
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    Balloon Molly Pregnant? also appears to be distressed

    Hello! My first ever time reaching out to the fish community for some help. My Balloon Molly (Spot) who has previously had fry appears to be pregnant (Although I'm unsure). Spot has the 'birthing canal' which looks like a white tube near her anal fin. She's white and very reflective so I cannot...
  2. Irksome

    can this guppy survive?

    Is there and hope he may yet survive? He swims normally, and eats but he doesn’t look very well.
  3. Irksome

    Second guppy prolapsed in one week

    last week my weakest guppy prolapsed and was so skinny and weak I euthanised him. Today one of my most vigorous guppies has the same, it got progressively worse but he was acting normal. Until I fed the fish and he near enough exploded. I’m finding guppy keeping quite distressing at the moment...
  4. R

    Black Moor red spot

    I have a black moor goldfish in a 10 gallon tank who has a red spot under his chin. I only noticed it within the past week and I’m not really sure what it is. I tested the water and just did a change and everything is normal. Any ideas?
  5. L

    Sick fish?

    Hi all, I have a 20 gallon tank with 5 Tetras, a couple catfish, a pea puffer, 2 loaches and a pleco. One of my tetras has started to swim back and forth while moving it’s tail rapidly in an almost vertical position. At first I thought it was bloat or swim bladder issue so I didn’t feed for a...
  6. C

    Internal Parasites? Help please.

    Hi Tank size: 24L (5.27 gallons, or 6.34 US gallons) pH: 8.1 (API master test kit) ammonia: 0.25 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 5 kH: between 15 and 20 (6 in 1 test strip) gH: 16 (6 in 1 test strip) tank temp: 24 Cl: 0 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location...
  7. G

    Sick Guppy?

    Hello, my guppy has been acting strange lately. We have recently moved him to a new tank that was, as far as I’m concerned, cycled or almost cycled as it was used and there was good bacteria in the filter media, gravel, decor, surface, etc. and we also used a bacteria starter for a couple days...
  8. I

    HELP PLEASE My guppy is going to die

    There is something wrong with my female guppy. When I woke up this morning, she had a bent spine and was having a hard time swimming. She was very gaunt and has loss of color. I took her out of the main tank and put her in a plastic bin with warm water and water conditioner. Her spine was really...
  9. A

    Betta with Tuberculosis?

    Hello all. I got my first betta a year ago. He took to his tank really well. Had a small filter, heater and treated water. He got sick off and on throughout the year. He had Popeye in one eye. Treated that. Got it in the other eye. Treated that. Off and on again. Recently he had another episode...
  10. M

    Betta Sick for Several Weeks

    Hi there, I've had a beautiful betta for about 8 months now. He's been doing great--had lots of fin rot when I got him, but recovered and is a super active little guy. About two weeks ago I noticed some signs of fin rot. Nothing in his routine had changed. Switched to 25% water changes daily...
  11. P

    Is my Betta Ok?

    I bought my Betta about 2 months ago and she's been in a living in a tank in my dorm room. I don't have a heater but ive been putter her near a lamp and checking the temperature to make sure she's warm. She eats fine and swims normally except when she sees me she swims very fast towards me and...
  12. HalfTailedOwner

    What kind of bloom is this?

    Could it be a bacteria bloom / algae bloom? How can I tell the difference? This is in a 10 gallon tank. Not sure if this is a result of a water change (I do 15% every week) and a few weeks ago I had to replace the filter cartridge. Is that the reason why there is a bloom in the first place...
  13. E

    Platy Super fat?

    Hi all, This is one of those is she pregnant or is she not? query. I've read through loads of other posts and some photos I've seen of sick fish look like mine, but some photos of pregnant fish look like mine. It feels like she's been pregnant for years! Obviously she hasn't but it's...
  14. K

    Open Abscess on Goldfish

    Around 5 years ago I rescued these 3 goldfish. They were super tiny, and in that time I’ve upgraded them from a 2 gallon tank, to 10, 29, and now 60. I’m running a Fluval fx4 on the tank. I do weekly or large bi-weekly water changes. I always considered them to be thriving as they continue to...
  15. J

    Septicimia and HITH?

    Sorry I made an account just for this, but I wasn't sure where else to ask. I just saved this guy from a pet store where he would have died. He is in quarantine, I've added aquarium salt, methylene blue, erythromicin, and furan 2 over the past 3 days with 50% water changes every day. I...
  16. SpitFish

    Ich causing fin loss? Did I make a mistake in treatment?

    So. I did a stupid thing and introduced ich via neon tetras into my established 30 gallon tank. All 10 tetras died the day after I got them and I noticed the disease then. I also lost a pleco yesterday. I've been treating the tank with a store bought medicine called API Super Ich Cure. It said...
  17. L

    Sick Synodontis?

    I’ve had a synodontis eupterus for almost 4 years now. About a month ago, I transferred him from my 55 gallon to a newly cycled 75 gallon. I gathered my own driftwood from the banks of the Mississippi and treated them thoroughly before putting them in the tank. I have added 5 Congo tetras, 3...
  18. E

    Molly not quite right...?

    Hi all, I could do with some help with one of my platinum lyre tail mollies. We noticed today that he is sort of floating on the surface. I say sort of because he does swim around, albeit slowly. He has his mouth partially open, but doesn't open and close it. He also isn't eating. It almost...
  19. B

    Help Fire Eel

    Hi I need help I think my fire eel is sick, it’s at the bottom of the tank bent in half and I havnt seen it eat since we got it about 2 weeks ago? What should I do?
  20. K

    What's wrong with my betta?

    He is lethargic and appears to be breathing heavily, he is not eating and he has some kind of growth or hole on the top of his head, but no other spots or holes or anything. The lethargy started about 2 weeks ago and the other symptoms came after. I treated him with API fin and body cure for...
  21. HalfTailedOwner

    Rotting + Nipped Fins?

    So if you didn't know already... my betta's fins ended up being ripped because of other fish my dad bought. We returned them and he seems to be doing fine. However, I noticed after a few weeks what appears to be fin rot? What exactly should I do about it? Parameters are as follows: 10 gallon...
  22. B

    Pea puffer with white fin

    I got a group of 3 pea puffers today from a store that’s pretty far from where I live because they were doing a deal 3 for 10$. After I got the fish home and put them in a tank I realized one of them has a pectoral fin that is entirely white. I think it’s fin rot but I’m not sure. Have any of...
  23. S

    Sick Gourami

    So about a week and a half ago, I got a new female opaline gourami. For the first day or two she was very shy and not eating, but after a couple days she was swimming around and acting normal. Cut to a couple days ago, and she started acting lethargic, either staring into the corner or resting...
  24. P

    Albino Oscar

    I inherited an albino Oscar about 3 years ago now. At first, things were going well. He grew and loved eating and ripping up and knocking over everything in his tank. Lately, though, he keeps getting sick. Right now he has a cloudy, white circle covering his eye, I think he may have hole in the...
  25. HalfTailedOwner

    PLEASE help!! My tank is at 8.0 ppm...

    Hi, just need to put some information before I start. 10 gallon tank 72 F water Has a filter, and an air stone water is conditioned I originally had a male doubled tailed betta in the tank--and everything was going smoothly. He is still alive after a month after I got him. However, my dad...
  26. Brittany Borden

    Help Please.....Tumor?

    Hello, I have an orange Platy who has developed what seems like overnight a large tumor. I noticed when I was adding two new guppies to the tank. I took a picture to the local fish store the first day I noticed and they didn’t know what it was so they gave me a cure all. I put him in a...
  27. HalfTailedOwner

    Help -- Betta Fish Not Interacting?

    Hi, last Wednesday I bought a double tailed betta. Ever since then I've noticed he doesn't interact much and is growing slower. A few days ago he only stuck to one side of the tank rather and sleep in the corner. He doesn't notice when I eat or try to interact with him. At first, I thought he...
  28. SteakNShrimp

    Bloated Tiger Barbs?

    A few of my Tiger Barbs seem to have enlarged stomachs. I did some research and came up with - Swim Blatter Disease - Constipation - Dropsy But I’m not sure if my fish have these problems because they aren’t displaying most of the symptoms. They aren’t swimming weird, they are all eating, and...
  29. M

    Help! Missing scales and gold!

    Hi! I recently purchased 4 Dwarf Gouramis (1 by accident and will be going to a friend's tank soon if all goes well), but I noticed that (only today in the evening have they first appeared) spots where the scales of the gourami is missing! Only my powder blue has this strange affliction. And no...
  30. SteakNShrimp

    Sick Tiger Barb?

    I just got 6 Green Tiger Barbs last night and noticed that one of them looked a little strange around the gills...they are very red. Also some of the Green Barbs are not as active/schooling. Is the batch that I got sick or are they just acclimating to my water? Should I take them back? It’s...
  31. A

    Is my goldfish sick?

    Hello so I just noticed one of my goldfishes have something white on the top of its head. What is this? Shoud I worry?
  32. RedSarah

    Lethargic Gourami

    Hi all, Two weeks ago, I posted about my Honey Gourami, Cheese, who I suspected had internal parasites. Now he has some new symptoms. He has been pale for about two weeks and had stringy poo, so I fed him food mixed with Seachem Metroplex, Focus and Garlic Guard to avoid medicating the whole...
  33. pjwilford


    I’m finding this fish has a mysterious white spot. seems like some sort of fungus. a black molly of mine has it all over as well. Will pimafix cure this? What is it?? I have a guppy currently giving birth right now too. will meds be safe for babies?
  34. RedSarah

    Help with Possible Parasites??

    Hello folks! I'm getting worried about my honey gourami buddy, Cheese... I have had him for just over a year and noticed that his color has been fading slowly over the past month. He is in a moderately planted 5.5 gallon (will be upgrading in the next few months after I move). I struggled with...
  35. O

    Reason my Betta Died

    My one Betta,Bert. that I had for almost 2 years , just died and we replaced it with another Betta last week, Swim Shady. Woke up today and Shady was dead. At 1st I thought it was shock and then I realized what killed him. Every time I fed him, I would just put in the pellets and walk away...
  36. F

    Help! BETTA FISH

    My beloved fish has been sick for about a month now. Ive tried desperately to figure out what is wrong with him and despite all my research I cant figure out whats wrong. He is visable fine scale and fin wise. He isnt constipated. However, he is extremely lethargic. When he does eat, he throws...
  37. E

    Ram Bloated and Sitting at top of tank

    My female Mikrogeophagus Ramerizi is looking very bloated, and she’s only sitting at the top of the tank with her body tilted towards the surface. All other fish in the tank are fine. Could this be because I’ve started using frozen foods more often, or those little tabs you stick on the side of...
  38. Shoople

    Electric Blue Ram Trouble

    I got home from school today and my female blue ram (I think it's a female, I know the other one is male.) is swimming with her head up high and she is breathing very fast. I have the for a little bit over a month. She is being chased by the male but nothing to crazy. I checked levels, they were...
  39. Charlie’s Keeper

    Betta Charlie Starting to Have Shredded Looking Fins

    Hi there! About a month ago I posted a form here: about my betta Charlie. He was looking good for about a month but all of a sudden over two days his fins have started looking shredded at the ends. I’ve...
  40. C

    Help. My friend's betta is sick.

    My friend asked me to take a look at her betta. He'd been doing fine until a few days ago when she noticed a white spot near his anus. I was hoping someone might be able to help us diagnose him.