
  1. Charlie’s Keeper

    Do Charlie’s fins look normal?

    Hi there! I’m new to fish keeping, but I recently saw Charlie at Walmart and I couldn’t leave him there. He is now my baby and lives in a 5 gallon, heated, and filtered tank. I let the tank sit for a couple days to try and cycle and have been adding Stability from Seachem to help it, but I added...
  2. Benson87

    Fungus? HELP Betta won’t eat and just hides all day

    Hi, this is my first post. I have a newish 125l tank which was cycled at the back end of last year. We added a new Betta to the tank last week (also in tank 10 Espe’s Rasboras and live plants). At first he appeared very happy and explored the tank all day. Over the last day or two we have...
  3. hmiddleb13

    Starting 2nd tank

    I started my first tank in August and did a fish in cycle. I actually posted some questions here because I never quite showed typical nitrogen cycle stages. Basically I never saw it happen, but it obviously did and I have a 15 gallon tank with 10 glofish tetras and 4 golden otos all very happy...
  4. My fish tank creations

    About ornamental fish

    To know fishes
  5. N

    Change of colors

    I have a male Betta fish, his name is 'Jergens' and when I bought him his colors where a weird and beautiful mix (white, red, turquoise and black). He look like a splash of watercolor, honestly. But then he got sick and started loosing his pigmentation, his fins looked bit off, as if he did it...
  6. TotallyTropical

    Food Options

    Hello, it’s me again So things are going well with James! He’s eating (sort of, hence the need for a post), swimming lots, sometimes flaring, just looking 100% better overall! He loves his new 5.5gal like his buddy Marmalade has. The only issue is the food. He wasn’t eating pellets while I was...
  7. Inkweaver313

    Algae Eater Tank Mate?

    Hi Everybody! I have a male betta in a 10g tank that I'm having a horrendous time controlling the algae in. I've done everything I can think of to control the algae in this tank. It's all over the glass and the sand and there's string algea all over the decorations. Short of taking the betta...
  8. J

    Betta has a while bumpy scale

    Hello everyone, I have this betta fish named Boris, had him for half a year, he recently had some kind of velvet disease he recovered from and is eating well and seems healthy, however he has a strange external tumor I believe of some sort and idk how to treat it. Hope this picture can give...
  9. TheCoolWolf

    What to do if Bettas accidentally bred?

    As the title says, I want to know what I’m supposed to do if my Bettas accidentally bred? A male of mine has built a large bubble nest between an object and the wall of my pond. I don’t know what to do... On a side note, one of my croaking gouramis has also built a bubble nest in a sheltered...
  10. T

    19L Fluval spec stocking.

    Morning all, First post here I would like some advice please :) So my 11yr old daughter wants a fish tank for Christmas which is pretty much a done deal, it’s not the first time she’s had one and she knows a little about keeping fish. She mainly wants a single Betta, we will possibly get an...
  11. M

    help?? my betta has a blister/tumor??

    my betta, bulma, has seemingly overnight grown an oval lump on his side.hes for the most part active and eating well. it’s on his abdomen towards the back and is only accentuated on his right side. i’m really worried about him so if anybody could help me figure out what is wrong and how to treat...
  12. KateeR

    New Betta is hanging out at the top of tank

    Hello, I got my first betta (Mr Fiji) yesterday, I'm new to owning fish and I'm a bit worried because he's spending most of his time at the top of his tank. He was healthy when I got him (despite being kept in a tiny betta bowl): he had a bubble nest going and no fin or tail rot, and yesterday...
  13. TotallyTropical

    Heavy Breathing Betta

    I feel like I post here way too often nowadays.... Anyways, hello all, I’m back with an interesting problem. I work at a high end pet store chain now (which is pretty cool imo), and one of the things we carry are bettas! It’s always tempting to take home a third, fourth, or 15th betta, but I...
  14. D

    Betta and honey gourami?

    I have a Betta that is currently living in a 2 gallon bowl. I was wondering if I could move him to my bigger tank (20 gallon) that holds a pair of honey gourami’s. Are they compatible?
  15. S

    Fin rot in betta?

    I got my beta a few months ago and he seemed completely fine until about a week ago when I saw his find turning white. I’ve been treating him with aquarium salt and stress coat + but he seems to be getting worse every day. Parts of his fins are falling off, but he still seems very lively and normal,
  16. Emilee Maphui

    Could my Betta scales be starting to pine cone? (Dropsy?)

    I had bought a Male Adult Betta 3 months ago in August. He is a red crowntail, and has been generally healthy since I have had him, until a few weeks ago. I had some problems with constipation, but I had held up a mirror to him, and he had gone to the bathroom and the mild swelling went down. I...
  17. Beth Ellerby

    Injured dumbo betta

    Please can someone help me- Its sort of a double issue. I've had my beautiful Dumbo Betta, Colin, for about three weeks. When I got him he had a top fin that had split all the way to his body. I decided to get him anyway as I thought he would heal and he was so pretty and active. Apparently I...
  18. PEPPI


    Recently the water in my bettas tank has gone really cloudy and I have no idea why. Ever since i noticed it he has been really inactive and just kind of lays there and then swims to another spot to lay there. Is he bored? I am really worried for him. Do you know what it might be?
  19. V

    Betta With Dropsy

    Hi, I'm new to this forum, and relatively new to keeping Bettas. This is my second Betta with dropsy, she's under 2 years, a little over 1, I'm not sure exactly how old she is. I just noticed it earlier today and immediately removed her from her tank, (Which incidentally was the same tank as...
  20. E

    Torn fins ( male and female).

    I have a 10 gallon with a rainbow half-moon male and a red half-moon female, other tank mates include, 1 dwarf clown pleco, 2 nerite snails, 5 neon tetras ( 2 black neon, a and 3 regular). 6 ghost shrimp. Aquarium setup is smooth gravel, planted ( 5 red Ludwig, 6 money wart, 6 unknown stem...
  21. TotallyTropical

    Hikari Betta Bio Gold

    I’m back again! (Although not for any big issues this time ;) ) My Nutrafin betta pellets recently expired and as I have recently picked up a job at my LPS and started training, I have learned that fish food past its expiry date has nutritional value equal to cardboard. I looked this up on here...
  22. TotallyTropical

    Betta Won’t Stop Flaring

    Alright, I didn’t think I’d have any new problems with my older betta, but here I am, with a problem. I just changed the lights in one of my bettas’ tanks to warm toned 6w LED light “sticks”. They work well and make the tank bright without the heat. Problem is now that the tank’s lighter, he can...
  23. Ceelow

    Betta prolapse - help

    As the title says, I noticed my Betta has red/pink extrusion from belly. Started yesterday. Don't know what to do
  24. J

    Help with stocking tank/ Questions about a few fish!

    Hello! I'm Jacob, and I started my first aquarium around a month ago. My current lineup of fish are 3 Clown Plecos and 6 Neon Tetras. My tank is a 20 Gallon, and I can get the measurements right quick if I need to. Originally, I was going to find some Khuli Loaches and use them in place of the...
  25. M

    Converting a 30L Biorb Life

    Hi All, Newbie to the forum here, go easy ;) Yes I made the same silly mistake a lot of people do and got myself a 30L Biorb. It's a Biorb Life though, so not quite as bad as the orb ones, or so I hear. I have one Betta and 5 Nerite snails. In some respects all seems to be going well, Sashimi...
  26. SweetTart

    KH/GH range for bettas?

    I recently got a KH/GH kit to test my aquariums. My 10 gallon betta tank is currently at a KH/GH of 2dH / 35.8ppm, and the pH is 7. I'm having a difficult time finding info on what's the best range. Is this in an acceptable range? If not, how do I change it? Note: The tank is still cycling...
  27. K

    Betta - Fin Rot?

    Hi everyone, My roommates and I got a betta fish about 2 weeks ago and we're worried he might have fin rot but we're not sure if it's that, him tearing his fins, or just normal. He's had the white tips on his fins since we got him and he has a bigger split in his top fin that's improving now...
  28. K

    Constantly Worried my New Betta is Dying...

    I've had my betta for almost a month now, and while I thought fish are supposed to be pretty low maintenance, I spend most of my day worrying he is sick and analyzing his every move. Is there a betta expert out there that can tell me if by looking at him, he's healthy or not? He is almost always...
  29. A

    My betta doesn't look happy.

    Hi guys. My betta fish looks always tired and sad . Sometimes he turns aside and usually stays at the bottom. His aquarium is 2.5 gallon. His temperature is 25-27° I don't overfeed him. And now he lives alone in the aquarium. He only gets happy when he sees me ( he become more active and look...
  30. K

    Help! Lethargic heavy breathing Betta

    Hello all, Need some help with my Betta. I’ve had him for a year and a half, not sure how old he was when I got him. For the past week he has been lying on the bottom of the tank breathing heavy through his gills. His color looks good, no evidence of ick or fun rot. He comes up for food 1-3...
  31. C

    New betta concerns

    Hey, I bought a betta earlier today and put him in my ten gallon tank. He seems really terrified and has been hanging out near the top (aside from a few times where he ventured into the plants) most of the day. Is he okay? Is he just stressed out from the new environment? He came in one of...
  32. Marc Davis

    No Filter, No Heater, No co2, No Ferts. Walstad Nano Betta Fish Tank

    Hi guys. I'm new here and cant believe ive only just found this site! Place looks nice and active. Good to have a place where you can speak to people as sad as you are about fish haha. I set up this tank up recently for a long term project. I'll be doing weekly time lapse updates to see the...
  33. A

    Hi I'm new to the forum but have lurked here for over a year

    Hi Tropical Fish Forum People! I have been back in the Tropical Fish World for about 3 years. I have three 10 gallon tanks, one 5 gallon, and one 2 gallon that houses a Blind EE Betta who is 3 1/2 years old.They are all cycled, heated, filtered and heavily planted with live plants. One 10...
  34. V

    Bump on Betta???

    Hi, so I'm new to bettas/fish keeping in general but I have 3 bettas all in a 5.5 gallon and one of the tanks was a different 5.5 and came with a stronger filter suitable for 10G tanks but my fish doesn't like it so I ended up buying a 3G tank filter and he likes it much better. Just now I...
  35. A


    Hi, I currently have a male betta veil tail in a 3 gallon tank and he is fairly docile and tame. I've only ever owned my betta because I took him in after having to use a betta fish in a somewhat cruel and cramped ecocolumn experiment at school. I've been wanting to upgrade him to a bigger tank...
  36. S


    Please help! My baby betta looks like she's bleeding on both sides of her head. She is in a heated filtered and cycled 6.5 gal tank with two bronze corydoras.. Her tank is next to my work station at home so I always keep an eye on her and she's never displayed signs of aggression towards the...
  37. T

    Betta constantly shifting pattern, water levels seem normal

    Hey all, my first post here. I have an issue with my betta I can't find anywhere else, I've had him for a couple months, when I first got him he was the normal fresh out of petshop dull and limp blue, but after a while, he perked up to be a beauty. But just over a month ago he started to develop...
  38. I

    My betta won't eat blood worms.

    I am using omega one freeze dried blood worms, I soak them in water before I try and feed them to my betta, but he just won't eat them. I tried dangling them, I even tried mushing it into a ball so he would think it was one of his pellets that he absolutely loves. It went into his mouth, but...
  39. fishperson100

    Vacation Feeders?

    Hi! So I am going on vacation, and we have 2 bettas. I bought some of those block feeders, which says it feeds them for a week. It also says to use in circulated water. I don't have any filtration in the tanks (1 gallon, 1/2 gallon). They won't be fed for about 4 1/2 days. Will they water...
  40. MyFishKaren

    Seeking Betta Information

    I have a few questions regarding betta care, breeding, and purchasing. Betta care: - How often should I clean my betta's tank? - Can a marimo moss ball be in my current betta's tank? - What divided tanks do you recommend the most? Breeding: I am not planning on breeding anytime soon, I just...