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  1. S


    One the retile food it says it is also for frogs and the lfs recamened it when I asked what to feed my frog. Thanks for your advice Inchworm. I am getting a bigger tank soon so I will beable to move my fish before my albino gets too big. :alien: :fun:
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    ghost shrimp

    I don't know if the ghost shrimp go buy anthor name, but I got mine at Wal-mart. So you might want to check at your nearst shopping center if your lfs doesn't have them. ;)
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    Is my heater broken

    I heard a red tail shark is a good tank mate for balas. But the balas need to be kept in a group, and you can only have one red tail. The red tails are agressive fish so it would be a bad idea to put smaller fish in with it. :/
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    My new 60gal Tank

    Wow. Looks nice. :drool:
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    Wanna help name my Fish

    I also had a sucker fish(pleco I think?) named BJ. Meaning the same as above. ;) My blue batta was rainbow, because he had a colorful tail that looked like a rainbow when he swam. A white betta name Pearl, he was shiny and as precious as a pearl. My bala shark was fins, the only part on him...
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    Hi never2bknown I have 2 rosy reds 5 ghost shrimp a pleco a snail and a albino frog. Sorry to hear about your moms bettas I know the feeling. My second betta died by freezing to death when I went to my families for a couple days and the person who was suppost to be watching my animals turned...
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    Waah, I just killed 3 fish

    Sorry about the lost. I know the feeling. Good luck with getting your fish back stable and healthy. :/ :sad:
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    Biggest pleco competition..?

    My pleco is only 2 inches long. I only got it a week and a half ago, so I'm sure it will grow. ;)
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    Please recommend a fish to me

    I read somewhere that bettas kill shrimp, so that wouldn't be a good idea. Tho they are good bottom cleaners. Just not with bettas. :no:
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    Please recommend a fish to me

    I don't know how much room a snail needs, or if it needs cycled water, but they do a great job of eating algae. I have a light colored mystery snail in my ten gallon, and it doesn't bother any of the fish. It could also hid in its shell if the betta gets in a bad mood about having company. :(...
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    If you have hair algae

    This sounds like a dumb question, but isn't algae a type of mold? :/
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    Aquatic Frogs

    I have an albino frog right now and he/she is about half the size of my pinky. How big is it going to get? I have it in with my other fish and he doesn't seem interested in anything other than the pellet food and the rock. Will this change and if so how soon? :huh:
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    Turtle Care?

    What kind of turtle is it? And is it land or aquatic? :dunno:
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    Thank you for your advice. ;)
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    I accaidently bought a clawed frog, and he has not eaten any of my fish. :kana: He mostly stays under my rock. And cannot survive out of the water, so I don't have to worry about him escaping. My fish are rosy reds and shrimp. I feed him reptile pellets which are too big for the fish too eat...
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    I'm sorry not Tifa, but Rhona. I'm horrible with spelling. :whistle:
  17. S


    Thanks for your advice. I notice one new fish lovers pic, a pic of Tifa. :D I also like fanal fantasy. I named my dog Barret. :wub:
  18. S


    Thank you everyone! :wub: :fish:
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    I'm leaving for two weeks, and don't know what my fish tank is going to look like when I get back. Though I'm going to do a 50% water change before I leave. :wub:
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    Can you really?

    Definitly not. But fortuntly my husband can. Thou I am slowly breaking him. He now wants to buy a 75 gallon tank just to watch the fish swim. :D But if I do manage to drag him in the pet store he is just as bad with buying things as I am. :wub:
  21. S

    If you had a 200 gallon tank....

    I would find different types of sharks that get alone together. Like a school of bala with one red tail shark. And see if any other sharks get a long with those two. Sharks are my favorite. Then I would look for a bigger tank and die of happyness, because of all the wonderfull fishes. :wub...
  22. S


    I have two rosy reds, a light colored mystery snail, an albino frog, a small pleco, and 5 ghost shrimp. I was thinking about planting Hardy Aponogeton Bulbs, and a lily plant or something like that. :/ :alien:
  23. S


    I am saving up for a 75 gallon tank or up depending on price differences and room in my house. I want to get some neon, and glow light tetras, bala sharks, and a red tail shark. What else would go good in that kind of a tank? I like veriaty and usually colorfull, active, lively fish. :wub...
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    new tank

    My pleco right now is only the size of my pinky. I looked for the smallest one I could find. The people at the pet store say it will grow to fit the size of my tank, but I looking at geting a 75 gallon asap. Which will probably be four or five months at earllest. So hopefully he wount grow...
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    Some one esle fed them, but it was my cat that knocked the heater into the water. I have fixed that problem, but the person coming to take care of them this time doesn't have any fish of there own, unlike my last friend. I wish I didn't have to move. It's hard trusting people who aren't close...
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    My friend would still have to come over, because I also have two cats, one dog, and ten different plants that all need to be taken care of. I'm just worried about my fish, because last time I had fish I went away for a week and came back to dead fish. Now I'm leaving for two weeks. -_-
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    new tank

    I have been using "Stress Coat" for my fishes. I may have just got bad fish. Two or three of them died before I even got home with them, when I first got them. I wasn't sure exactly what the stress coat did for the fish, but it seemed like a good idea to put it in there, before I added my...
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    Are live plants good for your fish tank? And when they grow how do you do a 100% water change if need be? :angel: :fish:
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    Help needed identifying this plant

    Looks like grass to me. I've seen something like that in Petsmart. But that was in California. Don't know where you are. But I know haven't seen anything like that in Missouri. :alien: :/
  30. S


    Thank you for your advice again. My husband and I were already talking about putting the right amount of food in containers so whoever we get to take care of them can just lift up the feeding slot and dump the food in. Luckly the cats and dog well be a lot easier to take care of. :alien:
  31. S


    Hi hamel. Welcome to the forms. I am new here too. Hope you enjoy learning about fishes. :fun: :alien:
  32. S


    Thank you all for your advice. What kind of disaster stories come with the vacation blocks? Just curious. :alien:
  33. S


    Will my frog and shrimp do fine with out eating for a couple of days? That is what I am most worried about. I have never had anything other than normal fish before. So I am concerened about them, at the pet store they said there is only one way to find out. But I don't want to starve them to...
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    new tank

    I was wonder the same thing about the tem. Maybe the thermanater is wrong. But thanks for the advise about the test I will make sure to buy them asap. But why do the fish seem to be doing good now. Even the snail seems quite active. :/ I will cut down on the feeding.
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    new tank

    I still have my albino frog though now i read a little on the frogs i worried about having him in there. I have five ghost shrimp, a snail, a new pleco and two rosy reds. I have had my tank for almost a week and already did a 25% water change. Though not with treated tap. How would i do that...
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    he wont eat

    Wow I never had any problems with my beta. He ate as soon as I put him in his tank. He would eat beta bites(pellets), tropical fish flakes, and freezed dried blood worms. The fish flakes were for the other fish but he didn't seem to care. :)
  37. S

    Calling all 10 gallon tanks

    In my current 10 gallon I have 2 rosey reds, a snail, a pleco, an albino frog, and five ghost shrimp. In my tank in the past I had a male beta, a bala shark( I didn't know they like to be in groups :*) ) the bala was small, a red tail shark, two tetras, a catfish, and a pleco. It sounds crowed...
  38. S


    I just started my new tank and now my husband and are suppost to leave state for a couple of weeks, and we can't get anyone to come over every day to feed my fish. I have a snail, a pleco, two rosy reds five ghost shrimp, and an albino frog. How often do they have to be feed? I feed the fish...
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    new tank

    The tank is a ten gallon. And I bought one of those test strips that test nitrate, nitrite, total hardness, total alkainity, and ph level. The nitrate was in the safe, the nitrite was safe, total hardness looked between soft and hard I was not 100% sure which one it was, total alkalinity was...