
  1. B

    Size of tank for 3 betta fish?

    Hi There, What size of tank would work for three male betta fish, I'm thinking a 75L with dividers, or do I need something substantially larger? Would appreciate some help guys! Many Thanks! New Potential Betta owner
  2. T

    Unusual water change help

    So I know how to normally change my betta's water when his tank and the new water are the same temperature. The issue is I live in a dorm with no AC so I have a fan on his little tank so the temperature doesn't go too high. However, because of the fan on his water, the water I want to add is a...
  3. H

    Rescue Betta and Fin Rot

    I recently bought a new betta from the dreaded Walmart. His antiseptic water had faded from bright blue to clear, he had absolutely no food, and it appeared that he has a pretty terrible case of fin rot. I've had many happy and healthy bettas and when I saw his condition it broke my heart to see...
  4. J

    Help Sick Betta

    Please help us figure out what is wrong with our sick betta fish, Indigo! We have had him for 10 months and recently he has been acting very strange. He lays at the bottom of his 2.5 gallons filtered and heated tank and doesn’t move. We thought he was dead but his gills are moving, and when you...
  5. C

    Growth on betta?

    Hey guys so today I bought a Half moon Mascot betta and we all noticed he had a growth on his tail, he seems fine otherwise but I just wanted to know if anyone knows what it is or if I can somehow remove it? if not that's fine just don't want it to get bigger and it start to affect him. pictures...
  6. P


    I'm hoping to get a quick response here but due to Hurricane Irma I'm evacuating and I'm taking some of my fish with me. I have a 16 gallon tropical aquarium that's in a safe place and I'll have someone able to check on them before and after the storm. In another tank I have a betta and albino...
  7. M

    Chronic fin rot - nothing's working

    My betta, Watson, is a rescue fish. He's got a bent spine but it hasn't effected him much at all. I moved and the stress caused him to eat a good portion of his tail. It's been growing back but he's had fin rot the entire time (almost 4 months now) and nothing I've tried has gotten rid of it, on...
  8. T

    Betta Disease Identification Help???

    Hey guys, I'm super lost in all the forums and info on the internet, I can't seem to find anything that helps me. Can't post on the "Betta" forum either it seems so... I have a female beta and she's been looking and doing great until now. I had her in an unfiltered 2 gallon tank previously with...
  9. L

    First-time owner: Fin rot?

    Hello, I'm a first-time fish owner so forgive me if I'm ignorant on the subject. I have a half moon betta that I've had for about 7 months now that seems to have chronic fin rot. He lives in a fluval chi 5 gallon by himself, with a constant temperature of about 78 degrees (I use a tetra 2-10...
  10. A

    Fishless cycle with fish food?

    Hey, I am currently doing a fishless cycle (trying to anyway) before getting my Betta, I bought some fluvan enhancer but have decided against that and to do it with fish food instead, today I put a few decent size flakes in to get it to 3ppm, how long should i leave it before testing for ammonia...
  11. F

    Stocking help....

    So i had a betta that recently passed away. :unsure: The good news out of that is I get to pick out new fish. I have a ten gallon tank that my betta was in all by himself. I am kinda going in the direction of a community tank, and I have some ideas but i don't know which one would work out...
  12. VelvetBetta

    10 gal community tank

    I got a betta (velvet thunder) about a mount ago since then I have added 5 harliquen rasboras and 6 glow light tetras. Thunder was fine with this he still acts the same and does not chance or attack them. I was thinking of getting some Pygmy corydoras and I was wondering how many I should get...
  13. C

    Sick Betta?

    hey guys! so I got a 9L Betta tank for a Veil Tail called Artemis and suddenly it's N02 went from 0 to 2.0 over night for no reason causing him to get fin rot which I straight away got a new 8L tank and put him in and has been fine ever since then I tried again with my new Half-moon Atlantis...
  14. P

    Beginner with aquarium and Betta fish care inquiries

    This will be the second time I attempt to have and care for my own fish (the first time a year ago ended badly due to me being misinformed on proper Betta care - the usual misinformation, unfortunately) The aquarium I am getting: Penn Plax WW113K Radius 10 Gallon Glass Aquarium Kit --- *Once...
  15. C

    New to bettas... Does my fish look healthy?

    Hello, I just got Jasper a couple weeks ago, and he has looked like this since I got him. I have fasted him for a couple days but it didn't look like a constipation bump so I stopped doing that. He eats 4 pellets a day (2 in the morning 2 at night) and gets an occasional frozen blood worms. He...
  16. R

    Heaters!!!! help!!!

    I have a lovely crowntail named omega who I have had for almost 2 years. I have recently put him in a 5 gallon acrylic tank. I have never had a heater on him and he has never acted like he was cold...very active fish.....but my house is not always warm and id like to warm him up. But I have...
  17. M

    Betta Swim Bladder?

    My Betta is acting strange since about a week and half. He hangs out at the top of the tank and was swimming sideways for just a couple seconds a few times. But I thought it was odd how he swam. Now his tankmates are starting to pick on him, i fear its because he is sick and weak and now they...
  18. S

    EMERGENCY! New betta fin rot??

    i got this male betta a little over a week ago and had him in a 1.5 gal bowl and two days ago i moved him to a 3.5 gallon tank with a filter and heater, my thermometer says the temp is at 81 degrees, but i've noticed a black outline on his tail and it kinda looks like the ends of his fins are a...
  19. P

    new betta spitting out food

    hi! i recently bought a half-moon dumbo (from petsmart), and he's been spitting out his food. i drop a pellet in, he goes for it and tries to eat it, but spits it right back out! he seems pretty healthy, and i'm keeping him in (i think) good conditions (2.5 gallon tank with a sponge filter and...
  20. B

    Betta sitting on top after water change

    Hello! We have had our fish for about a month now, and my mom changes the water once a week. She doesn't perform a complete water change, but she does change most of it. Ever since she's changed the water a couple of hours ago, our fish has not been moving at all. We gave the bowl a couple of...
  21. Demeter32

    Micro planted tank

    I've been thinking to start up a small tank for shrimp and now I've finally bought an all glass 3.4gal. It came with a clear plastic cover (leaves about 1.5 inch gap at the back) and a small but surprisingly powerful internal filter. I already bought a mini heater a week ago so I had everything...
  22. G

    Close Encounters of the Bird Kind

    Hello all! I recently brought home a male betta fish named Aidan. He lives very happily in the ten-gallon tank on my desk... the desk that also happens to be the favorite stomping ground of my young ESA cockatiel Cassie. Cassie approaches the tank, very curious about the small, shiny...
  23. G

    Betta with Pygmy Corys?

    Hello all! I recently revived my ten-gallon tank after several years of disuse, and decided to bring home a betta fish. He's a very shy little fellow so far. I love him, and I wouldn't want to cause him stress (or stress any other fish), so I want some second opinions--would adding pygmy...
  24. Woody781

    Fighter with other fish??

    Just wondering if anyone had put a fighter in with any other fish before and how did it go?? I have a 34L tank with 6 Neon Tetras and 2 Borneo Catfish. A friend came over last night to visit and was very sceptical that my other fish would survive with a fighter and if it was possible I would...
  25. musicalbetta

    my enraged betta fish

    I have a betta fish named Thomas Jefferson & he's a very healthy fish in a 5 gallon tank, but everyday he flares his gills and gets into that betta fighting mode. I tried my best to prevent him from seeing his reflection too much, but he still acts the same. He lives with a nerite snail named...
  26. YamiHime

    Help! Sudden clamped fins!

    Hello! I got a new betta about 3 weeks ago. My tank is cycled an it is reading either 0- .25 ammomia and 0 Nitrites. It does have nitrates but I haven't checked the reading since I got him. I'm not sure what has happened. I got a new heater so the temp is always around 75-80F and I do 25%...
  27. LyraGuppi

    Crowntail Duo

    (Apologies if this thread gets photo heavy. The post below was supposed to be posted yesterday, but my neighbor's fireworks weren't as loud as I thought, and I had some issues uploading pictures. Hopefully everything works now.) The same relative I got the 55 gallon aquarium from also had three...
  28. K


    help!!! So I'm about two weeks into my fish less cycle to get my betta fish. I bought live plants and two moss balls... Two weeks pass and I see these blotches..., and they're snails???? there's about 5!!!! I mean what are they? Are they safe? Will they contaminate my betta? Sorry if my...
  29. K

    Betta and shrimp

    hello! Looking for advice from some lovely fish people!! I bought a 15litre biorb then read all the horror stories and was devastated. Wanted to put minnows in but it was too small. I cried lol!! Anyway, I've decided to house a lovely little betta once my tank has cycled (currently nearly a...
  30. T


    Hey all, sorry if this is in the wrong section of the forums I am new to this site! Anyways, I have a question about Aquabid & bidding, currently I am in the bid for this black betta & was the first bidder / highest bidder, until someone started outbid me, whenever I make a bid (increase by...
  31. Tyler_Fishman

    Sad news

    I regret to inform everyone that I am leaving the hobby for a few years, as I was forced to get rid of my fish, they are going to new homes, besides my betta, which now sadly resides in a bowl in my sister's room. the 10 gallon has been drained, and all the fish, are going soon, until I am old...
  32. S

    New to fishes

    I'd like to know if I could keep 1 male betta and 1 african dwarf frog in a 3.5 gallon tank together or would that be too much?
  33. A

    Fin rot won't stop

    About a week and a half ago I noticed my Betta had some fin rot starting, and after some reading I started doing daily 90% water changes and adding salt, but nothing seems to work really and it's getting pretty bad - he's lost about a quarter of his fin's length and honestly I'm pretty freaked...
  34. Ledahbear

    My betta sleeps all the time? Dangerous?

    Hi everyone. I got my Male Veiltail Betta around halloween in 2016. His name is Hallo. When i got him we put into our old ten gallon tank. His tank is filtered, heated, and he has a bubble thing as well as a thermometer. Around February we got him a tank mate - a juvenile butterfly loach who we...
  35. B


    My betta has had a swollen belly for the past couple of days. He's still swimming around, wanting to eat, and overall acting pretty normal. I'm worried because after researching I discovered something as horrible as dropsy exists. I've looked at the all the symptoms and looked at Bruce. There...
  36. A

    Fungus on Betta?

    Hi guys ^_^ this is my first post. I was wondering if I could get some help identifying if this is fungus or just natural white patch on my betta's head. I really don't know what to think of it. He is acting normal; eating fine and building a bubble nest etc.
  37. C

    Help please! Mystery illness. Columnaris? Long thread like lent on fin.

    Tank size: 10 gallon cube - filled halfway - planted tank/plants above and below water line. More description in text below pH: 6/6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0 kH: 0 gH: 0 tank temp: 78 degrees Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior)...
  38. D

    Sick betta!!

    Around Christmas my little sister got a betta, but I pretty much took care of him. About a month ago he got ich, we gave him medicine it sorta cleaned up but there still are spots on him, so we still give him the treatment. A few days ago I noticed ALOT of fluffy algae, so today I cleaned out...
  39. Mortiferous

    What colour category is watson?!

  40. TheBettaMan

    Betta Breeders in California

    Hello everyone, I am looking for dumbo ear bettas for my new tank. Does anyone know any breeders around California or inside the US who breed pretty bettas? Thanks in advance!