
  1. T

    Bubbles From Below... Hello, Hello!

    Hi there fish forums,   I've been gaining some insights here for quite some time, and everything has been going swimmingly so far (save for that single sick sucker) in our 10 Gallon tank with bamboo, gravel and a small painted feature. Three Tetras and a Cory have been getting along with the...
  2. T

    Butterfly Betta Fin Curl And White To Pink Fins

    I have had my Betta for about 3 months now. I started him in a 1 gallon tank without any filtration system but I've then (about October 1st, so 1 month after being in the first one) moved it up to a 2 gallon tank for the past 2 months and that is when I began to notice the tips of his fins...
  3. R

    "adopting" A Betta Tank With An Algae Problem

    Found a veil tail boy on craigslist, owners are moving long distance and can't (don't want to) pack the tank. He's currently in this 3gal but the owner says "tank is dirty with algae but nothing a hot water rinse wouldn't get rid of." My concern is this: I'm transporting him 25 miles, from a...
  4. cowgirluntamed

    Filter And Cycling Question

    Ok, I think I am going to do a nice little 5.5 gallon betta tank for my "office" where I am going to try to do some writing. I thought maybe having a fish in there would get me to go in there and work Anyway, I may be able to set up the 5.5 gallon way before my 55 that I want to do...
  5. M

    Betta Buying Advice For A Newbie

    Hi TFF users, I'm new to the world of fish and looking for some advice. I'm planning on buying a Betta for my son's birthday and I need some advice... is it OK to buy online? Can anyone recommend someone to buy from? I was looking at getting an orange veiltail, are they relatively common? My son...
  6. LillyRobotnick

    Meet Chakra

        I normally don't care for Bettas but this one caught my eye for some reason and I needed it in my life.      
  7. ToriGibson


    Hi everyone!   I'm a new betta owner. I've been keeping my betta in a one gallon tank and I feel like an idiot for purchasing it now that I've read in forums that bettas need about 2.5 gallons and I do not have the money to get a larger tank at the moment. However, I did have the money to...
  8. V

    New Here And In Desperate Need Of Help!

    Hello! I'm new here and looking for some answers as I am incredibly stumped. If you are prepare to read a long thread, I will be incredibly grateful for your time, effort, and (hopefully) advice!   I have a 5 gallon tank that houses 1 Betta, 2 Oto cats, 3 amano shrimp and 3 assassin snails (that...
  9. G

    Banjo Catfish With Neons Tetra And A Betta. Safe Or Not ?

    I have a 30 gallon with 10 neon tetras and a betta. I'm thinking about adding a banjo catfish to this tank, but I'm not sure if they banjo would eat the neons or betta. Is it safe to keep a banjo catfish with neons and a betta ?
  10. X

    Is Cycling Necessary For Betta Fish?

    I recently started working at PetSmart and I joined this forum to become more educated about fish. I see that cycling can be essential to the fishes health but ive seen on one or two articles that betta fish can go without cycling. Is this true and to with what conditions?
  11. A

    Betta Turned Brown,looks Dead-Barely Swimming

    So today i went to go feed my betta but i noticed yesterdays food looked like it was spit out.He refused to eat the additional food i gave him today.I looked at my fish and it looked dead.Its body went from a nice blue to a brown,his fin are all ripped up,hes not really swimming,he is bent...
  12. I

    Adf Isn't The Same

    Hello, I'm new to the forum but I've been reading various posts for about three years now gaining insight about aquariums. I have a concern that I couldn't find answers to yet. I have a 5gal tank, it's been cycled and running for about 4 years. About a year ago I bought two African Dwarf frogs...
  13. TotallyTropical

    Betta's Fins Disappearing?

    I recently moved my lovely little betta to my 10 gallon, since no one was going to be in it anymore. He seemed quite happy with the larger switch and was relatively fine for a while. Recently though, I've noticed that his tail was ripped to shreds, all the way down to his body. I checked to see...
  14. mookat

    New From Georgia

    Hi all!   I haven't had a tank in several years (the last one I had was a 55 gallon tropical community with mollies, guppies, etc, and then a lone betta for a while in a 6 gallon) but wanted to get back to having a betta in the house. I've done a ton of research to try to give the little guy the...
  15. mookat

    Need Help Diagnosing Betta Issue

    I've just decided to try my luck with bettas again after not having an aquarium for several years. Today I came home to find a weird mark on my betta's head and want to be sure I diagnose the issue properly so that I can get Ruthie back to good health.    Tank Facts >6 gallon Marineland pillar...
  16. Ace_Of_Fades

    Fish Newbie

    Hello Fishforums,  
  17. mrstwalker

    Betta: Shredded Fins. Help!

    I recently moved and now live in a place that runs off of city water. I purchased the API water conditioner (store was out of Seachem prime -- I hear that is the best you can get). I also transported all of my cycled media to jump start my cycle. I haven't been able to test the water parameters...
  18. B

    Flowering Pots In Betta Tank

    Recently I had a flowering pot that was outside and got knocked over by the wind and is now broken. I wanted to put this in my betta's tank as some hiding spots and some cool decorations for her. It has had soil in it, but none with fertilizer that I know of.    How can I clean this to make sure...
  19. L

    Lost Two Betta Fish In One Weekend :(

    Hello,   I have had fish tanks in the past, nothing fancy, 10 gallon tanks with a variety of tropical fish.  I have kept fish alive for years.  We haven't had fish in, oh, 10 years or so.  My kids have been asking for a pet.  I bought my son a betta fish for his 10th birthday.  We bought a 1...
  20. L

    Questions Before Getting My First Betta?

    Hi, everybody! I'm new here on this forum and to fishkeeping. I've been doing some research into betta fish and having been seriously considering getting one. I just want to be prepared and know some more before I go through with the process.   I have a 40 gallon tank (it measures 36L by 18W by...
  21. L

    Betta Breeding Question

    I want to breed my two halfmoon Betta's. I have done all the bloodlines of both my female and male, I think the offspring would be quite good. I have asked the local pet store if they would like some Betta fish, they agreed.   Question is that, can I keep the male offspring together? (Obviously...
  22. mrstwalker

    Treating Columnaris In Betta? Help!

    Hi Everyone,    So, I have a quick question: My Betta (Veil tale) has some ragged looking fins. His Pectoral & ventral fins seem fine, but the anal & caudal fins just seem a little tattered on the edges. I really doubt it is fin rot, and I honestly dont think it is columnaris either. I really...
  23. mrstwalker

    Urgent! Betta/platy

    Hi all,    Let me sort of start from the beginning. Around 6-7 months ago, my gorgeous blood red male crowntail betta (Mistletoe - got him as a christmas gift) passed away. He was a BIG boy, but had such a gentle nature to him. He was housed with a few platys (of all colors and variety) and 3...
  24. GuppyGirl20

    Flaring Betta

    I was wondering how old are betta before they start to flare? Is it even an age thing? My other betta never really flared and I just was messing around with Fezzik trying to make him flare and he wouldn't (though I didn't have a mirror so maybe that's why). Do some betta's just not like to flare?
  25. GuppyGirl20

    Meet Fezzik

    This is my new guy, Fezzik. He's kind of really big or at least big compared to my last one. I'm not certain on the tail type though. I got him yesterday and once he was released into the tank he has done nothing but zip around and its so hard to snap decent pictures of him. He's super excited...
  26. GuppyGirl20

    Help Me Identify My New Betta :)

    I got a replacement betta today. I don't know which tail type he is and I'm fairly certain it's a he and he's really big.
  27. GuppyGirl20

    What To Do To Make Tank Safe For New Fish? And Carbon Question.

    My betta died. He had a really bad bacterial infection that came out of no where. I have no idea how he got so sick as I was always on top of water changes and the stats were always where they were suppose to be so no spikes or nothing. Other than obviously taking my dead guy out and doing a big...
  28. GuppyGirl20

    Help! Betta Dying!

    I noticed a white spot on my betta Sunday. Tuesday I was able to get pimafix because I thought it was a fungus spot (now I know that pimafix is bad, I didn't know before). Now he's stuggling to swim, he lays at the bottom of the tank and he has red spots with white tuffs coming out on several...
  29. GuppyGirl20

    White Spot On Betta! Help!

    Today as I went to do my water change (that I was was behind on, I know I'm a terrible fish owner for doing so but I only feed him about 3 times a week so I figured it was fine) I noticed a white spot on the side of my betta's head. It must be newish because I haven't seen it before. I can't...
  30. RRaquariums

    Planted Betta Tank

    So I have a 60 gallon freshwater tank I'm taking down but decided I wanted to keep some of my live plants that I'm kinda attached to lol. And since I didn't want to set up anything huge but still have a cool fish and tank to watch I decided to do a betta tank. What I have is a 10 gallon standard...
  31. GuppyGirl20

    Questions On Dividing A Tank

    I don't have room for it right now but I'm hoping when I move and get a little more money I can get a tank, divide it, and get two more lovely bettas. (I've loved raising one so even though I know a lot of people don't agree with it but I would probably get two more baby bettas and give them a...
  32. BiggTexx

    Wall-Mounted Nano Build

    I have been tossing around an idea for a DIY wall-mounted nano tank for a few days and I decided to I either needed to start on it, or I would end up driving myself mad.     So, with that said - that time is now!  Since this will be my first nano build (I have been involved in larger builds) I...
  33. BiggTexx

    Nano Tanks

    I am thinking about starting a custom built nano tank / biotope and this may sound like a weird question, but is what the smallest tank (in gallons or liters) that would be feasible for any type of aquatic life?   For instance, a few inverts or a single Betta? I have never owned a Betta, but...
  34. LyraGuppi

    Lapis's Solo 5Gal

    Hi fishkeepers! I'm on a mobile device right now, do excuse me if I have autocorrect moments. :D I have a sorority betta, Lapis, that is getting some bullying. She's going into the solo life in her own 5gal. I know, 5gal are a bit small, but she is a juvenile. Not baby, just young adult. I...
  35. LyraGuppi

    Purple "lump" On Betta

    Pearl has a purple swelling on her side. I hope to upload some pics soon.   None of the other bettas have any problems, it's just her. She was acting fine all day yesterday and earlier today, but now she's having troubles swimming. It's like her tail is floating, she swims with her head down.
  36. starlitsunrise

    Ideas For Divided 10 Gallon With Bettas?

    Hi guys, I have finally decided what I want to do with my 10 gallon tank. On the weekend I bought a beautiful red male veil tail betta (currently in quarentine) and I want to put him in my 10 gallon tank with my female (with a divider). I was thinking of making moss wall as a divider so that...
  37. J

    How Much Water To Change After Tank Is Finished Cycling?

    Hello all this is my first post so bare with me here. I'm new to the aquarium world so I have a few questions I started cycling my 10gal betta tank over 2 months and 2 weeks ago. I am doing a fishless cycle with pure ammonia and my ammonia was dropping from 4ppm to 0ppm in about 12hours so I...
  38. scrage

    White Spot On Eye?

    Was looking at my tank today and noticed my betta has a small white spot on his eye. I haven't introduced any new fish, 29gal tanks heated, cycled, and maintained. His eye isn't swollen. No changes in behavior, still fiesty and active. I can snap a picture if that will help (If i can, hes a fast...