
  1. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    Hello! I'm new to this forum. I have a half moon betta fish that I've had about four months now. His fins were huge when I first got him, so much so that he seemed to have difficulty swimming. He was very beautiful; this was one of the reasons I picked him out! His first month or so went great...
  2. Crazy_fish_mom


    I'm new to the forum thing but I'm excited to share what I know. I currently have these fish and tanks: 10gallon Mr. Whiskers-Gourami Rebel-Betta Adam-Cory Catfish 6 ghost shrimp- unnamed 5 gallon Midnight-Betta Cory 1&2- Cory catfish 2.5 gallon Luka-Betta 2 gallon Phoenix- Betta...
  3. N

    Help! Betta fry not eating microworms

    After years of keeping bettas and later trying to breed them, I had my first successful spawn. I have read extensively about the breeding process, and many sources recommended microworms as a starter food. Since I already culture microworms for my other fish, I decided to use them for my betta...
  4. Demeter32

    Try for the "blackwater" look

    I very recently learned about black water aquariums and am trying to figure things out with a 10 gallon before possibly doing a 20 gallon. I decided not to mess with changing the pH but if it does change after adding leaves and driftwood, then that's okay. So far, I've added a bunch of oak...
  5. mookat

    Betta ate an algae wafer. Now what?

    So Ruth, my year and a half old betta, decided to eat *an entire tetra algae wafer* intended for the two mystery snails that occupy his tank. I had not given them algae wafers previously, so did not expect Ruth to be such a piggy; he had also just had three frozen blood worms. 24 hours later...
  6. RIOT1o1

    Betta bumped his head?

    Would like some help identifying this oddity. There's a small white bump on the side of my betta's head and it looks like some of the scales surrounding it are damaged. He lives with one other fish (a little guppy) in a 40g tank (had some issues in the past and almost the entire tank population...
  7. Flubberlump

    Can't keep temperature stable throughout tank

    Tank size - 25ltr (~6.5gal) planted Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 10-20 pH - 7 Temperature - should be 27C throughout Inhabitants - 1 male betta splendens, 3 Sulawesi snails Plants - bacopa amplexicaulis, cryptocorne moellmanii, Anubias nana mini, dwarf hairgrass, water lettuce I have a 25w...
  8. Flubberlump

    Fishless cycling for one fish

    Hi. I was hoping for some opinions on my fishless cycle. I have a new 25ltr tank to house a betta. I added a sponge from my mature 120ltr tank last week. It was the sponge closest to the filter inlet so it was the one most covered in gunk. The following day, the ammonia in the tank was at about...
  9. Ammolite

    Preparing for a female betta sorority tank

    As i am moving to a new village, the LFS happens to sell a fantastic range of young female bettas and it was a tuff decision but I definitely want to create an aquascape sorority tank. The tank will not be set up until i have moved in and will be fully cycled before adding in the girls. The LFS...
  10. Flubberlump

    Impromptu betta purchase!

    I've wanted a betta tank for ages. It was one of those things that I kept saying I would get once we'd decorated the new house (also under orders from the boyfriend.) I went to my LFS last Friday to get fish for my other tank, and in with the albino cories I bought was the most beautiful yellow...
  11. Ammolite

    Quickly advancing finrot, help!

    About 3 weeks ago i 'rescued' a betta from my local pet store, he was being sold as a half moon but clearly wasn't (He's actually a delta tail upon further research) He was significantly smaller then any betta i'd seen being sold at the store, so i suspected he was a juvenile. He was sitting at...
  12. A

    One Mystery Snail Growing But The Other Isn't.

    I have a gold mystery snail in with one neon tetra, the others died, one Glofish, and an albino Cory. It has gotten quite a bit bigger since I got it, but my sister has a black mystery snail in with her betta and it is still very small. Her betta is a bit aggressive but he hasn't really been...
  13. FroFro

    Betta Flaring Again, Tank Background?

    I recently bought a new aquarium for my betta, still five gallon but a bowfront that fits easier on the stand, yes his tank is cycled and he is doing fine :D   My question though, I purchased a new light to help a small anubias plant start to grow and it illuminates the tank nicely, however my...
  14. S

    Problem: Betta Is Gobbling Up Tankmates Food!

    I recently started a planted 10gallon aquarium for my Betta and am using corner filters to reduce flow for his fins. He seemed to be pacing around and lonely, so I decided to get him tankmates. I ultimately decided on a school of ten White Cloud Minnows, who luckily have seen no aggression from...
  15. Ammolite

    Trellimars Battle With Dropsy (Advice Appreciated!)

    Thanks to help in a previous topic I found that my betta, Trellimar, is suffering from the early signs of dropsy. I moved him straight into a hospital tank (3Gallon) to try and improve his condition and hopefully, save him. I thought id post a topic on his situation for advice, and as a daily...
  16. Ammolite

    Betta Identification Help Needed

    So i recently brought a new boy, Ammolite (named after the rainbow gemstone) he lost some of his tail to a filter accident in the store but has been making great progress so far, he's lively and loveable and the prettiest betta i have!  I just don't know what breed he is! I got him as a...
  17. Ammolite

    Sick Betta?

    I have two male betta fish in one 30L tank, divided by thick mesh, Ammolite (an unknown breed) and Trellimar (A huge royal blue half-moon) They cannot see each other at all, just to give some basic information as the sickness hasn't come from stress from each other.   Trellimar for the past two...
  18. cowgirluntamed

    Planaria Or Detritus Worms? it seems I may have went from one problem to another one!!! I'm not sure what these little white, thread like worms are. They are very tiny! And my betta is having some issues as well(though I noticed this before I noticed the Hydra that I just dealt with! betta's fins are...
  19. B

    Basically Another Betta Caresheet

    Be aware of what you are getting into before you purchase a Betta fish. Know that these fish can live up to 10 years under the proper care, so do your research before buying. The minimum tank size (officially) for a Betta Splenden is 2.5 Gallons with a heater and filter. Please don't keep a...
  20. Flinkbag

    Clamped Pectoral Fin In Elephant Ear Betta

    Hey all!   I returned home to find my beautiful Elephant Ear Betta, Raj, has one pectoral fin clamped ('stuck' is a better word for it, it looks like its plastered to his body!) to his side. It appears to only be half stuck to his body, because he can still move the bottom portion of it. The...
  21. Flinkbag

    Need Help With Planted Tanks

    Hey all!   So I set up 2 16L tanks 2 weeks ago, and they've developed this ugly brown algae thats covering everything. I'm aware its virtually impossible to keep algae out of planted aquariums, but is there any way to keep it at bay? I can barely see my betta in one of the anymore! D:    Both...
  22. StephanieHinsley


    So I currently have only one fish in a 25-30 gallon tank of brackish water. He's a silver Molly with black spots named Rorik, and ever since his mom died, he's been alone. As a social fish, I worry about him, so I've been thinking about getting him a few tank mates. I'm trying to be careful, one...
  23. B

    Major Fin Rot, Progressed To Severe Body Rot! Need Advice Asap

    This betta is in really bad shape, I've never seen a fish with fin rot this severe. So I got the fish a little over two weeks ago from a prof at my university who uses Betta in behavior studies. When I got him he was already missing about 50% of his fins from a previous bout of fin rot but the...
  24. W

    Betta Fish Possibly Injured/went Without Air

    Tank size: 5G pH: 7.4 ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 0ppm tank temp: 76.4 F (usually 78-80 F) Hard Water 20% water change today prior to incident/20% weekly water changes This is more of a possible injury concern than sickness that has come upon my betta.  He is the sole inhabitant of his...
  25. W

    Greetings From Wesley The Veil Tail Betta

    I am new to the site and joined with a question about my two small tanks that I have since resolved!  I have a 1G snail/shrimp tank and a 5G betta/shrimp tank.  Both are Aqueons and have the filters the setup came with.  I have had Wesley the veil tail betta for 14 months and am new to the...
  26. W

    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    I have had my male Betta for 14 months and recently moved him from a 1G to a 5G Aqueon MiniBow.  Eventually I'd prefer a 10G or larger but for now want to make the 5G as comfortable as possible.  In the meantime I was hoping to use the 1G as a plant tank and before doing proper research added 10...
  27. Flinkbag

    Is It Supposed To Be Like This?

    Hello all!   So I bought a heater today to help nurse a sick Betta to health, and the heater I bought is a Marina Submersible heater, 25w. I noticed at the store that all of those heaters seemed to have some type of padding in the bottom where the actual heating area is. Im guessing its for...
  28. S

    Interesting Situation

    So I have two bettas, one is a male, almost 3 and a half years old and the other is a young female. I recently acquired a 30gal tank which I set up to see if it was sound and to make sure all the parts worked, and then, for giggles, put the two in to see how they would do. The male betta has...
  29. eslingerl10

    How To Lower My Tank Ph?

    I have one male betta kept in a 3 gallon tank, filtered. I do 50% water changes every week because the tank is cycled, and the temperature is constant at 76 degrees fahrenheight. The pH currently is about 7.8, but I need the pH to be 7 or a little bit lower. My question is how can I safely use...
  30. T

    Betta In A 10G Community Tank.

    First off, I want to know if this is even possible. If it isn't, I will back off this idea entirely and put my betta in by himself. If it is even possible, I would like to know if I could put 5 neon tetra in with him. I have a separate tank ready in case anything goes south. I will properly...
  31. T

    Hi All.

    Hi all. greetings. I am a new member from Indonesia and a freshwater fish hobbyist especially betta fish. hopefully to share knowledge here..
  32. T

    Help! Cory Catfish Suddenly Dying.

    Hello, I purchased a Betta in February. Shortly after I got 2 Albino Cory Catfish to live with my Betta. Things went well so I got a third Cory in the beginning of March. I have a 3.5 gallon tank and I have some moss balls in it. I brought the water in to Petsmart and they tested it for me...
  33. fropuf

    Help First Time Doing My Own Tank!

    Hello everyone! I have plans for a new 55 gallon freshwater tank. Money is no factor right now, but I want to see if my idea is even feasible.   The tank will be 55 gallons, but can be upgraded to 75 gallons. Bottom substrate is probably going to be gravel with sand covering it. Plant life is...
  34. Demeter32

    Planted Betta Sorority (Pic Heavy)

    JUST SO YOU KNOW, this is going to be really long.    I've been wanting to get me a nice planted tank going for my single royal blue female betta. After doing a bit of research I decided to make a planted sorority tank and get a more females. After talking to a friend who lives on the other side...
  35. S

    Need Help Choosing Setup

    Ok so im new to the whole fish world and i love it i currently have a 5 US Gallon tank filter heater fake plants decor gravel and its cycled and has been doing well for about a month with my betta fish in it, well i want a new tank :D this time bigger and i want it to be planted but my problem...
  36. cooledwhip

    Female Betta Tank?

    Hey everyone. A few years ago I was really into bettas and had 2 really nice bettas I ordered on aquabid. They were really pretty and not the petsmart muts. (no offense ;)   Anyway, they died off a little while ago and for about a couple months I never had fish. I recently got back into it, I...
  37. C

    Betta Exposed To Melafix

    Hi Everyone!   I have two tanks: a divided 5.5gal with two male bettas and a 20gal community tank with a female betta. About a month ago I treated both tanks with Melafix. I noticed my bettas becoming more lethargic, so I researched "bettas and Melafix" and sure enough I found information saying...
  38. B

    Help Finding The Culprit.

    I have a female betta sorority tank with 4 females. I went away for the weekend but they were being fed while I was gone. My alpha female now has badly shredded fins, is struggling to swim, labored breathing and mostly on the bottom of the tank. I did take her out and placed her in a smaller...
  39. D

    Betta Fish With Clamped Fins

    So I got my fish, Sola, a few weeks ago. She was originally living in my dorm room at school. I use Top Fin water conditioner to treat the water and kept her in a 1.5 gallon bowl with 2 fake plants (grass and something tall for her to sleep on). She was fine, active, and happy. admittedly the...
  40. eslingerl10

    Does My Betta Have Fin Rot?

    Hello! I am fairly new to this hobby (about 3-4 months in), and I've begun my hobby by purchasing a 3 gallon half-moon tank with a whisper filter and a heater to keep the water at 78 degrees. I figured this would be the best environment for my Crowntail Betta after I did some research saying...