
  1. J

    New to aquariums, and I just have some questions :)

    Hey guys! Over the summer I want to start a 5 gallon tank and I have been looking up what kind of fish you can keep in that size of tank, because I know it's super small. I was thinking either a betta, or some tetras of some sort, or shrimp. So my first question is how many of each fish can I...
  2. IHaveADogToo

    Beginner how-to: Tiny Tanks

    Most people's first fish tank is small, usually 5 US gallons (19 liters) or less. It is far too common that people will buy a 1 gallon, or 3 gallon, or 5 gallon tank, and then find out later they have stocked it with the wrong kind of fish, or too many fish, or a bad mix of fish. So I wanted to...
  3. E

    what is wrong with my betta?:(

    My betta is not doing so well. Here is some info about him: Housing: 5 gallons Filtered No heater Stays between 78-80 No tankmates Food: New life spectrum betta formula Pellets Every day, 3 pellets a day Maintenance: 1 gallon water change weekly (20%), vacuuming substrate and...
  4. M

    Does this look like dropsy?

    Hi my Betta hasn't been doing well for 14 days now. This is my first one. He's not eating, staying at bottom of tank and not swimming very much. Last night I noticed his fins were fraying so he has fin rot. This morning I put him in a shallow water to help him get to surface easier and...
  5. L

    Betta attacking cherry shrimp, what can i do?

    Hello, Ive had my male betta for around 2 months now. I decided to get 5 cherry shrimp for the betta tank. On the first day the betta did not appear to be attacking the shrimp and was just following them around and looking at them. Now it has been 3 days and I have witnessed my betta attacking...
  6. L

    Betta Bloating after feeding

    Hello! My Betta Fish, Zeus, is becoming bloated after every time I feed him. I have 3 Betta fish all in the same size tanks and the other 2 are fine. I feed them a pinch of flakes (tetracolor) every 4 days about. I have been feeding them this for years and it has always been beneficial so I do...
  7. J

    Betta Gender - please help indentify

    New to the hobby, my gf and I just got our first ever tank, a 15g which is quite heavily planted tank. We bought 4 'female' Bettas from PetsAtHome in the UK. I've read a lot of threads similar to this and think maybe one of them is a PK male. Would very much appreciate the opinions of those...
  8. musicalbetta

    Treating Betta for Fin Rot Questions?

    My betta fish recently contracted fin rot unfortunately, so I began treating him. I’m kinda new to keeping bettas btw, but I started treating him with API fungus cure. It contains malachite green and acriflavine. I also have a nerite snail, so to be safe, I put him in another container which I’m...
  9. P

    Bettas with shrimp

    I currently have a Betta in a nano 3.5gal, quick scape, well planted(but not over planted) with lots of moss and foreground plants, special shrimp substrate, (came with the tank) filter, co2, and grow light. I do ~20% water changes every week as well, and I was wondering if I could safely put...
  10. A

    New Baby Betta- Concerned About Health?

    I got a baby betta boy recently, his name is Kenny. He seems to be around 5-7 weeks old. I’m a little concerned about his health, he’s been very lethargic and has spent much of his time at the bottom of his tank. His fins are mostly clamped, even when swimming. He swims pretty slowly as well...
  11. giobelkoicenter

    Mini aquascape empty jar bottle with betta will make you awe

    This is my mini aquascape setup empty jar bottle with beautiful halfmoon nave blue betta
  12. F

    First timer here!

    Hi all! Very happy to be part of this group! After reading a ton of posts, I'm still lost so hopefully someone can help me asap. We don't have test strips so we will be getting them today, but we live out of the city so if there's a chance we need anything else, id like to get it in the same...
  13. A

    Rescued betta with shredded/missing fins

    Hi everyone! I’m realitively new to the fish world, however I’ve done extensive research on Bettas over the past month before making the commitment to own a betta fish. Before adopting my little guy I acquired a 5.5 gallon filtered tank and a 50 watt heater. Right now I’m only treating the...
  14. N

    Betta eats my Bottom feeders food...

    Hi guys, My new 10 gallon planted community tank is doing great...for the most part. It consists of one male betta 4 panda corys 3 Amanos and a nerite. My little ecosystem is actually going along great socially, perhaps too well because my betta has joined my school of corys. He follows them...
  15. T

    My Betta is sick and I don't know what to do

    Hi! I got a Betta about two weeks ago and put him in a 10gal aquarium with a filter and a heater. The tank was uncycled, which I now know is a big 'no', but I have a liquid test kit and have been testing it daily for nitrites and ammonia. My ph is a 7.5 and the temp is at 85. I tested the water...
  16. fishperson100

    Bloated Betta

    Hey everybody! So, one of our bettas has been looking a little fat lately, and today he has been sometimes just letting himself float on his side. I don't know if he is constipated or has swim bladder disease, so I was going to let him fast for a few days, and change a bit of water everyday...
  17. T

    Is my betta injured or sick? white spot, red spot, some gold

    Hi! I'm new to this forum, so I apologize if this isn't in the right section or anything. But, I'm worried about my betta, and I think I need advice! I got him from Petco in October 2017 (a few months ago). The poor boy has been dealing with fin rot for a few months (for reasons that I'm unsure...
  18. B

    Bettas problems

    Hey, one of my bettas (bleu) has bloated up. its persisted for about three weeks so I doubt its dropsy. I've fasted him for a few days and have given him multiple epsom salt baths to no avail. he remains active and lively (hiding from me mostly out of fear of the salt baths.) I can't tell if its...
  19. A

    Didn’t cycle tank... please help

    I recently set up a 3.4 gallon tank for my new betta fish. Unfortunately I was under the impression that bettas are very hardy and don’t need a cycled tank. I now understand that ALL fish need a cycled tank, but I’m not sure what to do with my betta. The tank has been set up for about three...
  20. musicalbetta

    Betta Question (non-emergency but important)

    I have a male betta fish that seems to be unusually aggressive. He likes to try to nibble my finger a lot when I feed him (he jumps). Also recently I cleaned his tank and removed all algae growing on the glass which probably lets him see his reflection better, so he flares his gills a lot more...
  21. koii

    Urgent Betta Problems!!

    Hi! Listen, sorry if I'm posting about this is in the wrong area, I'm new. But really, I'm very worried about my fish. My mystery snail died, and we left him in the tank for a day or two, because he usually just stopped and hid in his shell for a while. I noticed something was wrong when he did...
  22. O

    Looking to keep an all female Betta tank. What do I need to know/be aware of?

    I've been looking to set up an all female Betta tank. It is a 40G that is ready for the fish. I've read up on the basics of keeping such a housing, but what are your tips for keeping an all-female tank?
  23. N

    New AB Betta--temporary tank idea?

    Hi there, I currently have 2 5 gallon tanks set up about a month ago each housing one Betta and 3 ghost shrimp each. I have decided to start a 10 gallon low tech aquascape setup with 8 neon tetras, an aquabid male half moon, and a handful of cherry shrimp (myself like most people are OBSESSED...
  24. N

    My fish are sick and dying!

    Yesterday, when I came home from work, I went to feed my fish and they were all sick! I look at and feed my fish every morning before work and before I go to bed. They seemed normal to me and then suddenly my whole tank was infected! I did reasearch and believe my fish have the "ick". They have...
  25. B

    Fin rot or tail biting?

    Bought this betta 5 days ago, and his fins weren't like this upon purchase - i believe its just tail biting but i want to be sure.
  26. A

    Betta caught in gravel syphon

    I was finishing up a partial water change when I accidentally sucked my betta up in the syphon. He was tucked in a back corner and blended in with the background, so I didn’t realize I had sucked him up for a second, but as soon as I did I stopped the syphon and he fell back into the water. He...
  27. Whisp

    Help Identify Betta

    Hello everyone! I am new here and new to owning Betta fish and am confused as to what type of Betta fish I might have. When I got him from the pet store they marked him as a half moon tail Opal Betta Male, well I can't find any information on the breed of a Opal Betta? So I asked someone who...
  28. R

    10-15 gallon stocking ideas?

    Hello! I'm new to fish keeping and am looking to get a 10-15 gallon tank! After some research, I was thinking of keeping the following in it: 1 Zebra Nerite snail 3 Amano shrimp 3 Pygmy corydoras 1 Male betta Is this a good number of fish for a tank this size?
  29. N

    What's wrong with my betta?

    My female betta is currently in my quarantine tank and has developed a new split in her upper lip as of today, which you can see at 0:06 in the video I've attached. I don't understand what's causing these splits because the split runs deep enough in one part to see red. She is still being...
  30. M

    Hyper Betta - is This Normal?

    Tank Details TANK > SUBSTRATE > HEATER >...
  31. S

    My advice for betta keeping

    Name: Betta (Pronounced bay-tuh) Minimum tank size: 2.5 gallons Water changes: 2.5 gallons: 75% weekly 5 gallons: 20 % weekly 10+ gallons: 15-20% weekly (NOTE: if there is no filter, all these need to be 50% or more.) Requirements: Filter (Very strongly recommended) Heater (Very strongly...
  32. B

    Betta tank mates?

    Hi there hopefully I have gotten the correct category for my question :) I have recently purchased a 22 litre tank and was looking at getting a betta. From my research this seems like a good size, but I was wondering about tank mates. Is there any tank mates that you recommend or would a Betta...
  33. S

    Good tank size for betta?

    I’m planning to get a betta fish but I’m unsure if the tank is too small. I will get a heater soon but right now I’m cycling. If it’s too small I’ll just get zebra dinos but I REALLY want a betta fish. :( any advice is welcome! P.s mini Christmas tree for scale
  34. H

    Bettas with TB?

    So it struck again. I brought home another betta that was being kept in poor conditions just because he captured my heart. First let me be clear is is in QT for the time being. When I saw him he seemed alright aside from lack of food and dirty water, but when I first out him in my 5gl QT tank I...
  35. RacketyWharf93


    So my I cleaned my betta tank today but the gas bubbles appeared was just curious how long it takes before I can put him back in it because he's in a cramped little bowl right now and he isn't too happy bout it. Also I've yried everything to feed him bloodworms but he literally doesn't like them...
  36. hyrulelegend091

    How Does He Look?

    Hi everyone! If you are on as well, you may have already seen this post, but I always love getting a variety of opinions! Here's the story: A few months ago, my sister got three bettas. Cool, except she claims she "didn't know how to clean the tanks." I only found this out after the...
  37. TheCoolWolf

    Help! Accidental Betta Breeding

    I have a 30G outdoor tank with lots of elodea and floating plants. It's been running for more than a year. Today during the rainy monsoon season, I found a bubblenest with eggs! My male Plakat Betta was guarding it underneath a floating plant. What should I do? Should I move them as there are...
  38. Y

    Need help with my betta.

    Tank size: 55l pH: 7.5 ammonia: dont have a test nitrite: <0.3 nitrate: dont have a test kH: 3° gH: 3° tank temp: 25° (I'll explain why it's low) So the 18th of October I got my first fish a dumbo betta. First day he glass surfed near his air pump which made me turn it off and he stopped...
  39. BettaEm19

    Betta's tail quickly frayed? Strange tearing and hole under a week.

    This all started when I did a partial water change on Monday night. He seemed completely fine except that he got a scratch on both sides of his face, which I have no idea where it came from. I must've been out of the room when it happened, but either way I took pre-caution and removed a plant...
  40. S

    Bloated Female Betta, constipated, egg bound, or dreaded dropsy?

    Hello Tropical Fish Forums! I'm a long time reader, first time writer. Can you please help me figure out if my betta is egg bound, constipated, or has dropsy? Video for reference: . Symptoms: Swollen belly for about 2-3 weeks. I first noticed when I got my male betta. They were never housed...