
  1. Tyler_Fishman

    Iron pill supplements, my results

    Root tabs can be expensive and not very convenient for me, as none of my lps sell them. I went to Walmart and checked out the medicine section, I purchased Spring Valley iron (27mg). My concern sprouted from reading my Osmocote fertilizer label (Which I use for my plants already) label, I saw no...
  2. HarpyFishLover

    I need help curing a betta's ich...

    Hello! I didn't post this in emergencies because I know what this is, and it's not lethal at this stage. So yesterday I noticed some strange behavior in my new betta. He was dashing around, scraping against things, crashing into my heater... then I got out my flashlight and looked at him. He...
  3. D

    Can i feed my Betta raw/cooked shrimp? He has been with me for almost 1 year

    (Sorry if i mispelled something, i'm just an young brazilian guy who wants to know more about his pet)
  4. Tyler_Fishman

    Age limit

    kudos to the younger fish keepers who have to go through this nonsense. I'm proud that petstores want to "protect" their live stock. But in the same sense it is kinda hypocritical when I see 10 dead guppies clogging the filter intake of a tank and I'm told I need an adult with me to purchase a...
  5. entefan_li

    Can someone help me identify my blue bettas gender?

    I have this beautiful betta fish. Can someone help me identify the gender? -Thanx
  6. entefan_li

    Help me identlify my red bettas gender.

    Currently have a red betta and is very aggresive. I wonder what the gender is.
  7. entefan_li

    Help me identify my betta.

    I find that my betta is a male, but they sold me a female. Im kind of confused. If someone can help who knows about the subject, it would be awesome.
  8. Demeter32

    My Sister's Betta and Dropsy

    I've been working on treating my sister's betta who came down with dropsy 3 or 4 days ago. He was kept in a 36gal bow front lightly planted tank with a male BN pleco and a ton of snails. The tank has been cycled for a few years now but the betta has only been in it for roughly 4 months. My...
  9. A

    Betta Dark Spots

    Around a week ago I brought home a new Betta, and for the past few days he's been pretty inactive. This morning he finally started swimming around, but he has some dark spots on his head , each one about the size of his eye (and some merging together - they look like some of his scales were...
  10. nortonmad213

    my girl

    hi all, recently acquired a betta duo 20l tank from my lfs which was shutting down, though its built for 2 ive broken the divider so as to give her the choice of where she wants to be, the tank was their show tank in the store and has been running since the shop has been so everything's cycled...
  11. Tyler_Fishman

    Java moss problem

    isn't this stuff supposed to grow like nuisance algae? Not for me. I got my java moss when it was a lush green color at petco. I placed it in a Lower light area, parallel to my ozelot sword which obstructs a good majority of light. It's not like it's pitch black, just there isn't too much light...
  12. Tyler_Fishman

    New Betta!

    recently at petco I picked up a female labeled as a baby. I did not want another red veil tail, so I purchase this..Crowntail? Not sure what she is, any ideas? Hopefully her color will change eventually too. Anyways very curious and healthy fish
  13. musicalbetta

    Hey Guys

    Hey friends I'm new around here and I'll say a little about myself. I have a twin tail half moon betta (male) named King Neptune and a nerite snail named James Madison. I've a huge passion for music (and food) and spoil my pets rotten. So, I'll just be hanging around the forums, occasionally...
  14. M

    Sick Betta Fish - Help Required

    I rescued 2 male betta about 3 was ago having seen them in a tiny bowl with a glass separating them and nothing else in their. I have bought a duo 20l tank. The boys have done well and adjusted. I changed the water on Sunday, used conditioner and they were fine. Since Monday morning now one...
  15. HarpyFishLover

    Lethargic betta?

    Hello again. I recently acquired a new tank and a Betta. The tank is a Baby BiOrb, 4 gallons, with ceramic media and large gravel, as well as several plants and a heater. All levels are good. So here's the problem. The betta, Fintello, or Finn for short, has been acting very lethargic lately...
  16. I

    Questions about Transport and General Worries

    Okay newbie here, please bear with me and my abundance of silly questions. :) I recently got a young male betta (Last week), and i got him mainly as company for when i go off to school in the fall. I will be staying in residence throughout the week and coming home most weekends unless there's...
  17. Tyler_Fishman

    How to soften water

    hi, I'm on a well water system, which gives me a very high PH (7.8) my fish require of a PH of at least 6.5- and the overall hardness reads at 140. I've managed to get the ph down to 7.3 and just lower the hardness slightly by using oak leaves. And though my fish seem to live fine in it, my...
  18. Tyler_Fishman

    Algae ID

    I recently trimmed an old leaf off my sword to find that it was covered in a carpet of this short algae, not sure if it's hair algae, id like to know for the heck of it Thanks.
  19. Tyler_Fishman

    New Betta

    got this new Betta at Petco, nothing really stands out much about her expect how her tail has threads like a crown tail on it, they are very small however. She is quite a young fish about 4 or 5 months old so it is to be detrimend on if she is a true veil tail, which I think she is. Haven't...
  20. I

    Help! Does my betta have fin rot?

    So I have a super delta betta in a heated 4 gallon planted tank with a functioning low flow filter. Water parameters are great: pH of 7.0-7.2 (which I know is pretty high but I've heard that having a stable pH is better than chasing a specific level of pH), 0 ppm for ammonia, nitrites and 5-10...
  21. S

    Can I turn my betta filter off at night?

    Hi, my question is exactly as stated above. I just got a betta fish a couple days ago, and the noise of the filter is driving me nuts. The first night it was actually just a very quiet hum which I didn't mind. But tonight it's suddenly much louder and keeping me awake. I have looked up threads...
  22. W

    Aerating Fluval Edge

    Hello! Yesterday I moved my little guys (6 zebrafish, 1 panda cory, and 1 male dragon scale betta) into a Fluval Edge (6g); they had been in a Fluval Spec (5g) together for about a year. They've acclimated fine, as have the java ferns. The design of the Fluval Edge is such that the tank is full...
  23. T

    Treating internal parasites

    I recently got a betta and when I got him there's a white stringy poop hanging in his anus. I'm medicating him using Azoo's Anti Internal parasite, how should I know if the parasites are gone? He's still swimming jerkily and showing stress stripes
  24. Tyler_Fishman

    Importance of LED's

    About a week ago I went to Home Depot to Pick up a few things, I had no luck growing my plants to their full potential, and creating a nice soothing white light that that is visually appealing in the day time. At home depot I picked up a Philodendron plant to go into my HOB filter and a set of...
  25. Tyler_Fishman

    Catfish trouble

    recently I Did a 80% water change, all My fish were fine until My dwarf cories,otocinculus and bristle nose pleco started going for air constantly,they loose a bubble of air like they can't hold it on and then go for a new one Ph 6.7 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 10 Nitrite 0 Tank size 10 Gallon
  26. A

    Betta's fins shredding?

    I'm just wondering if anyone might know what's going on with my bettas fins, at the bottom they look like they are shredding. There is no discolouration where they are shredding, they've never looked like that before. I've had him for 7 months. Thanks
  27. mookat

    Betta missing large piece of fin after two days - Causes?

    Hi all! I just finished cycling a new 5 gallon Fluval Spec V. The tank is holding two nerite snails and a male betta, Tamaki. It has two anubias plants and some ground cover. I had been keeping Tamaki in a hospital bowl since I got him from the LFS about three days prior to releasing him to...
  28. B

    Betta sorority mystery illness

    Hello all, I've recently set up a new betta sorority in a 29 gallon aquarium. The original set up was just plastic plants and some small caves for hiding but I've recently added live plants and driftwood along with new substrate to aide in the plant growth. This is right around where all the...
  29. T

    Wild type betta? Help!

    Hi guys! I recently visited my LPS and saw they had a tank labeled "female bettas", they all looked like the average female betta except one that was much larger and had a much more natural colour. Which of course I then had to purchase her! The LPS told me they had no idea what type she was...
  30. JBlacksmith

    Betta Sorority - Filtering Problem

    I know the topic of betta sororities has been discussed on various forums ad nauseam. . . But I was hoping someone on here might have some advice! How do you filter a heavily planted tank? I've added tons of plants (silk) and decorations to give each female plenty of hiding spots, but I'm...
  31. C

    Betta ate one thing but not the other.

    hello! I'm sure this has been asked before, but my case might be different. I have a male betta, and I got him last Saturday. I bought cheap food at Walmart and he ate a whole pellet of it in his cup when I first got him. I got him a tank, cycled it, added decor and rinsed it all. Also used the...
  32. dopey696

    Betta problems

    Hello peoples. My betta that I've had for about a year now seems to be having some problems. I first noticed about a week ago that it was a bit lethargic and not moving as much as it usually does. It seems to have no energy, doesn't swim around, and is always resting on top of things. Today as I...
  33. thebeccatron

    Sad Fish!

    Hello friends, I'm new to fish keeping so I apologise for any obvious mistakes I may have made! I have a lovely 5 gallon tank set up with filter, heater, LED lights. I bought my little guy home a couple of days ago, half moon betta, no obvious discolouration, no ragged fins, no white spots or...
  34. N

    Platy Disappearance

    Hello everyone, I discovered this site and decided to join, as everyone here seems helpful and friendly. I have a question about a mysterious disappearance. I have a 20 gallon betta community tank. In the tank is a crowntail betta, platies, cory catfish, and kuhli loaches. A few days ago, I...
  35. vsparrow

    Lump on Betta fish

    I just got home from college and saw that my betta fish has a lump on the side of his body as well as mild fin rot. I've noticed a decrease in size but not enough that I wont be worried. This is partially my fault because I was keeping him in a small less than a gallon bowl and also my parents...
  36. omega59

    Feeding Betta

    How can i get my Betta to eat the frozen Brine Shrimp (the ones in cubes). i break some into the water it just floats away.
  37. Meesh

    Does my betta have fin rot?

    My betta recently has been depressed and pale compared to the usual, so I have added a new plant (as opposed to a plastic leaf) and heater which he seems to enjoy. While he is looking better (and his water is also looking better), I am wondering if anyone knows if this is fin rot, or if it is...
  38. C

    Does my Betta have Velvet?

    Hello! I have a Dumbo Betta fish and have had him for about 5 months. When I first got him he was very curious, always swimming around his tank and hiding under the shells and skulls I got to decorate it with. For the past 2 weeks he has seemed to lose his curiosity; he either floats at the...
  39. Flinkbag

    Please help! Parasites on Elephant Ear Betta

    Hello there! My once-beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has been looking scrappy and droopy for a while now, and today I noticed he has what I suspect is either velvet or some other nasty external parasite mainly on his head and somewhat on his back. It looks like a slight fuzz has grown on his...
  40. irinasopas

    Introduction and Need urgent help

    Hello. My name is Irina, I love fish. I have an aquarium with guppys, bettas (3 females and 1 male) and others. My female betta is egg bound and I don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP ME.