
  1. HalfTailedOwner

    UPDATE: My Betta Died... What Exactly do I do now?

    My Betta, Bo, has unfortunately died. I'm gonna be honest, I'm a little crushed. I got him when I struggled with both emotional and physical problems, and it was nice to see him around even though he slept a lot--but otherwise, he swam around and explored my tank when he was awake. If it...
  2. W

    Need help identifying betta

    Hi! I got my male betta (Bob) from a local fish store here. They simply labeled him as a “koi betta”... I’m new to bettas so I don’t know what kind of betta he is >< help!!
  3. Fishguy13

    Questions about keeping betta

    Hello all, I have seen many amazing pictures of betta on here and now I am looking to get some, and I just had a few questions. I am actually hoping to breed them do you recommend that to a person who has been keeping fish for a bit over a year? and can you keep shrimp with or will they be eaten?
  4. Bettapuppy

    My tank has live plants in it now!

    I decided to add some live plants to my betta tank! I added the moss ball a few months ago and it's still healthy so I thought I might try my luck with a few others as well. I added a java fern and two anubias. I keep my LED light on for 10+ hours a day, is there anything else you guys recommend...
  5. HalfTailedOwner

    Rotting + Nipped Fins?

    So if you didn't know already... my betta's fins ended up being ripped because of other fish my dad bought. We returned them and he seems to be doing fine. However, I noticed after a few weeks what appears to be fin rot? What exactly should I do about it? Parameters are as follows: 10 gallon...
  6. HalfTailedOwner

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Hi, I'm still new to the hobby after a month of fish keeping. I've noticed by betta is still alive, which means I've probably done something right. I just bought a testing kit today (besides the ammonia kit) and have been able to check all the results. Here are the tank parameters in my 10...
  7. SpeedyTheBetta

    (Week 1) Walstad Tank with Speedy the Betta | No CO2, No Ferts & Heater

    Hi there, I am for 6months now into this hobby and i really loved it! I like Natural planted tanks & Provide an ecosystem where plants and fish balance each other's needs. so learned about it and created my planted tank. I use organic soil and gravel, for plants i picked alot of fast growing...
  8. R

    Betta in 7,6 gallon

    Hello, I am making an aquarium which is about at a minimum 7,6 gallon. I am unsure if a betta can be in this tank as it is long but have a low water-level ca. 4,4 inches.
  9. Jimbob1223

    Need help with Betta breeding

    So I have bred and sold a few types of fish over the past few years but I wanted to try something more challenging as I have some extra time to do so in the near future. Breeding Bettas has been a dream of mine ever since I got into the hobby and now that I am educated on how to do so and I have...
  10. HalfTailedOwner

    PLEASE help!! My tank is at 8.0 ppm...

    Hi, just need to put some information before I start. 10 gallon tank 72 F water Has a filter, and an air stone water is conditioned I originally had a male doubled tailed betta in the tank--and everything was going smoothly. He is still alive after a month after I got him. However, my dad...
  11. C

    Why isn’t my baby betta growing?

    I bought a baby female betta about 5 months ago. She’s been very happy, healthy, and active, however she hasn’t grown in size much at all since I got her. Is it something I’m doing wrong or do they just grow really slow?
  12. F

    Obsessively Flaring at Matte Black Wall

    I got a new betta, Artax, about a month ago. When I first got him, he had swim bladder disorder which I have since fixed but now he has gotten a different problem. After he was cured, he was a normal little fishy just gaining weight back. He was super calm and docile. I had a shrimp in with him...
  13. L

    ADF and now Betta suddenly super sick! Please help!

    Took this format from another fish forum, all details below. What is the water volume of the tank? 6.8 gallons How long has the tank been running? 2 months Does it have a filter? Yes Does it have a heater? Yes What is the water temperature? 80 F What is the entire stocking of this tank...
  14. G

    Help! My betta fish is acting strange

    i just bought a half-moon betta a month ago and he was perfectly fine for most of that time. I started him out in water that had been cleaned with filter charcoal. After about 3 weeks he got lethargic and started to sit at the bottom of the tank more often. My tank has a waterfall filter so I...
  15. A

    Bettafix for whole tank?

    I have a 10 gallon community tank with a betta, 6 neon tetras, and 2 albino Cory catfish. I’ve had this tank for a little over a year with no problems. A couple weeks ago, I noticed what I suspect to be fin rot on my bettas tail. I went to the pet store in search of some medicine, but the...
  16. T

    Can I feed Betta micro crisps?

    Hello, today I bought a Betta for my aquarium and was wondering if I can feed them micro crisps by the brand tetra. It says on the side they are for all ornamental fish. Thanks .
  17. T

    Help Identifying Colour / Tail of Betta?

    Hi there, Totally new to this, fell in love with this 'yellow half moon' betta (as labelled in store). At home in his new tank he is a pale pink colour, covered in metallic/neon blue scales. His tail is yellow, fading out to purple, with those metallic blue streaks again. Is there a name for...
  18. HalfTailedOwner

    Help -- Betta Fish Not Interacting?

    Hi, last Wednesday I bought a double tailed betta. Ever since then I've noticed he doesn't interact much and is growing slower. A few days ago he only stuck to one side of the tank rather and sleep in the corner. He doesn't notice when I eat or try to interact with him. At first, I thought he...
  19. HalfTailedOwner

    Betta Fish Isn't Swimming a lot

    Hi, I am a new fish owner... but before I'll start I'll provide some information on the betta habitat: Tank temp: 26C Tank size: 10 Gallons The betta fish is the only fish in the tank Water is dechlorinated Has a biofilter Has a heater Has an air pump The betta does eat However, when it...
  20. Bettapuppy

    Water change question

    How exactly do you do large water changes in a heated tank? I’m doing 75% water changes in my bettas tank right now as he has fin rot. I let treated tap water sit out for a few hours to get to room temperature (about 70 degrees F), but his heater is set at 78. He is sitting in a cup right now...
  21. Bettapuppy

    I think my betta has fin rot

    I think my betta may have fin rot. I hope I have attached the picture correctly so you all can see. He is a two tailed half moon so one of those breaks in his tail is normal, lol. I did about a 30% water change on Friday. I first noticed a rip in his tail about two weeks ago and I thought maybe...
  22. H

    Turning Off Filter for Old Betta

    Hi guys! I am very sad because my 4 year old betta is starting to slow down and spends all his time resting at the bottom of the tank.(water parameters are good, he’s been slowing down for a while now) In order to breathe, he has to rush to the top and then goes immediately back down. I feel bad...
  23. Jimbob1223

    A couple questions about Betta breeding

    So I have been in the Aquarium hobby for a while now and I recently got my first Betta fish and put him in a heavily planted 5.5-gallon tank. I have done a lot of research on Bettas and I have no problem looking after mine but I have noticed my betta has been building bubble nests lately and is...
  24. F

    Strange Fungal or Bacterial Disease?

    Hi all, I’ve come here because I’m having problems with my 1 year old female betta. Over the past month or so, she’s developed a white sort of fuzz or flaky looking fungus primarily on her head. When we first noticed it, we treated her with primafix, and it went away. About a week later, it...

    Fishless Cycle: Did it complete?

    Hi all, First time post to this forum. It's been over 7 years since I had an aquarium up and running, so my memory is kinda foggy. I am in the process of doing a fishless cycle. Here are the tank basics: - Size: 5g tank - Future fish: betta - Substrate: Caribsea Eco Complete - Plants: 1...
  26. RedSarah

    New Betta - help identifying color/pattern?

    Hi all! I went to the LFS planning to pick up some plants and a few more amano shrimp... and I left with a lovely betta named Queenie. I recently lost the fish in my 5.5 gallon, so it has been sad and unoccupied for the first time in almost two years -- needless to say, I'm glad to have...
  27. V

    Something is on my Betta's head

    Hello! About a month ago, I got a beautiful blue crowntail betta from a Pet Supplies Plus. He didn't seem to have anything wrong with him until I saw something white sticking out of the right side of his head. He still swims and eats fine, though. It has been there for about a week now, and I...
  28. Renvdn

    Does my betta have Velvet? I’m so worried

    my betta was sold to me as a green white mask betta from a very trusted breeder. Since then he’s turned all blue. maybe I’m just paranoid but when shining a light on him he has a gold sheen, it may just be his coloring but without a light shining on him he is perfectly blue with no signs of...
  29. S

    Help! I'm concerned and don't know what to do!!!

    Hi! So in January I purchased a new betta fish and set him up in a 2.5 gallon tank with heater and filter. I also had the intentions of buying an upgrade. He had been only one day in the store since they had gotten in a new shipment, or so I was told. He was vibrantly colorful, but very shy...
  30. F

    Which fish should I buy?

    Hello, I would like to ask if someone could recommend if I should buy a honey gourami or a Betta which I plan on having in a 105 litre tank with corydoras and possibly ember tetras. Thank you
  31. ukdamon

    Betta and Cherry Shrimp

    Does anyone keep a Betta with their shrimp? How do they get on? Does the Betta eat all the young?
  32. A

    Seeking input on the appearance/health of my Betta

    This is Toby. He's a half moon male Betta and I've had him since last summer (2018). I am new to the hobby and haven't had a fish since I was in elementary school so for all intents and purposes this is my first fish. He lives in a 3 gallon filtered tank with a mini heater. The tank also has a...
  33. A

    Understanding water test/ lowering ammonia

    I recently started up a tank. I used to keep bettas with my grandma (mostly just helped her feed them lol) and didn’t realize what care went into fish keeping. That being said, I had an impulse moment and bought a betta. I had him in a ten gallon alone but wanted to start a community because he...
  34. W

    My betta may be dying. I need help.

    I have a sweet little half-moon female bettaI've only had around for maybe a month and a half now. Last night she got sucked into the filter intake (it didn't have a cap and I didn't notice it was defective) and she came out pretty strong once I unplugged it, bent up a bit and missing scales...
  35. F

    Help! BETTA FISH

    My beloved fish has been sick for about a month now. Ive tried desperately to figure out what is wrong with him and despite all my research I cant figure out whats wrong. He is visable fine scale and fin wise. He isnt constipated. However, he is extremely lethargic. When he does eat, he throws...
  36. A

    Is This Fin Rot Or Worms On My Betta?

    I got a male betta recently to breed with my female later and I realized when he flares his bottom fins dont flare and I realised a little white wormish thing on there. I dont know if its worms or fin rot but can someone tell me? I'll post links to photos because this space limit wont let me...
  37. Charlie’s Keeper

    Betta Charlie Starting to Have Shredded Looking Fins

    Hi there! About a month ago I posted a form here: about my betta Charlie. He was looking good for about a month but all of a sudden over two days his fins have started looking shredded at the ends. I’ve...
  38. C

    Help. My friend's betta is sick.

    My friend asked me to take a look at her betta. He'd been doing fine until a few days ago when she noticed a white spot near his anus. I was hoping someone might be able to help us diagnose him.
  39. F

    Sick Betta. HELP!

    My betta fish, Clifford, is in a 3.5 gallon tank with a heater and filter (and two moss balls). Last week I noticed blackish fin edges vs. his normal white fin edges. I suspected fin rot so I put him on tetra lifeguard and have been doing 50% water changes every day, at the end of treatment he...
  40. V

    My betta’s fins are slowly thinning...

    Hello! My poor betta fish seems to be having thinning fins. I’ve noticed a gradual thinning in his pectoral fins, but recently they seem to be getting worse. His dorsal and caudal fin seem to be thinning now, too. Here are some photos I took during his tank cleaning yesterday. You can see how...