids are fine, except for...
  17. dopey696

    Betta problems

    Hello peoples. My betta that I've had for about a year now seems to be having some problems. I first noticed about a week ago that it was a bit lethargic and not moving as much as it usually does. It seems to have no energy, doesn't swim around, and is always resting on top of things. Today as I...
  18. thebeccatron

    Sad Fish!

    Hello friends, I'm new to fish keeping so I apologise for any obvious mistakes I may have made! I have a lovely 5 gallon tank set up with filter, heater, LED lights. I bought my little guy home a couple of days ago, half moon betta, no obvious discolouration, no ragged fins, no white spots or...
  19. vsparrow

    Lump on Betta fish

    I just got home from college and saw that my betta fish has a lump on the side of his body as well as mild fin rot. I've noticed a decrease in size but not enough that I wont be worried. This is partially my fault because I was keeping him in a small less than a gallon bowl and also my parents...
  20. G

    Blue Dwarf Gourami's looking bloated

    Please can anyone help my Gourami's I have had them for a while they have both been in the tank from the beginning and been fit and healthy throughout this time. However I left them for a few days over Christmas and noticed this morning that they both look bloated and seem a little lethargic...
  21. H

    Help me identify this fish disease please :(

    Hello! Im new to this forum but I rrally need help. Ive had my tank established for over 2 years.(30gal freshwater) I had 4 fish in it the whole time and just recently I wanted to get more. Bought 3 more a little over a week ago. Now I have 2 goldfish, 2 molys, 1 angelfish, 2 algae eaters I...
  22. M

    Strange Snail Behavior (new tank additions)...

    Hi Everyone, Beginner here, this is my first planted tank. It is a bit small (10L). I bought a new tank, a much bigger one that I will setup in the next few weeks (fluval edge 2). But in the meantime I wanted to get some cool snails since algae in my small tank is still an issue. I bought two...
  23. C

    Does my Betta have Velvet?

    Hello! I have a Dumbo Betta fish and have had him for about 5 months. When I first got him he was very curious, always swimming around his tank and hiding under the shells and skulls I got to decorate it with. For the past 2 weeks he has seemed to lose his curiosity; he either floats at the...
  24. Flinkbag

    Please help! Parasites on Elephant Ear Betta

    Hello there! My once-beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has been looking scrappy and droopy for a while now, and today I noticed he has what I suspect is either velvet or some other nasty external parasite mainly on his head and somewhat on his back. It looks like a slight fuzz has grown on his...
  25. Ammolite

    Quickly advancing finrot, help!

    About 3 weeks ago i 'rescued' a betta from my local pet store, he was being sold as a half moon but clearly wasn't (He's actually a delta tail upon further research) He was significantly smaller then any betta i'd seen being sold at the store, so i suspected he was a juvenile. He was sitting at...
  26. FroFro

    Emergency! Sick Pleco!

    Please help! I woke this morning to find my pleco swimming strangely on the bottom not attached to any surfaces like she usually is. She is very pale in color and I immediately moved her to a hospital tank with clean water and fresh filter cartridge, bare bottom no decorations of anything. I...
  27. F

    Need Help With Cory Catfish That's In Poor Shape

    Hey all, I've got a cory catfish that in pretty poor shape, and I'm not sure why. It's in a 46 gallon planted tank with 3 other corys, a pleco and 7 tetra.   As far as plants go, I've got some Anubias, Java Fern, Hornwort, and some Italian Val.   I noticed the issue about 2 months ago, and...
  28. Ammolite

    Trellimars Battle With Dropsy (Advice Appreciated!)

    Thanks to help in a previous topic I found that my betta, Trellimar, is suffering from the early signs of dropsy. I moved him straight into a hospital tank (3Gallon) to try and improve his condition and hopefully, save him. I thought id post a topic on his situation for advice, and as a daily...
  29. Ammolite

    Sick Betta?

    I have two male betta fish in one 30L tank, divided by thick mesh, Ammolite (an unknown breed) and Trellimar (A huge royal blue half-moon) They cannot see each other at all, just to give some basic information as the sickness hasn't come from stress from each other.   Trellimar for the past two...
  30. Flinkbag

    Clamped Pectoral Fin In Elephant Ear Betta

    Hey all!   I returned home to find my beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has one pectoral fin clamped ('stuck' is a better word for it, it looks like its plastered to his body!) to his side. It appears to only be half stuck to his body, because he can still move the bottom portion of it. The...
  31. K

    Fish Has Gotten Too Fat

    My goldfish has gotten fat over the past few weeks very quickly and i cant tell if it has a disease, bloating or is pregnant. Its been going on for at least 2 months. She is a comet goldfish so the belly shows. Her scales are not puffy and she does not have symptoms like dropsy. She is swimming...
  32. Flinkbag

    Possible Parasites In My Tank, Need Some Help!

    So Im back again with yet another problem... *sigh*   So the other day I flipped this piece of driftwood (which looks like a dead tree) upside-down, and I noticed an odd piece of white cobweb-type material covering the base of the tree 'trunk'. The next day when i looked at it, the white was...
  33. Flinkbag

    Please Help! Fish Breathing Very Rapidly!

    I really need someone to respond to this post asap!   I had an issue a month ago where i had foamy bubbles forming on the surface of the water, and all my fish seemed to be struggling to breathe. Now the bubbles are back in a much more mild form, yet my fish are all breathing ridiculously hard...
  34. Flinkbag

    Hole-In-The-Head On Firemouth Cichlid?

    Hello all!   So I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and like all was well with the world. I stepped outside my bedroom and BAM! I instantly noticed than my Firemouth Cichlid seemed to have a white, indented dot on his head. I'm fearing the worst, but I really want someone to prove me...
  35. Flinkbag

    Weird Firemouth Cichlid Sore?

    Hey all!   So I noticed this morning that my Firemouth Cichlid, who is a beautiful male i named Susan (XD), has what looks like a white blob/sore thing around the anal region. What on earth could this be? I've never noticed it on him before. I'll upload a picture of it, its a little hard to see...
  36. B

    Dropsy In My Tank

    A couple weeks ago i saw one of my Zebra Danios in my 10g tank, dead with its scales kind of sticking out. i researched it because it was strange and i thought it could be dropsy, i did not want to freak myself out because i figured it wasn't really dropsy but now i know for sure it is because...
  37. cooledwhip

    Is My Pleco Sick?

    Hey all. I have had a planted tank (20 gallon long) right now for about a month, it's a planted tank with a 150w fluval heater, quiet pro 20g filter, 1 CO2 diffuser and a co2 atomizer. I got a pleco about a couple weeks ago and for the first couple weeks he has been skiddish, always running from...
  38. GinoyGeorgeKae

    Sick Goldfish(Some Tumor Like Growth In Fin)

    hi i have a goldfish (fantail).i recently noticed that it has some growth in the fin (pic attached ).i am not sure what to do . i have seperated it  from the pond . details of fish  and pond : pond size 14400 L (approx) other fishes ( carps,an oscar , a another goldfish,pleco) age: i am not sure...
  39. F

    Red Wag Platy With White Patches And Clamped Fin.

    I have a platy that is almost an adult living in a pretty healthy 20 gallon. I just noticed now that they have 3 white patches across the body. At first I thought that maybe it was like some diseases that resemble cotton on the body, but it doesn't look like that. It looks more like the scales...
  40. driger8642

    Sick Cory :(

    Tank Size - 20 Gal High Filter - Tetra Whisper 40 Heater - I forgot the name but it is a pretty good one for the tank Thermometer - 77 degrees Air Stone - 1 Sand Substrate Using API Master Tet Kit for water testing   Hey guys, I'm currently doing a fishy cycle (2 and a half weeks in) with 10...